Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!

Chapter 244 Fruit Superior and Subordinate

[Epidemic] Quinn's attitude is of course very arrogant.

First, he was arrogant and ignored Dalton, who was waiting for him.

Later, when Dalton launched an attack, he stabbed the opponent forcefully, and then stepped on him into the ground.

One of the three major posters of the Beast Pirates, the big pirate with a bounty of more than one billion Baileys is so terrifying!

Of course, a big shot at this level wouldn't bother talking about empty talk like bluff.

Therefore, what he said to Dalton is indeed a cruel "reality"!

This sea is "indifferent" to anyone.

It is not absolutely fair, nor is it inherently unfair.

People's "destiny" cannot be explained.

Therefore, if a person says that it is because of his bad "luck" that he cannot get ahead, that is indeed nonsense.

No one's fate is determined innately.

But if you look at it for yourself, the so-called "fate" actually exists in this world.

It affects many people and many things.

Like in the future.

The raging magma penetrated the raging flames.

When that red fist penetrated the same red chest, that moment was the decision of fate.

The Lava Fruit indeed has the ability to burn the Fruit from the front!

That's the difference between the upper and lower abilities from the natural devil fruit!

Of course, the "superior and subordinate" nature type devil fruits are different from the other two types of devil fruits.

For those with natural devil fruit abilities, no matter how hard they train, restraint on the "attribute" level alone is unavoidable.

For example, higher temperature lava can burn out the flames!

As for the superhuman Devil Fruit with various abilities, the "superior and inferior" performance of the Devil Fruit is much more complicated.

Almost any kind of Superman-type Devil Fruit has its own unique "speciality".

If there is a situation where "the abilities are exactly the same", it is mostly because the user with the Superman-type Devil Fruit ability has insufficient training and has not fully developed his or her abilities and potential.

Or... the ability user himself has no talent.

No matter how overlapping the special abilities you possess are, you will still have your own "unique" "point" after all.

This is the Superman Devil Fruit!

His eyes returned to the animal devil fruit abilities.

In terms of its own abilities alone, the animal type devil fruit should be the most "simple and crude" among the three types of devil fruits.

There is no powerful "nature", and there are no all kinds of strange "abilities".

The only thing possessed by those with animal devil fruit abilities is the ability to transform into various "animals"!

When a user with an animal type Devil Fruit ability transforms into an animal, their various physical qualities such as speed, toughness, strength, etc. will be astonishingly improved.

The extent of this "improvement" depends on the "animal" of the animal devil fruit.

Those who can transform into an "eagle" can gain the eyesight of an eagle, the ability to fly, and many other powers;

Those who can transform into "hounds" can gain amazing speed and keen sense of smell;

Etc., etc……

Compared with the terrifying "nature" and unknown "ability", such a simple "animal" seems a little weak.

After all, if "resisting nature" and "killing animals" were put together, most people would choose the latter, because the latter is obviously simpler.

But among the animal devil fruit abilities, there are two extremely special "special species".

Those are the "phantom beast species" and the "ancient species"!

As the name suggests.

The meaning of phantom beast species is those "animals" that once only existed in people's imagination, such as [Hundred Beasts] The fish fruit, phantom beast species, and blue dragon form eaten by Kaido, and such as the four emperors under Whitebeard. The man named Marco, the bird fruit, phantom beast species, and phoenix form he ate.

These creatures that should have only existed in people's imagination now truly appear in this sea through the power of Devil Fruit!

This is the power of Devil Fruit!

The second type is the "ancient species devil fruit"!

As mentioned before, the so-called "Ancient Species Devil Fruit" is to make many animals that should only appear in ancient times reappear in this sea through the power of Devil Fruit.

For example, [Drought] Jack's Elephant Fruit·Ancient Species·Mammoth Form, [Fire Disaster] Jhin's Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Pteranodon Form, [Plague] Quinn's Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species· Brachiosaurus form, etc...

Whether it is the animal type Devil Fruit of the Phantom Beast species or the animal type Devil Fruit of the ancient species, they are all far rarer than or at least as rare as the natural type Devil Fruit.

As a result, the situation has changed again.

Imagine if "kill animals" was changed to "kill dinosaurs" or "kill mythical beasts".

So, how many people are willing to die?

They are all "sending themselves to death", so very few people would go!

The Animal-type Fantasy Beast Devil Fruit and the Animal-type Ancient Devil Fruit have such terrifying abilities that make people fear them!

This is one of the many reasons why the Beast Pirates are the most terrifying.

One animal-type phantom-type devil fruit ability user, plus three animal-type ancient devil fruit ability users, this lineup can be said to bring out the terrifying aspects of animal-type devil fruit abilities to the extreme!

That is completely an unstoppable and terrifying army!

Time returns to the present.

As both users with animal devil fruit abilities, the gap between Dalton and [Plague] Quinn is of course huge.

What Dalton possesses is the ability called "Animal Type, Cow Fruit, and Bison Form".

This ability gives Dalton the brute strength and speed of a bison, and his charging momentum is even more unstoppable!

But - this is all for ordinary people or ordinary soldiers.

How could a mere bison be a match for dinosaurs?

In nature, there are still ferocious beasts that can hunt bison.

So when a bison faces the dinosaurs, the overlords of the past world, what is the chance of winning?

The answer is - zero!

There is no chance of winning!

This cannot be made up by spiritualism such as willpower or belief. It is a huge gap in terms of pure strength!

At this moment, a person's bones are broken.


Not Dalton, but [Epidemic] Quinn!

His expression was ferocious, and he felt the severe pain caused by the broken bones of his forelimbs!

On the other hand, Dalton.

This buffalo man was holding a shell in his hand, breathing heavily, and his whole body was under great pressure!

On the animal level, bison are certainly no match for dinosaurs.

But [Epidemic] Quinn is "human".

Dalton is also a "person".

Human battles are by no means simple barbaric wrestling!

And - "heart".


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