
A strong wind began to appear in this sea area. In the originally calm air, suddenly wind and thunder surged, and the sea surface was blown by the wind, sweeping layers of waves.


Dark clouds obscured the sky, and thunder and lightning crisscrossed, making the sky shine bright and dark.

The Logan began to sway from side to side, and the water became a little irritable. The people on the boat grabbed the approaching railings to maintain their balance.

"Are you coming? It's so terrifying!"

Chaporos shouted.

Luo Chen was still sitting cross-legged on the bow, looking down at the sea, his whole body seemed to be attached to the boat, shaking with the hull.

In the sea water, a series of bubbles appeared quickly, like a ignited wire, quickly extending toward the surface of the sea, catalyzing countless bubbles all the way.


The torrential rain poured down from dark clouds and thunder and lightning, and hit the sea, causing waves of waves.

Suddenly, Luo Chen shrank his eyes and yelled.

"Jason, full rudder to the right, advance thirty meters, hurry!"

His voice was hurried, and Jason did not hesitate at all, strode to the rudder, and quickly filled it.


The Logan made a series of noises, humming, driving fast in the storm, and in just ten seconds, it had crossed 30 meters and reached the position Luo Chen said.


At this time, everyone saw that at their previous location, bubbles appeared quickly, as if a violent chemical reaction was taking place, which was shocking.

The tumbling dark clouds, the strong wind floating in the air, the snaking thunder and lightning, all these kinds of things, make everyone's hearts inexplicably heavy, and a heavy pressure enveloped them, making them feel a little suffocated.

After reaching the location Luo Chen said, the Logan stopped, shaking with the waves of the sea.

Kulick, who was five nautical miles away, clenched his hands into fists, his forehead was full of sweat, watching the scenes here, his heart was about to jump out.

"Be careful, you must succeed, the updraft is about to explode!"

Kulick was very worried that the moment the updraft erupted, the potential energy and kinetic energy impacted were no less inferior to the volcanic eruption. The only difference is that the height of the volcano eruption is limited, and it will automatically fall down after reaching the apex. And this updraft possesses the power that can impact several kilometers or even ten thousand meters high in the sky, and the potential energy it generates is enough to destroy everything at that moment.


Thunder and lightning roared in the sky, and the storm was bigger and more urgent.

On the Logan, the robes of all the crew members were already wet. They looked at the sea ahead, and bubbles began to form. They all had a foreboding. Something that shocked them might happen next.

"Captain, what shall we do now?"

Trensu asked.

"Wait, when the updraft erupts, we will use the energy of the sea water at that moment to rush to the sky."

Luo Chen said calmly.

If they can't perceive the central area where the updraft erupts, then, at the moment when the huge air current erupts, the Logan, including them, will be instantly wiped out. But as long as you avoid the central area, in the peripheral area, you can control it with the mentality of a ship sailing on a strange sea. Then, it is very likely that it will rush to the sky along with the updraft.

Boats are originally walking on the sea. As long as there is sea, it is enough to support their navigation.

Gradually, as time passed, the bubbles on the sea became more and more intense. After half an hour, the bubbles had spread to a range of 300 meters, and the 30 meters in the center area was the most alarming.

Like a fountain in the city, the sea is rolling towards the air, reaching a height of ten meters, and the surface of the sea within thirty meters next to it starts to rotate slowly, forming a small Uzumaki.

"Get closer, we are ready to go!"

At this moment, Luo Chen pointed to the center area and shouted loudly.

Jason naturally obeyed, maneuvering the rudder quickly, and drove toward the sea with drastic changes.

They were already near this central zone and soon entered the Uzumaki zone.

The Logan creaked and turned with the Uzumaki, but under the influence of the sails and steam power, it just maintained its approximate balance.

Five minutes later, Uzumaki began to expand, and the speed of expansion became larger and larger. The water column in the center area, which washed up into the sky, reached an astonishing 30 meters, with a diameter of about five meters, which looked extremely magnificent.

"What is supporting it to rush into the sky, it's incredible!"

The crew looked up at the scene in shock.

As the range of Uzumaki expands, the water column rotates and converges, getting bigger and bigger, and the height is getting higher and higher, which is very shocking.

The Logan, while Uzumaki expanded, gradually deviated from the center.

"Keep ten meters away from the center water column, Jason, remember, it's ten meters!"

Rinnegan watched the sea, and Luo Chen shouted solemnly.

He knew that the real outbreak was not far away, and the distance of ten meters was the closest and safest distance.


Jason yelled, his sturdy hands clinging to the rudder.

"Others, hold on to the balance nearby!"

Luo Chen yelled again, and everyone did what they said.

When Kulick saw this scene in the distance, his already nervous heart almost jumped out. Affected by the sky, he retreated three nautical miles again, looking at the scene from a distance.

Ten minutes later, the water column had reached a height of one hundred meters and a diameter of ten meters.

"My God, it's amazing!"

Everyone's hearts are shaking, they have not seen such a scene. Terrance and Crocodile are relatively calm. They are all people who have been to New World, and the rest feel that their hearts have been impacted.

"Attention, hurry up, it's going to break out!"

Luo Chen, who had been staring at the sea, suddenly shouted.

"Jason, lean on me!"

Two words, very fast, awakened everyone who was in shock, Jason yelled, and the sails were high, following the strong wind, quickly leaning up toward the center water column.


Ten seconds later, the entire hull of the Logan shook.

Immediately afterwards, everyone started yelling.

"Ahhhh, the ship is moving, below, what's below!"

Chaporos yelled.

Daz Bonis' face turned green, and the six dragon elephants were so scared that tears came out, holding on to the mast tightly.

Everyone felt that the Logan was turning. It was not turning back and forth, but turning up and down. The whole hull began to turn its head toward the sky and the stern toward the sea.


Everything was trembling, the canvas was soaring, and the wind blew their hair fluttering.

"It's going to fly!"

Luo Chen sat cross-legged on the bow and laughed.

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