The waves were rolling, tumbling, and rushing, carrying unparalleled momentum and strength, and rushing towards them.

It's like thousands of mountains, crashing down, raising dust in the sky. The tsunami had not yet come to them, but the water vapor in the sky had completely submerged them. The shock of terror caused some pirates to be knocked to the ground and shouted in fear.

The blue sun fell, Uzumaki collapsed, and the strength of the sea falling at this moment is beyond tens of thousands! The aftermath of the bursting force can destroy everything!

The mere impact caused the Sunbris to go with the flow, and a large number of pirates fell on it.

The waves rolled and roared, and gradually a tsunami of more than fifty meters had gathered.

"Captain! What to do! It's dead!"

Even Sinki couldn't help shaking at this moment.

Andis shook his mouth, his face pale with fear.

He knew that in the face of this tsunami that was swept up again and headed straight for him, he had no choice! It is impossible for the Storm Staff to restart again, and his strength is far from the opponent's Pirate Group.

"It's over!"

Without saying it, Andis sighed like this in his heart.

He did not expect that his life would end here, in the hands of a group of novices who had just stepped into this New World.

I have imagined my own death countless times. But there is no such kind of unwillingness and powerlessness.

The two sides didn't even have a normal ship-to-board battle, and ended in this way, with the death of their own group as the result.


The tsunami is like a roar of thunder, rolling over.

"Come on, even death can't make me succumb!"

Andis opened his hands, looked as small as a rolling mountain, pressed down and rushed towards him, roaring angrily.

Behind him are the pirates who are terrified and shouting constantly.

In the face of this huge tsunami, they were both powerless and unwilling.

The waves swallowed away mercilessly, spitting out large splashes and Uzumaki. The fragile Sambilis was slapped under the seabed almost instantly, and all the pirates on it disappeared before the eyes of the Logan crew.

The ripples spread, surging back and forth, and the sea was tumbling, and it took more than ten minutes to calm down.

"Unexpectedly, a guy in New World who offers a 500 million bounty has such a secret treasure!"

Looking at the calm sea, Luo Chen sighed.

"In this era, the bounties of many pirates are actually inconsistent with their own strength. They don't have the real strength of this value. They are more derived from their usual evil deeds!"

"In order to intensify the contradictions within the pirates, Marine is naturally happy to fulfill these guys who are looking for death."

Teren Su said softly.

The crew nodded. The chaos of the times made these Marines more flexible.

"Well, solve a problem, we should also set off to the Angel Island!"

Luo Chen stretched his waist and glanced at Cifer, which has been in shock.

The previous battle kept the little angel from ear to ear for a long time. What did he see? The group of people in front of them actually defeated the tsunami that reached a hundred meters, and the burly guy actually possessed a terrifying power that seemed to be possessed by a god!

This simply subverted his little worldview!

"The guidance of the gods is indeed correct!"

Lu Cifer murmured.

For the combat effectiveness of the crew on this pirate ship, Cifer Xiaolu said that he had never seen it before.

I'm afraid, even the big pirate who is entrenched on their island is not the opponent of this group of people.

Little Angel Road Cifer woke up from the shock and was excited.

If this group of people is really willing to help them, wouldn't their Angel Island be saved?

"You, you guys!"

The road under excitement, Cifer, was a little stuttered, unable to speak.

"Haha, boy, since we have collected your treasure, let us take care of your Angel Island affairs!"

Jason laughed and knelt down, rubbing his big hand on Lu Cifer's head twice.


Lu Cifer grinned.

Seeing the cute look of this little angel, the people on the boat laughed again.

The battle just now did not affect everyone's mood in the slightest.

After adjusting the sailing route again, the Logan slowly disappeared above the sea level and headed towards Angel Island.

The sea is full of unknown and charming charm. It is these unknowns and the vastness of the world that make people seek endless knowledge. They galloped on this vast land, admiring the scenery and exploring the unknown.

For many pirates, the pursuit of treasure and money is their goal. Others are obsessed with fame, status, and lofty status above 10,000 people. However, there are some people. They are heading for the throne of the king, but what they are pursuing is the unknown!

Money, status, and fame are already at their fingertips. Their realm has improved and their thinking has improved.

They are eager to know the unknown of the world and want to explore what the hidden reality is under the thin veil of this world.

When the sun was setting, Luo Chen sat on the bow of the Logan, facing the sea breeze, watching the red sunset with deep eyes.

The voyage to Angel Island is very strange and not straight. Generally speaking, ships are on the sea. In order to save time and distance as much as possible, they go straight, either straight or diagonal. But when Jason was at the helm, he sailed in the direction of the exclusive pointer, except for a strange accident.

The pointer is constantly changing. With the passage of time, they gradually discovered that this route is a curve!

It is amazing that the path that Logan has traveled is a weird curve, uninterrupted, undulating like the peak line of a mountain range.

Moreover, at this moment, Luo Chen realized that the altitude they were at was getting higher and higher!

"Captain, this curve is very strange. The more we go down, the higher the altitude we are at!"

Deluxe said in a deep voice from the side.

In the past day, they have gradually recognized this weird route.

"That pointer, wherever it points, seems to be the highest sea level in the sea!"

"And, getting higher and higher!"

"This route is like taking us step by step, peacefully and slowly, to the island of the sky!"

In a few words, Luo Chen's eyes flickered too.

Turning his head, passing through the tail of Logan, he saw the sea surface that clearly seemed to be sunken behind.

Trensu is right, this route is like sending them to the sky!

When the sea breeze blew, there was already a slight icy cold, causing goose bumps to appear on the exposed skin.

"Somewhat interesting!"

"Then go straight to the sky and see what is at the end of this route!"

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