“How was it? Am I very powerful?”

On the way home, Luffy was carrying the big wild boar, his face full of pride.


Karl weighed the three little wild boars hanging on his body and said what he said was not against his will.

He originally just wanted to get one to improve his life, but Luffy was better and just wiped out the whole family.

However, Carl doesn’t mind having too much meat.

“Then be my partner”

“Never!”Karl shook his head and refused,”Even if you can beat the wild boar, I won’t join you.”


“What’s the reason?”

“There must be some”

“Then why do you want to be a pirate?”

“Because I promised a man that I would become the Pirate King!”

“only…An agreement?”

“if not?”

Luffy still looks carefree. It seems that becoming the Pirate King is as easy as playing house for him.

“Do you know how difficult it is to become the Pirate King?”

“who cares!”Luffy shook his head, pointed to the sky, and said with great ambition,”Because since the day I went to sea, I have made up my mind to become the Pirate King.”

“Even…Even if you lose your life for this, you won’t hesitate!”

“A promise to risk your life? You really are….Young! Karl smiled bitterly and shook his head,”As everyone knows, sometimes living requires more courage than death.””

“Don’t you understand? Carl, what you say is really interesting. Anyway, I won’t stop until I fall!”

“Our wills are different, so give up, I won’t get on the boat with you. Carl refused again,”You are a pirate, a pirate who wants to become the Pirate King.””

“And I will not become a pirate!”

“Why? What’s wrong with being a pirate?”

“What’s so good about pirates?”

Karl couldn’t understand why the other party had to become a pirate. It was just an agreement. Could it be of such great value?

What’s more, when he was young and ignorant, how binding was the agreement?

“Pirates can find many friends, have their own ship, and have banquets with everyone! What’s wrong!”

“Even if you are not a pirate, you can have like-minded partners, have your own ship, or have a party with your friends.”

“Pirates can also sail on the sea to find legendary secret treasures——ONE PIECE”

“Being a pirate is not a ticket, and you can pursue these things even if you are not a pirate.”Karl shook his head and continued,”Besides, when you are a pirate, you have to worry about being pursued by the navy, so why add to the burden?”

While talking, the two of them had returned to the previous cabin.

After putting the wild boar down, Karl took out a dagger and started to deal with it. At the same time, he directed Luffy to move some firewood and build a barbecue grill.

The two of them divided the work and worked step by step, but when working , the conversation still hasn’t stopped.

“If you are chased by the navy, just defeat them. Luffy said,”Pirates will be chased by the navy!””

“But they are also the children of their parents, and they also represent families. To you, it may be just a simple punch. It doesn’t even take a second from thinking to punching, but it can break several families. I don’t know. How many parents stayed up all night, and how many children became orphans”

“ah? Is that so? Then I won’t kill them in the future.”Luffy said with some confusion.

“But if you don’t kill them, they will kill you too!”

“What does it matter? Since you choose to go to sea, you must be prepared to lose your life!”

“But even if you don’t kill, there will always be other pirates who will. There are thousands of pirates in the world, so what do you mean?”

“That’s their business!”Luffy rubbed his head, feeling a little dizzy, and at the same time his interest in Carl increased a bit.

“But some of them, perhaps because they heard about your deeds, decided to go to sea, kill people, or be killed. You are also jointly and severally responsible.”

“ah? I don’t understand!”

“Just like you made an agreement with that person to become the Pirate King, he is your guide, and he has nothing to do with what you do.”

“oh~~”Although Luffy said in a long voice, looking at his puzzled expression, you could tell that he obviously didn’t understand.

There is no other way, Karl can only change the angle

“Since you said you want to be a pirate, let me ask you”

“Then ask!”After listening to the book for a long time, Luffy finally understood a sentence and finally put on a serious face. He sat cross-legged on a stone, pressed his hands on his knees, and grinned widely,”If my answer satisfies you, you are Aren’t you going to get on my ship?”

“maybe….”Carl didn’t mean it

“Then start”

“Since you want to be a pirate, you must go to sea. Where will your ship come from?”

“My boat? It was funded by the big guys! But I lost it when I encountered a whirlpool before.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

Luffy looked at Carl with fiery eyes, so scared that Carl quickly explained:

“I told you I don’t have a boat, and even if I have a boat, I won’t give it to you in vain!”

“Yeah~~ Then go find a kind person.”


Do you think everyone else is a fool?

“There are not so many kind people in the world!”

“Then go to the market and buy one!”

“It costs money to buy things. Do you have money on you?”Karl looked at Luffy up and down, and roughly estimated his worth. His whole body combined was probably not as valuable as his knife.

“It seems not…”Luffy was a little troubled, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly realized,”I’m a pirate! Why don’t you just go and grab it?”

Carl: You just remembered that you are a pirate!

Karl was already a little helpless with the guy in front of him. How could the other person’s reaction be so slow? He made it so obvious, yet he still had to go around for a long time to reach the trap he designed.

“That’s a big deal? Karl spread his hands and said,”The pirates are just going to rob me!””

“As sea robbers, you will not make even a small contribution to this world if you are not engaged in production.”

“And everything you need, ships, knives, even food and fresh water, will not fall from the sky.”

“So what to do? All I can do is grab it!”

Karl showed a faint smile on his face:

“But those things are also the supplies they rely on for survival. If you rob their money, they may die of the most common diseases tomorrow because they cannot afford a doctor. If you rob their food, if there is a famine next year, they may die. Thousands of people starved to death.”

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