The video continues.

After a desperate battle with the group, Tanjiro finally nailed Mumi to the wall with a Nikwa knife.

In the next moment, countless blood-red blade tentacles slashed towards Tanjiro.

A figure rushed into it and grabbed all its arms.

Miri: “That’s almost enough, you bastard.” ”

Mi Li roared, and the green tendons burst out, accompanied by the sound of blood and flesh tearing, and abruptly ripped off one of the arms of Wu Wu.

But the next moment, she was cut out by Wu Wu’s other arm.

The cyan sword light cut off the other arm of Wu Wu like a whirlwind.

Shiya plunged the blade into the severed arm and nailed it to the wall as well.


Wu Wu’s face cracked, turning into a huge abyss mouth with interlaced canine teeth and biting towards Tanjiro.

Although Tanjiro’s body was trembling with fear, his palm was still tightly gripped on the Nikki knife.

He knew that once he withdrew, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

The huge mouth quickly bit down, blood splattered, but the expected pain did not come.

Tanjiro opened his eyes only to realize that it was Kobane who blocked the blow for himself.

Shiya: “It’s almost dawn, so just keep going.” ”

Not far away, the sun is rising, and a golden glow has appeared on the horizon.

Seeing all this, Wu Miserable was completely panicked.

A fiery white glow erupted from his chest, instantly knocking Shiya and Little Bane out.

Although Tanjiro was still holding the Nikkawa knife, one arm was missing, and the scarlet blood almost stained his body.

“Can’t let go.”

“Don’t let go.”

“I have to nail him here and not waste everyone’s efforts.”


Suddenly, one of his hands grasped the hilt, and the blade quickly turned red and turned into a sword.

It turned out that Yiyong arrived, and the two of them held the handle of the knife to death, so that Wu Wu could not move at all.

At the same time, the sun rose.

A ray of golden sunlight fell on Wu Wu’s face.

The skin of that piece quickly scorched black and began to fester.

At this moment, there was only one thought in Wu Miserable’s mind to protect the flesh.

No misery: “Protection, armor of flesh.” ”

Suddenly, the miserable body began to swell, and the pink flesh and blood condensed into shape, and finally turned into a huge baby.

Yamaji: “Damn, I actually beat women.” ”

Sanji: “Bastard, don’t let me touch you, or I’ll kick your dog’s head.” ”

Little Loli Xia Dou: “Miss Miri’s strength is also too great.” ”

Little Loli Xia Dou: “I looked stupid, and I actually ripped off my miserable arm abruptly.” ”

Mi Li: “Maybe I usually eat more.” (?ω?)?”

Sakamoto Gintoki: “Sure enough, women who can eat especially are not easy to mess with. ”

Kagura: “Why do I think you have something in your words, Aru.” ”

Rin: “Hmph, what did I say.” ”

Rin Tosaka: “No tragedy is really a giant baby.” ”

Rin Tosaka: “This ugly posture is really embarrassing.” ”

Vortex Naruto: “Then speak, what did he turn into a giant baby for?” ”

Sasuke Uchiha: “Served you idiot.” ”

Sasuke Uchiha: “That thick layer of flesh and blood armor can obviously shield him from the sun for a while.” ”

Kudo Shinichi: “But that layer of flesh and blood should not be able to withstand the sun for long.” ”

Kudo Shinichi: “In order to survive, I am afraid that I will have to fight hard in the future.” ”

Solon: “The situation is not good, the pillars are exhausted. ”

Solon: “I’m afraid ordinary Ghost Killer Team members won’t be of much use. ”

Inside the Infinite City.

Wu Mi looked sluggish, and he was too lazy to go to the group to justify anything.

So far, even villains such as Uchiha and Hungry Wolf have gained a large number of fans.

But as long as the group discusses itself, it is basically a piece of abuse.

It’s really hard for myself.

The video continues.

As Misery continued to expand, Tanjiro was sucked into the piece of meat in front of him, and even Yoshiyuki did not hold it.

The golden sunlight in the sky became more and more dazzling, and the incarnated giant baby Wu Miserable let out a harsh roar.

His skin turned scorched black in the sun, and his flesh and blood gradually turned to ashes at a slow but determined pace.

Bang, bang, bang.

With all four limbs together, like a baby, trying to crawl to a place where the sun can’t reach.

“Don’t let Wu Miserable hide in the shade.”

Isayashiki Huiriya roared with his eyes rounded.


The members of the ghost killing team, who were hiding in the ruins on the side, pushed down a heavy wooden cabinet and smashed it on Wu Wu’s body.


The wooden cabinet fell apart on the miserable body, and it did not play any role.

Although the miserable shape has become a baby, the strength of the flesh is still beyond everyone’s imagination.

Several cars turned into afterimages and crashed violently into Wu Wu, finally making it stop.

“Danger, step back.”

Isayashiki Huiriya, who was watching all this through the spell, hurriedly reminded.

Bang, bang, bang.

With the huge fist falling, the cars in front of them burst one after another, turning into several piles of broken copper and iron.


Those members of the ghost killing team drove a bus in front of Wu Miserable, and after getting off the bus, a group of people pushed the bus towards Wu Miserable.

“Hard, hard.”

“The pillars are no longer able to fight.”

“No matter what happens, don’t back down.”

One member reminded while gritting his teeth as he pushed the bus.


Wu Wu roared angrily, and raised his fist again to smash these people into meat sauce.

“Breath of the wind, nine-type.”

“Topwei Heavenly Tunnel Wind.”

A cyan sword light slashed through, easily cutting off the arm that Wu Wu raised without misery.


“It’s hard enough, bastard.”

“Quickly turn Lao Tzu into ashes.”

Shiya, covered in blood, raised his knife and roared.

Click, click.

Ignoring him, Wu Mi climbed into the bus and tried to push the bus with weight to crush these people to death.


Two iron chains wrapped around Wu Wu’s neck, and instantly collapsed straight.

“Come on, never let Wu Miserable escape.”

The members of the Xingxian and Ghost Killing Team grabbed the chain, their faces bruised and desperately pulled behind them.

Wu fell to the ground, and his whole body almost festered in the sun.

“Burn to ashes, hurry up and go to ashes.”

Isayashiki Huiriya was also very nervous, and his body was trembling slightly.

If they fail this time, they won’t have a second chance like this.

Without misery, he turned over his body, and his small body melted into the soil, and continued to sink deep underground.

“It’s going to dive underground.”

“Attack him and weaken the physical strength of Wu Wu.”

Xingxi saw the intention of Wuxian and reminded loudly.

The breath of water, the type of ten.

Life and circulation.

The sword light slashed at the body of Wu Wu, but it could only cut through a little flesh and blood.

Yiyong: “Abominable, the one-armed slash is too shallow.” ”

Shiya and Kobane also rushed forward to attack, but exhausted, they were also unable to cut deeper wounds to stop Misery.


Something even worse happened.

The chains in Xingxi’s hands shattered, and most of his body had already sneaked into the ground.


Suddenly, a red sunwheel knife cut at Wu Wu’s neck, and a large amount of blood splashed, preventing him from diving further underground.

At this moment, the warm golden sunlight is the deadliest poison for Wu Wu.


He roared in pain in the sunlight, and his body turned into a scorched black powder, which gradually dissipated.

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