Chat groups.

Rin Tosaka: “That ninja world, the development of more than ten years is really fast.” ”

Rin Tosaka: “Naruto actually uses a laptop for his office. ”

Rin Tosaka: “And that scientific ninja tool, it’s incredible.” ”

Uchiha: “It seems that our world is also in the period of technological explosion. ”

Uchiha: “That Fangsuke is indeed a talent, but it’s a pity that the way he pulls funds is too stupid.” ”

Tony: “Indeed, if it was just a matter of asking for money, I think Naruto would have agreed to the counterparty’s request.” ”

Tony: “But using scientific ninja tools on exams… This becomes a competition for family finances. ”

Tony: “The rich second generation uses a huge amount of scientific ninja tools to sweep everything, and the children of poor families can’t afford to buy such expensive props.” ”

Tony: “At the end of this kind of exam, the winner may not be the strongest, but he must be the richest.” ”

Kurosaki Ichigo: “It’s not like you said it by a banknote power.” ”

Tony: “One yard to one yard, no matter how rich I am, I don’t want to destroy the last pure land of the exam.” ”

The video continues.

Naruto returned home early to celebrate his daughter’s birthday.

The family is rarely reunited, and Boruto also arrogantly said that his father barely passed.

However, just as Naruto was carrying the cake and preparing to put it on the table.


Naruto’s figure dissipated, and a beautiful cake spilled on the ground.

Such a scene made Boruto extremely angry.

He didn’t understand why Hokage’s father couldn’t take care of his family.

He took off Naruto’s coat as a child, “It’s so dirty. ”



With that, he threw his coat out the window.

Konoha Village.

“Boruto, why is this kid like this.”

Jiu Xinnai’s fiery red hair fluttered, faintly angry.

As the wife of Bofeng Shuimen, she knows very well how busy Hokage’s work is.

The Konoha village in the video is changing day by day, and it is conceivable that Naruto’s workload is probably much more than that of the original wave feng shui gate.

Using a doppelganger to attend her daughter’s birthday is obviously a helpless move.

Boruto in the video is really too ignorant.

“Actually, I have something wrong too.”

“My daughter’s cake was ruined like this, and I really wanted to beat me up in the video.”

Naruto scratched the back of his head and said with a grin.

He grew up in a family that lacked family affection, so he can understand Boruto’s anger.

It’s not so much that Boruto hates himself as he complains about why he doesn’t take time out to spend time with his family.

It seems that from today, I will study hard.

When you become a Hokage office in the future, you must be more efficient.

Bang bang.

Suddenly, Boruto, who heard a knock on the door, thought Naruto was back, and quickly ran downstairs.

Open the door, punch out, but be easily accepted.

Looking at Sasuke’s strange face in front of him, Boru’s face was also a little embarrassed, “I’m sorry, I thought you were my dad…”

Sasuke: “You’re Naruto’s son?” ”

“What’s your name?”

Boruto: “Vortex Boruto.” ”

At the same time, the lights came on, and Hinata also came to the door, “Is that you, Sasuke?” ”

“Is Naruto there?”

“I think he’s still in the Hokage office.”

“Got it… Sorry for the interruption. ”

Sasuke turned to leave.

At the same time, Boruto looked at the cool Sasuke, and little stars appeared in his eyes.

“He’s Daddy’s opponent…”

“It’s so cool.”

Konoha Village.

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a constipated expression.

Why is it inferior to mention yourself?

It was so cool to see Sasuke.

This little than cubs.

It really owes a beating.

At this moment, Naruto soured.

The video continues.

When Sasuke left, he happened to see Naruto’s clothes as a child on the street.

Next, Sasuke came to Naruto’s office and said that he had found Kaguya’s relics and obtained a scroll of letters.

However, the contents of the letter cannot be interpreted by the eye of reincarnation.

After that, Sasuke returned Naruto’s clothes as a child.

In this regard, Naruto somewhat lamented that Boruto was different, and the ninja era had passed.

But Sasuke believes that no matter how times change, the essence of ninjas will not change.

The two also decided to split the winners and losers on this point.

Afterwards, Sasuke left, and by the way, he also taught Boruto who came to the door to provoke trouble.

Unexpectedly, because Boruto has always worshiped Sasuke, he asked for a teacher.

Sasuke proposed that the condition for accepting the apprentice was that Boruto must learn the spiral pill.

The next day, Boruto found Konoha Maru, and with his unremitting efforts, he broke the water balloon and the rubber ball respectively, and successfully condensed the miniature spiral pill.

As he demonstrated in front of Sasuke, the miniature spiral pill thrown dissipated in the air before it hit the target.

In this regard, Boruto turned around and left in shame.

But Sasuke discovers that Boruto has inadvertently altered the Chakra nature of Orochimaru.

This gives the spiral pill a stealth effect.

On a tree not far away, a spiral-shaped pit is located in the center of the trunk, which is exactly the damage caused by Boruto Spiral Pill.

On Boruto’s side, Fangsuke finds him and provides him with scientific ninja tools.

Immediately, Boruto found Sasuke again and used the spiral pill with the scientific ninja tool.

Although Sasuke saw through everything, he did not debunk it.

In this way, Boruto became Sasuke’s founding disciple.

Rin Tosaka: “Good guy, cheating in front of the eyes of the six reincarnations is really showy.” ”

Uchiha: “Boruto’s talent is actually very terrifying, even surpassing his grandfather’s fourth generation. ”

Uchiha: “Not only did I learn the spiral pill in one day, but I even changed the nature of the spiral pill so that it could be thrown and invisible. ”

Uchiha: “Naruto, when I am resurrected, this son of yours will be taught by me.” ”

Naruto: “Huh? You are crazy, how can my son hand over such a dangerous figure to you. ”

Naruto: “Bah, what am I talking about, where am I now son.” ”

Uchiha: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t trust me.” ”

Saber: “It always feels like you’re thinking about something more dangerous. ”

Sasuke Uchiha: “Since Boruto’s guy has already worshiped me as a teacher, I have accepted this kid.” ”

Sasuke Uchiha: “It would be interesting to teach Naruto’s son to grow and surpass Naruto.” ”

Little Lori Xia Dou: “The brotherhood of your boys is really awkward.” ”

Little Lori Xia Bean: “And Loki and Thor are the same. ”

Little Lori Xia Bean: “This is love and killing.” ”

Natasha: “It feels like Hinata’s biggest competitor after is not Sakura, nor Naruto’s fanatical female fan, but Sasuke.” ”

Naruto: “You shut up. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)”

Sasuke: “You shut up. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)”

Bai Yuekui: “This is really… The heart has a soul. ”

The video continues.

Under Sasuke’s tutelage, Boruto learns how to make the dart turn and thus hit the bullseye.

During a late night conversation with Sasuke, he asks Master about his father’s weaknesses.

Sasuke: “Weakness? ”

“Listen, he’s full of weaknesses, and he’s useless.”

Boruto: “Hey? ”

Sasuke: “But he overcame step by step by his own strength, and eventually became the Hokage.” ”

Sasuke: “You don’t have to understand what kind of person Naruto is now. ”

Sasuke: “You need to know Naruto who has made him his own along the way. ”

“What is that?”

Boruto complained with some dissatisfaction on his face.

Rin Tosaka: “I thought Sasuke would say that Naruto’s biggest weakness was himself.” ”

Little Lori Xia Bean: “Coincidentally, I thought so too.” ”

Boomer: “+1. ”

Reim: “+1. ”

Sasuke Uchiha: “You guys are enough.” ”

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