The video continues.

The Ring of Lights, one of the most powerful artifacts in the DC universe.

It materializes the user’s imagination.

This kind of creation out of nothing, which completely defies the laws of physics, makes it even on a par with Darkseid’s anti-life equation.

So if Batman, the strongest brain in the DC universe, wears a light ring, what kind of reality will everything he imagines become?

With the voice-over sounding, the video begins.

Universe minus 32.


The Waynes took Bruce Wayne to see the long-awaited movie, Zorro’s Mask.

When they returned from the cinema and passed through an alley, something unfortunate happened.

A robber kills the Waynes, but spares Bruce Wayne, who is still a child.

DC World, looking at this scene, Bruce Wayne’s body trembled.

This night had been his worst nightmare.

Although he later overcame his fears, he was still reluctant to reminisce about the past.

The video continues.

Bruce looked at his parents who were lying in a pool of blood, trying to forget the fear despite his tears.

Finally, he gradually calmed down.

At the same time, a void appeared in his heart.

At this moment, he didn’t feel anything.

Even if it’s fear.

He knew very well that he had not overcome his fears, but that he had forgotten them.

DC World, seeing this scene, Bruce Wayne sighed lightly.

I couldn’t imagine that the self of that world blackened so early.

He knows very well that he did not become Batman when he put on a Batsuit and drove a Batmobile to fight criminals.

It was only at the moment when he practiced in the cave and overcame his inner fear that he became a superhero.

In this way, Bruce Wayne of that world has never been Batman.

The video continues.

Suddenly, a green lamp ring shot out from a distance.

“Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.”

“You have the ability to overcome great fear.”

“Bruce Wayne.”

Although Bruce Wayne could not understand the meaning of the words of the Lantern Ring.

But he still put on the lamp ring and found the gangster who killed his parents in the first place.

“You beast.”

Bruce Wayne, dressed in a Green Lantern uniform, levitated in the air, his face full of anger.

“This… What is it? ”

“Money … I’ll give the money back to you. ”

The punk was dumbfounded, and trembled and took out the money he had just robbed.

“I’m powerless anymore.”

Bruce Wayne aimed the ring on his finger at the punk and roared, “Die.” ”

However, the lamp ring in his hand did not respond, but instead issued a harsh warning.

“Wrong, Green Lantern Corps First Law.”

“Lethal force is not approved.”

“I don’t care, do as I say.”

Bruce Wayne’s expression gradually became fierce.

Strong willpower, even broke through the safety procedures set by the light ring.

“Willpower level 100%.”

“Willpower level 117%.”

“Willpower level 180%.”

“Mistakes, willpower levels exceeded … Moisture. ”


With a crisp sound, a crack appeared above the lamp ring, and a cloud of ominous green light appeared.

“The use of lethal force is permitted.”


A green light like a ghost hell rushed out of the lamp ring, and the flesh and blood of the punks separated, turning into dry bones and dying.

After doing all this, Bruce Wayne returns to the street where his parents were killed.

“The ring… Bring my mom and dad back. ”

An ominous green light poured out of the lamp ring, wrapped around the bodies of the Waynes.

The dead two staggered and stood up like zombies.

“Cloth… Bruce. ”

“We love love love… You. ”

Seeing the parents who looked like the living dead in front of him and had no self-consciousness at all, Bruce completely collapsed and killed them again.

DC Main Universe.

The people of the Green Lantern Corps are already dumbfounded.

The lantern ring is a weapon that relies entirely on imagination, so the willpower of the holder is crucial.

However, the vast majority of Lang Ring warriors have a willpower level of 50%-80%.

This is already the level of one in a million.

Who would have thought that when he was a teenager, Bruce Wayne actually wore the lamp ring for the first time, and his willpower easily exceeded one hundred and eighty percent.

The Bruce Wayne people of their universe are nearly middle-aged, and after all the hardships, their willpower has grown greatly.

If the other party gets the lamp ring, I am afraid that he will become the most powerful lamp ring warrior in an instant.

This man, unfathomable.

“It’s a pity, if he resurrected his parents first, I’m afraid he wouldn’t have been blackened.”

“This teenager has been carried away by hatred, and after killing people, the lamp ring has been changed and he has lost the ability to resurrect the dead.”

“Holding the Lantern Ring to kill people, this has violated the rules of the Green Lantern Legion, and we will definitely erase each other in that world.”

Looking at the light curtain, the people of the Green Lantern Corps felt a little pity.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

The other party could have become a strong and righteous green light warrior with a happy family, but fell into the abyss because of one step.

The video continues.

Since then, Bruce Wayne has had a paranoid hatred for all criminals.

When it comes to punishing these criminals, he doesn’t have any bottom line.

Not long after, news came out of Gotham City that the Scarecrow and Penguin had mysteriously disappeared.

A new urban legend has appeared in Gotham.

There is a mysterious superhero guarding Gotham City.

No one has ever seen his true face.

Every time a green light crossed the day, people knew that he had reappeared.

Gordon was a little uneasy about this, and he followed the green light to find Bruce Wayne.

In the face of Gordon’s questioning, Bruce Wayne happily told the other party that both the scarecrow and the penguin were killed by himself.

And the method of killing them is extremely cruel.

Gordon, who has a strong sense of justice, certainly cannot tolerate this kind of thing happening.

“Lanternman, stop, this is not justice.”

“I… I don’t care what you’ll do to me, someone has to stand up for the right thing. ”

“Don’t you get tired of it, Bruce?”

“Shut up, Gordon.”

In the face of Gordon’s mouth cannon, Bruce Wayne looked impatient.

“You still have a daughter, don’t you.”

“It’s miserable.”

With that, the lamp ring in Bruce’s hand released a green light that turned Gordon into ashes.

“She’s going to grow up in her father’s absence… What a loneliness. ”


Suddenly, a stern voice sounded in the sky.

“Bruce Wayne of Sector 2814.”

“You’re a flawed lantern, we’re here to correct your actions.”

“Hand over your ring, right away.”

A group of aliens with lamp rings and green light all over their bodies fell from the sky and said sternly.

“Wow, you guys look so powerful.”

Bruce Wayne looked at the Green Lantern Corps, but there was no fear on his face.

He raised his hand and waved, and the surroundings became pitch black, and all the light disappeared.

Not only that, countless hideous and terrifying monsters also appeared, dense and boundless.

It turns out that after Bruce’s lamp ring is broken, he gains a new ability – the lights-out procedure.

This ability can absorb the light around you, even the light of the light ring.

Soon, these incapacitated Green Lanterns were torn to shreds like pieces of paper.

The Green Lantern Corps descended on Sector 2814 … Annihilated.

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