The video continues.

“I never got it, Bruce.”

“When the other members of the alliance talk, they always think you can beat me.”

“But I only need to look at you to tear you in half.”

“A little breath can freeze your heart.”

“Even the gentlest touch of you is enough to break your bones.”

“And what tricks do you have, Bruce?”

The smoke cleared, Superman slowly fell, and looked at the embarrassed Bruce with some contempt.


Seeing that Batman still wanted to get the kryptonite spear, Clark’s eyes once again released a crimson laser to interrupt the other party’s move.

“I truly believed in you and loved you like family.”

“I believed in the world you promised me.”

“You give me hope for the future.”

Batman’s face was a little painful, and more resentful.

“But now I know that all this is just your lie.”

Bruce Wayne extends his palm to his belt and presses the button.

It was Doom Poison.

In an instant, Bruce Wayne’s body was covered with hideous bone spurs, muscles bulged, and broken arms sprouted.

His height also swelled to a height of four or five meters, like a small giant.


Bruce Wayne grabbed Clark’s head like lightning and threw it the ground.

Grabbing the other man’s neck and spitting out kryptonite gas, he asked, “Who is the weak one now?” ”


Superman, who had been hit by kryptonite gas, fell into a weak state and could not answer at all.

But he didn’t have to answer soon.


Bruce Wayne ran a finger through Clark’s chest like a spear.

Superman is dead.

But Bruce didn’t feel a hint of sadness.

Now he only has the pent-up anger.

It’s too late to act on your own.

If he had spread the Doomsday Disease Poison and used it against Superman.

Then in this universe today, he may not be the only one alive.

Suddenly, the laughing bat appeared.

Seeing this scene, the strong people showed a sure expression.

The pyramid scheme has reappeared.

This guy’s ability to pull people into the gang is top-notch.

The video continues.

The Laughing Bat said the things about the upper world again.

Not only that, but he also told Bruce Wayne that there was a superhuman being in that universe.

And everyone there trusted and loved Clark.

DC Main Universe.


Superman has been missing for a while.

His wife, Louise, met Bruce Wayne while she was off work.

The two shook palms in a friendly manner.

But in this instant, Bruce’s palm became hard and rough, as cold as a stone.


With the sound of the fabric being torn, the Bruce in front of him quickly swelled and turned into a monster four or five meters tall.

That is the Bruce of the Dark Multiverse infected with the Doomsday Disease.

They are also ravages.

“Louis, I wanted to do something that I didn’t have a chance to do in my world.”

“I want to save you from him.”

Along with Bruce’s words, people on the street also began to cough violently, and hideous bone spurs gradually appeared on their faces.

“What’s wrong with them?”

Despite the fear on her face, Louise asked.

“They’re getting stronger.”

“After a few minutes, each of them can kill Superman.”

“I can’t save them in my world, but I can do it here.”

“You don’t think about it.”

A hot gaze shot and flew away.

It turned out that the super girl noticed something unusual and rushed to the scene.

The next moment, the two sides fought together.

Bruce, who has unlimited physical strength and self-healing ability, is extremely powerful in hand-to-hand combat.

Not to mention that he also possesses kryptonite gas that restrains Kryptonians.

Soon, Supergirl fell into the downwind.

Metropolis, completely fell.

As soon as the camera turned, among the towers formed by countless human bodies, Superman was located in it, and his body gradually dried up.

Chat groups.

Klin: “I feel that this Bruce’s blackening is quite helpless. ”

Klin: “Completely blackened by the superman of that world.” ”

Shirou Emiya: “But he is also the most dangerous one. ”

Shirou Emiya: “That kind of doomsday disease and poison spread throughout the city in just a few minutes. ”

Shirou Emiya: “If only it took a little longer…”

Dashi: “Good fellow, enhanced version of Resident Evil.” ”

Kurosaki Ichigo: “Then it’s time to play the blackening scene of the Laughing Bat.” ”

Tony: “That’s true. ”

Tony: “This guy is the craziest and most sane of the Dark Knights. ”

Tony: “The combination of the two is just creepy. ”

Little Lori Xia Bean: “Me too, it feels so scary duck.” ”

The video continues.

Universe minus twenty-two.


Bruce had his hands tied, he knelt on the ground, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he looked very embarrassed.

He was caught by the Joker.

But instead of killing him, the Joker babbled about his plan.

It turns out that in this universe, Batman’s friend Gordon was dissolved by strong acid.

Catwoman and Penguin were also killed one after another.

At this time, Gotham has turned into a sea of fire.

All this is a masterpiece of the Joker.

But none of this satisfied him.

He brought Batman to the scene where the Waynes were murdered.

Then…… The game begins.

“Honey, look what this is?”

“A young and happy family is about to leave the theater …”

The clown looked at the family of three brought by his subordinates, and his face was a little excited.



Batman realized something, and his muscles burst into flames, struggling desperately.

The clown’s smile deepened, “Gee, I’ve seen this plot.” ”

With that, with the flames of the muzzle, the young couple fell.

The little girl was already frightened and stupid, her eyes were full of tears, and her body was trembling with fear.

“Don’t be afraid, you don’t need your mom and dad anymore.”

“You are the first resident of the brave new Gotham.”

“Doesn’t that sound great?”

The clown smiled and patted the girl’s shoulder, looking like a good old man.

At the same time, a dark green clown disease began to spread.

The innocence on the girl’s face disappeared and turned into hysterical madness.

“Haha, bring another family here.”

The clown was extremely satisfied with his masterpiece and greeted his subordinates.

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