
When Barry Allen returns to his secret base, he finds a handsome middle-aged man already sitting there.

The other party was wearing a straight high-end suit, handsome, and obviously from high society.

This person is none other than Bruce Wayne, who is preparing to create the Justice League.

“Barry Allen, I’m Bruce Wayne.”

Looking at the blinded boy in front of him, Bruce Wayne was the first to speak.

“Do you think you can break into my house casually by saying that?”

“The lights are not on, and I am still sitting in my second favorite chair.”

Barry Allen said with a slight annoyance.

Bruce Wayne ignored him and instead took out a photo and placed it in front of Barry Allen, “Explain.” ”

That’s exactly the photo of Barry Allen poking through glass to save a black girl.

“Although they look alike, this person is definitely not me.”

Barry Allen’s face was a little flustered, but he still defended.

Bruce: “I know you have superpowers, I just don’t know what. ”

“I’m good at playing the viola, web design.”

“And sign language, gorilla sign language.”

Barry Allen continued to rambble.

“Silica gel quartz sand material.”

Bruce looked at the Flash suit in front of him and said, “Wear-resistant and heat-resistant.” ”

“This is a material used on the Space Shuttle to avoid frictional fires when re-entering the atmosphere.”

Barry: “Listen, you’re looking for the wrong person. ”

Barry: “It doesn’t matter if you…”


Before Barry could finish, Bruce threw a bat-shaped dart at Barry.

The lightning reappeared, and everything around Barry seemed to stand still.

He easily caught the bat dart, his face a little surprised, “Are you Batman?” ”

“It turns out that your superpower is fast.”

Bruce Wayne saw this scene and immediately understood.

Bruce: “I’m looking for someone with special abilities, you…”

Barry Allen: “Needless to say, I join. ”

Bruce was blinded, “Really? It’s that simple. ”

Barry Allen: “Eh… I need friends. ”

Bruce: “Great. ”

Barry Allen held up the bat dart: “Can I keep it, as a souvenir.” ”

The world of American comics.

“Walter, Fak.”

Nick Fury looked blinded.

He also said before that heroes are mostly conceited and difficult to recruit.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, he was slapped in the face.

That Bruce Wayne recruited Barry Allen without any difficulties at all.

It’s like a natural fit.

It seems that children are still foolish.

Otherwise, recruit members of the Avengers in the future and try to pick children as much as possible.

Nick Fury touched his chin and thought.

Avengers Building.

Tony looked at this scene, and his face was also a little envious.

If only my search for new members in the future would be so smooth.


On the street, Peter Parker, the Spider-Man who had just kicked down the thief, sneezed with an inexplicable look.

The video continues.

The Flash got into Bruce’s luxury car and asked with some curiosity, “What is your superpower?” ”

Bruce Wayne: “I have money. ”

“Groove, crit damage.”

“Nima, I burst into tears when I was poor.”

“Sure enough, no matter what world it is, the ability of banknotes is the eternal drop god.”

“I really want to have the ability to have banknotes.”

“Damn rich man.”

Bruce Wayne’s words immediately made those poor powerhouses in the heavens and realms instantly break their defenses.

And caused a huge amount of real damage.

In the Avengers base, the heroes looked at Tony Stark with resentful eyes.

Tony touched his nose a little embarrassed and smiled.

His own situation perfectly matches Bruce’s words, his superpower is to be rich.

It seems that the heroic organizations of the two worlds are centered on banknote ability.

The video continues.

Steppenwolf defeats Atlantis’ guards and knocks Mela away.

Just as he prepares to kill the Atlantean princess Mela, Arthur the Sea King appears and stops it all.

However, unequipped, he was no match for Steppenwolf and was quickly defeated by him.

Fortunately, Steppenwolf had no intention of entanglement with him, took the mother box and left through the pillar of light.

Later, because Steelbone’s father was captured by Steppenwolf, Steelbone also agreed to join the Justice League.

So, Steelbone, The Flash, Batman, and Wonder Woman set off.

They soon encounter the mighty Steppenwolf, but even the strongest Wonder Woman is no match for him.

Because sensing the call of the mother box, Steppenwolf did not entangle too much and left quickly.

Avengers base.

Tony looked at this scene, his eyes faintly proud.

Sure enough, in the heavens and realms, their Avengers are the strongest heroic organization.

The high-end combat power of this justice league is obviously insufficient, and it is actually so embarrassing in the face of Steppenwolf.

At the same time, he was also a little curious, how did such a group of people defeat Steppenwolf?

At present, it seems that with their combat effectiveness, there is clearly no hope at all.

The video continues.

After the war, Steel Bone told the heroes what the mother box really did.

It turns out that the mother box absorbs nearby heat and preserves it, and cannot be destroyed.

But a genius scientist used this trait to save his nearly dead son.

That scientist is Dr. Stone, the father of Steelbone.

The mother box does not save or kill people, nor does it have the concept of life or death.

They possess a powerful force that allows particles to re-interact.

And will rearrange the substance according to the owner’s wishes.

Regenerate it, return it to its original state.

Hearing these words, all the heroes had the same thought.

That is to use the mother box to resurrect Superman.

But they don’t know if resurrecting Superman will necessarily succeed.

It’s also unclear what will happen to Superman after the resurrection.

Bruce Wayne: “Can you control this mother box?” ”

Steel Bone: “Of course. ”

Barry: “Then we can try it, it’s worth a try, right?” ”

Barry: “This is the end of the matter, what else is there to worry about?” ”

Diana looked solemn: “You must wake up the mother box to try.” ”

“Once it wakes up, the enemy will see it and break in.”

“Complete the power of unification, and the world will be ended.”

Arthur, the aquaman: “Even if Superman can return, who dares to say that he can defeat Steppenwolf?” ”

However, Bruce’s mind was clear and he said firmly: “That’s what the mother box said.” ”

“Father of the steel bone, launched a mother box more than a year ago.”

“Superman was alive at the time.”

“It didn’t summon Steppenwolf.”

“There is no mother box to summon him, until…”

Diana, the Wonder Woman on the side, answered: “Until after Superman dies.” ”

Barry Allen: “Because they’re afraid of him.” ”

Bruce: “That’s right, they’re afraid of him. ”

Bruce: “It’s the only way. ”

Bruce: “There are six people on this team, not five, and without him there would be no us. ”

After listening to Bruce’s analysis, the heroes fell silent and no longer opposed the matter.

The plan to resurrect Superman using the mother box passed.

“Is this Superman so strong? Resurrect each other at the risk of revealing your location? ”

“It should be really strong, at the beginning of the previous video, when Superman died, the mother box only began to vibrate, which shows that Superman’s strength should be above Steppenwolf.”

“Superman is the ceiling of this world’s heroic combat power, and it is no surprise that it should have the strength close to Hulk or Wanda.”

When the strong people saw this scene, they also looked forward to it slightly.

They also want to see what kind of strength the hero ceiling of this world has reached.

Tony looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

In fact, that steppenwolf is not too strong, and it feels like the Hulk can beat each other violently.

Not surprisingly, that Superman is estimated to be slightly stronger than Wonder Woman, just enough to defeat Steppenwolf.

Sure enough, in this endless multiverse, the Avengers of their universe are the most powerful heroic organization.

The video continues and the camera turns.

In the cemetery, Barry the Flash and Victor the Steel are digging Superman’s grave.

DC world, Earth, Superman Clark saw this scene, his expression was complicated.

Although knowing that Barry and Victor are actually saving themselves.

But seeing the two digging their graves late at night still feels strange.

And his fists are also inexplicably a little itchy, what’s going on.


“I completed another wish list.”

“Dig Superman out of the grave and get it.”

Barry chattered as he dug his grave.

Barry: “You know we can do it in a second, right? ”

Steelbone: “That’s right. ”

Barry glanced at the tombstone and said seriously: “He is my idol.” ”

During the digging, Barry couldn’t help but ask, “That Wonder Woman, what do you think, dude?” ”

“Do you think she would like a man younger than her?”

Steelbone’s face was a little speechless, “She’s five thousand years old, Barry.” ”

Steelbone: “Every man is younger than her.” ”

In the DC world, Wonder Woman Diana is embarrassed.

Oh my God, she has no interest in a hairy boy like Barry.

Originally, I didn’t know about this matter.

I also saw it.

After the formation of the Justice League is completed, how embarrassing it will be for her to fight alongside Barry.

This is true of Wonder Woman Diana, not to mention Barry herself.

At this point, Barry’s face was so red that it was almost dripping blood.

To make matters worse, an old grandmother who had just been helped across the street by him ran fast on crutches, seemingly afraid that Barry would take a fancy to her.

Seeing this, Barry wanted to cry without tears.

I like Diana only because the other party is beautiful and sassy, not because I like the old grandmother.

It’s over, now I really die completely.

Just as Barry was thinking about whether to live in another country, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

When he turned around, he saw an old man dressed as a polite butler looking at him with a smile.

“My name is Alfred.”

“Also that Batman’s butler.”

“Your name is Barry Allen, right?”

“Do you want to meet that Mr. Bruce Wayne with me in advance?”

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