At a glance, on the wide square street in front of the base, dense crowds are next to each other, occupying a huge space. With a rough sweep, there are more than 30,000 people here.

With such a large number of people, they have a feeling of scalp tingling.

Humans, from ancient times to the present, can be said to be a kind of magical creatures. When they are born, they are not as fragile as some cubs, but as they grow up one year old, they will gradually become powerful. They can rip tigers and leopards, split the rocks on the sea surface, and even the strong ones can destroy islands and possess the power to destroy the world.

They are fragile, but equally powerful.

Although Luo Chen and his group can be said to have powerful powers that ordinary people do not possess, in the final analysis, they are also human beings, possessing all the characteristics of human beings.

In the face of the vast torrent of humans, no matter how powerful a person is, it is only a corner of history, and it is inconspicuous that a single wave can be submerged.

People are complicated, or affinity, or hatred, or fetters, cherish each other, and all kinds of emotions.

However, at this moment, Luo Chen and his gang saw another side that humans did not know.

This side is called gratitude!

The torrent of more than 30,000 people continued the wide street in front of it for thousands of meters. From a distance, it was impossible to see the end.

But it was this long torrent, and at this moment, it moved with a sudden movement and was quite short.

Countless people were crying loudly, with gratitude on their faces, facing the sky, no, talking loudly to them standing on the base platform.

Luo Chen and the group, no matter who they were, were trembling in their hearts at this moment. They felt that the 123 million pores in their bodies shrank suddenly, and they got goose bumps. They were stunned and dumbfounded. Lived, dumbfounded!

The torrent of people ahead is short, what does that mean? They can see clearly!

More than 30,000 people, with gratitude, all knelt on their knees, paying them the highest respect they could do!

It is unbelievable, and it is impossible to express the feelings of Luo Chen and others at this moment in words only. But the only certainty is that at this moment, everyone seems to feel the exchange and touch of the hearts between people.

The mood became heavy inexplicably at this moment.

Perhaps, in ordinary life, you have done a good thing, when you receive other people's thanks, then your mood is happy and satisfied. The goodwill between people is always worth remembering.

Evil deeds do not remain in the world, only truth, goodness and beauty can make people transparent.

But when this gratitude, infinitely magnified, increased to 30,000 times, or even 50,000 times?

At this moment, Luo Chen and the others saw that the torrent of the crowd was not less, but it was still increasing. The rescued people on the island are still coming here in a steady stream.

He was leaning on crutches with a broken leg, and his eyes were firm with broken arms. At this moment, there are no disabled people on this island, and some are just ordinary people who want to pass on their gratitude to their benefactors!

At this moment, the atmosphere became quiet, solemn, and heavy.

The needle drop in the audience can be heard, only the breathing between each other can be heard.

The silent streets and squares continued the human torrent of thousands of meters. They knelt on their knees, their heads pressed tightly against the ground.

These people are not expressing their surrender, but just grateful!

Faced with such a scene, everyone in the Wraith Pirates group was stunned, and they seemed a little flustered.

People who have killed people, walked through the Grand Line, and experienced danger, but when they faced this moment, they panicked.

"What, what to do?"

Jason was a little nervous.

Crocodile's hideous face was constantly twitching, his fists were clenched, and his mood was equally uneasy.

Everyone looked at Luo Chen, waiting for the captain's response.


Taking a deep breath, Luo Chen's eyes became serious.

There is no doubt that in the face of such a situation, no one can calm down. Even if it was him, his heart was beating. He is not a single-celled creature like Luffy, and he knows exactly what the situation means at the moment.

The people on an island knelt and thanked themselves, which meant too much.

Even if he did these things, Luo Chen had skill and purpose in his heart, but when he really faced it at this moment, his mood was still heavy and complicated.

"Everyone on the island of Abiles, extend my most lofty gratitude to En Gong!"

In the quiet crowd, at the forefront, an old man with white hair, about sixty years old, knelt on his knees, and said heavily.

Because of his old age, he was weak and kneeling on the hard bluestone ground. He was already in pain, but he persisted.

"Regardless of any requirements, as long as Abiles Island can do it, please give me your orders!"

"We must do our best to do everything for you!"

This heavy voice shocked the eyes of the Wraith Pirates. But what surprised them even more was that none of the people of the island of Abiles objected to this old man's words.

This means that all of them acquiesced!


They looked at the figure in the front.

Regardless of any requirements, we can do it! This means that even if Luo Chen wants to be the king here, these people will agree without hesitation.

No one can understand the feelings of the people on the island of Abiles. They are being crushed by the dictatorship and brutal oppressive rule. The feeling of loneliness, helplessness, and despair, no one will understand.

And what kind of grace is it to save this island?

"Get up all."

On the platform base, Luo Chen's calm voice came out faintly, resounding in everyone's hearts.

Just a moment ago, Luo Chen dumbly heard the thoughts of the tens of thousands of people ahead of him, the sound of stones, the sound of trees, and the sounds of people's hearts, all echoing in his mind.

But these thousands of voices and huge data streams suddenly appeared, but they didn't burst his head, but made him feel a touch of warmth inexplicably.

"Listen to the sound of everything? No, maybe not."

Luo Chen shook his head. He realized that he had another mysterious ability in his control, which was difficult to express with words.

"Gongong, please make your request, otherwise, we won't get up!"

The old man's stubborn Kaidō.

After accepting the help of others, people with good intentions will not just leave as if nothing has happened. They will be grateful and grateful.

However, in the next second, Luo Chen's voice shocked the hearts of tens of thousands of people in the audience.

It was a bright voice with warm breeze and gentleness, which redeemed them, but let everything go by the wind without leaving a trace.

"Get up all, this is what I want of you!"

The audience was sluggish, and then fell silent.

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