Pirates: The Black Earl

Chapter 533, cognitive gap

Raising the dead is different from mobilizing the remnants of corpses, and it has never been an easy task.

In this regard, Lovett naturally did not lie.

But... he is rich!

Money can turn ghosts around.

The soul net is not only an energy reserve, but the soul stored in it is also the real hard currency of the underworld.

If the low-level undead want to become stronger, they must rely on external supplements. There are two legal ways here, one is to kill and plunder the remnants of the same kind.

Fighting is the purpose of the undead, and it is also the best opportunity to become stronger. No matter which world, the masters of the underworld will not stop the low-level undead from the weak and the strong, and only protect rare and mutant species.

Second, collect mage rewards and provide soul energy.

Compared with the good and bad remnant souls in the same body, the high-concentration compressed soul energy that mages can provide is not on the same level at all.

In this world, the Emperor's "Eighteen Chapters of Recruitment" protects the benefits of the undead after fulfilling the contract. Which mage is tired of working and dare not pay the undead?

After talking about legal, of course there are also illegal.

The same is two.

One, devouring the souls of ordinary people who have entered the underworld, maliciously infringing on the emperor's property.

Emmmmm, except for the newly born Mengxin who has incomplete thinking ability and even has a tyrannical aura, no rational undead creature has dared to do this so far.

Necromancers are very good at torturing people, let alone the emperor.

It's really not a question of whether you're afraid or not.


Second, accept private work.

This is how Kozuki Oden was found by Lovett. The feat of the 1,800 Dragon's Breath Cannon last time was still fresh in the memory of the Necromancers of the Underworld.

This is a really rich boss!

In addition, it is common for mages to want to revive someone when they have nothing.

With one order, more than 100,000 undead went out to run,

Find what he wants.

Finally, in the undeveloped area where the emperor devoured the underworld, the undead found the target and brought him back.

However, the procedures for leaving were still normal procedures, and the emperor was given a handling fee.

Different from the former, private work is not protected by law, but it is not sanctioned by law either.

But if you really dare to take someone away without telling him...

In short, just by moving his mouth like this, Kozuki Oden fell into the hands of Lovett.

"Franks has already taken the Straw Hats away, unless Im goes off in person, there will be no problem in a short time."

Continuing to suck on the noodles, Lovett thought calmly.

"Plus Kozuki Oden is in my hands, this time, do I have enough bargaining chips to force you out, Im!"


Flower Capital, Flower Street.

Boom boom boom!

The kimono restrained Xiao Zi from moving her legs. She trotted down the corridor, and the geisha and servants on the road saluted and moved out of the way.

"Master Xiao Zi."

"Did something happen?"

A familiar geisha asked curiously.

Xiao Zi woke up suddenly, the joy at the corner of her mouth was fleeting, she turned her head calmly: "No, it's nothing, Mr. Kuangshilang asked me to go over."

"A lot of important people are here tonight, so be careful not to make mistakes."

"Yes, we know."

After finishing speaking, he watched Xiao Zi leave with a fascinated look.

"Ah, Master Xiao Zi, it's really beautiful!"

"Don't be poor, Master Xiao Zi is right, the New Year's celebration will be soon, and you must entertain those big people well."

"Well, it's true."

All the way to the room where Kuangshilang was, Xiao Zi slowed down, knelt and sat by the sliding door, and took a deep breath.

"Master Kuangshilang, are you looking for me?"

After a while, an answer came from inside the door: "Yes, come in."


Open the sliding door to enter the room, and then kneel down again to close the door. The process is so smooth and smooth that people can only praise it when they see it. As expected of the oiran of Wano country, this etiquette is flawless!

Seeing Xiao Zi coming in, Kuang Shi Lang didn't speak in a hurry.

He took a sip from his wine glass, making sure that he couldn't hear any breathing around him, then he frowned and asked, "Did he agree?"


Xiao Zi replied: "And he told me that there is no need to exchange lives, just blood and bones."

"Blood bones? So simple?"

Kushiro couldn't believe it.

Resurrecting the dead, such an act of changing fate against the sky, only needs blood and bones?

But what followed was ecstasy.

"Yosie, that's great!"

His eyes lit up: "Earl Hei certainly can't think of who your father is. Even if the situation is found to be wrong afterwards, as long as the lord is resurrected, everything is a foregone conclusion."

Kuangshirou undoubtedly trusted Kozuki Oden's strength.

Although the adult said that if you really do it, he may not be the opponent of Whitebeard and Roger, but Kaido is not included!

Although Wano Country is being suppressed miserably now, they actually have a complete set of swordsmanship inheritance. This kind of three-dimensional and detailed training mode is extremely rare in the entire Great Airline.

And the power of "Liu Ying" is not a secret in this land. There are many people who have studied the development of skills to a high level and left inheritance. Back then, the group of uninformed people from the World Government tried to launch an attack, and then they were beaten. It's miserable.

Tell them that there are not only geisha in Wano country, but also samurai!

It will be a big loss to underestimate them.

And Kozuki Oden is the strongest above all warriors!

He was gifted since he was a child. He threw his nanny out when he was 0 years old. He was able to catch two rabbits at the same time when he was 2 years old. Fight with gamblers.

The original Oden Erdao style even defeated Kaido directly, if it weren't for...

"No, not enough."

Kuangshilang forced himself to calm down, and said to himself: "Only by that lord, he may not necessarily be the opponent of those two teaming up, and even if he is resurrected, it is not certain how much strength that lord can maintain."

Thinking of this, he looked at Xiao Zi: "Day...Xiao Zi."

"Tell me the details."

Xiao Zi smiled sweetly at this, and shook her head indifferently: "Yes."

Then she listed everything that happened tonight and her own opinions in detail, and the strangeness of Earl Hei's methods once again refreshed Kuangshi Lang's cognition.

Such a terrible guy cannot be a friend, and he must not be an enemy.

Kaido's threat is a real threat, but the opponent has the power of life and death!

"Sure enough... can I only take out that thing?"

Kushiro hesitated.

For them, that thing is of little significance, but for pirates, it is a treasure that is enough to sacrifice everything to seize it!

From ancient times to the present, only one pirate has successfully seen it.

Later, that pirate became One Piece.

If you want Kozuki Oden to face the unfavorable situation of 1 vs 2 as soon as he is resurrected, the only way to persuade one of the opponents to stop is obviously that person cannot be Kaido.

Thinking of this, Kuangshi Lang asked: "He said he didn't say when to do it?"

"No, it's not, just let me come back and prepare the money."

Xiao Zi thought for a while, then replied: "However, from his tone, it can be seen that before the end of the New Year celebration, he probably won't do anything."

The two sides are at least half allies.

Doing things at this time would be too disrespectful to Kaido.

"Well, it's true."

Kushiro nodded in agreement.

Neither of them thought Earl Black would do anything during the New Year's celebration, after all he and Kaido were allies, but what about the actual situation?

Following Kaido's order, the new world, Spring Hall sea area, the former territory of the red-haired pirates.

Jack's eyes flickered fiercely, looking at the brightly lit island ahead.

"Where is the site occupied by Dawn City yesterday?"

"Yes, Master Jack."

Under Jack's command, Sippshead, the first batch of man-made devil fruit abilities, took out his scimitar, his eyes were fierce and bloodthirsty, and he was eager to try: "Originally, everyone defaulted to not fighting each other in this nearby area, and each occupied a part of the territory."

"As a result, they did something yesterday. Now that the island has been plugged with Earl Black's evil eyes, it seems that there is no sophistry at all."

Hearing this, Jack sneered and said, "Hmph, do you really think that we are afraid of our own family?"

"Even if there is no order from Master Kaido, I will not let you go!"

After all, I raised my hand.

"Get ready, fire as soon as you get close!"

As an ally, the other party will definitely issue a warning at the first time instead of doing it.

Give them enough time to get close to the past.

First, a wave of artillery washes the ground to reduce the number of undead as much as possible, and then...

It's the army pressing down on the country!


The second is to wait a moment, I have an overtime class today.

In addition, it looks like I will go out for a few days next week on the weekend. Is it really my age? After I get busy, typing is like squeezing a sponge.


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