At the same time, Quirrell untied the scarf on his head, revealing the back of his head.

It was a pale human face, with distorted facial features and an indescribable coldness in his eyes.

“Harry Potter, we’re meeting again.” Voldemort said coldly.

Voldemort, who had survived, was currently residing in Quirrell’s body, making him his slave.

And his purpose is also very simple, get the Philosopher’s Stone and restore his peak state.

With Voldemort’s order, Quirrell grabbed Harry’s neck and tried to kill him.

But just then, a miracle happened.

The moment Harry grabbed Quirrell’s palm and resisted.

The guy’s face changed and he wailed in pain.

In just a few moments, his palm turned into a sand and disappeared with the wind.

“Idiot, get the Philosopher’s Stone.” Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Voldemort urged a little anxiously.

Before Quirrell could make a move, Harry rushed over and grabbed the other’s face.

The smooth skin appears like a burning mottled mark, and then quickly sands, begins to crack and decompose.

Quirrell only had time to scream, and the whole person completely shattered, leaving only a magic robe to fall to the ground.

Harry thought that the battle was over, but Voldemort’s soul attacked him, knocked Harry unconscious, and fled.

Soon after, Harry wakes up from his school bed to find Dumbledore guarding his surroundings.

Dumbledore said Hermione and Ron were safe now.

At that time, the Philosopher’s Stone appeared in Harry’s pocket because of the magical rules he arranged.

Only those who want to find the Philosopher’s Stone and do not want to use it can get it.

And Harry triggered this condition.

As for why his hand could hurt Quirrell, it was from Lily’s strong maternal love.

This is an ancient Bloodborne magic, equivalent to a protective charm that is triggered when Harry is harmed, and protects him until he reaches adulthood.

Galen: “Amazing, this magic can actually protect Harry until he becomes an adult.” ”

Galen: “I would call it the strongest juvenile protection law. ”

Little Loli Xia Bean: “Poof, you guys are too engaged.” ”

Little Lori Xia Bean: “However, in this way, before Harry becomes an adult, won’t Voldemort be unable to take him?” ”

Tony: “It’s that simple. ”

Tony: “This is the wizarding world, and there are only a lot of means to kill people without touching the other party.” ”

Tony: “The battle between the two has just begun. ”

Stephen: “Voldemort can actually parasitize on other people’s bodies and exist alone in the form of souls.” ”

Stephen: “It’s really magical.” ”

Rin Tosaka: “Huh? Is that black bizarre coming? (Funny. )”

Stephen: “Just out of curiosity about uncharted territory.” (White eyes.) )”

Luo Ji: “To be honest, I really didn’t expect that Professor Snape was actually a good person. ”

Kurosaki Ichigo: “I really don’t blame you for that. ”

Kurosaki Ichigo: “Who let that gloomy uncle be born with a villain face.” ”

Harry Potter World.

Snape was blinded.

What is a natural villain face.

I’m so terrible.

Thinking of this, he came to the mirror and tried to make a smiling expression.

However, the ideal is plump, and the reality is skinny.

The self who tried to smile in the mirror looked even more terrifying.

The kind that scares a crying child.

There is quite a feeling that the skin is not smiling.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Snape’s whole body was numb.

Forget it, like a villain is like a villain.

I’m used to it anyway.

The video continues.

Dumbledore said that he and Nick Flamel had destroyed the Philosopher’s Stone in order to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

But that probably won’t stop Voldemort.

He would definitely try to restore his physical body by other means.

Time flew by, and soon a year passed.

In the Hall of Magic, Dumbledore announced that it was time to award the House Cup.

Only the highest scores are awarded to the colleges.

Because the three little ones had violated the house rules and had been deducted a large number of points, Gryffindor was in the bottom one.

However, because they worked together to protect the Philosopher’s Stone, they showed extraordinary courage and also received a lot of extra points.

In this way, to a roaring applause, Gryffindor overtook Slytherin to become the first place, winning this year’s House Championship.

A few months later.

During the summer after the end of first year, Harry still lived at his aunt’s house, but his status improved and he had a separate room.

However, the aunt’s family was still quite mean to Harry, which made him feel a little tormented more and more.

In Harry’s eyes, Hogwarts was the real home.

Just as school was about to start, Harry found that the Dursleys had changed into formal clothes and cleaned up the house.

It turns out that on this day, my uncle’s important customers will come to visit, and as long as I receive them well, my uncle’s career will be taken to a higher level.

And Harry’s task is to hide in the bedroom and not come out to make trouble.

Just as he returned to the bedroom, he found that there was an extra uninvited guest here.

A humanoid creature less than a meter tall and ugly and cute.

“Who are you?”

Finding that the other party had no malice, Harry asked boldly.

“Dobby, sir, Dobby the house-elf.”

Dobby the elf replied.

Soon, information about house-elves appeared in the subtitles.

In the wizarding world, house-elves are a very low-status group.

They served their masters diligently, but lived a slave-like life.

More than a decade ago, when Voldemort was still rampant, this tragedy reached its peak.

It wasn’t until he was hit hard by baby Harry and couldn’t get out of his dormancy that the elves’ condition improved slightly.

For this reason, many house-elves have a crush on Harry.

Dobby said he came this time to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts House.

There was already a conspiracy against Harry, waiting for him to jump in.

However, these words were unfounded, and Harry naturally could not easily agree.

Dobby saw that he could not persuade him, so he simply began to trick or treat.

Using magic, he threw a cake in the face of his uncle’s guest.

Seeing that there was a disaster, the witty Dobby immediately flashed people.

Enraged, his uncle locked Harry up and didn’t allow him to return to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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