Chambord Islands, Island 71.

On a certain remote coast, a three-masted sailing ship docked on the shore, and on the mast, a white flag was hung with an octagonal umbrella-like pattern composed of red and silver-gray.

In the first half of the Great Passage, many pirates will subconsciously avoid merchant ships flying the flag of the umbrella company when they see them.

Because the Umbrella Company’s merchant escorts are equipped with sniper rifles and javelin bazookas.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering a pirate ship, use a sniper rifle to consume points from a distance, and directly bomb the ship with rockets at short and medium distances.

The sniper rifle is fine, but blowing up the ship with a javelin bazooka really makes those pirates unbearable!

This is not to say that in terms of firepower, the pirates cannot use the cannons carried on board to sink the ships of the umbrella company.


Pirates attack other ships on the sea, mainly for the purpose of looting, not for pure killing and destruction.

The battle is over, people die, ships are broken, shells are wasted, but nothing is obtained, but any pirate with a normal brain will not do such a painful thing!

By the way, this kind of bazooka that is powerful enough to blow up ships, under the instruction of Sephiros, has already begun to be officially sold, and the buyers are endless, except for the purchases of some kingdoms to improve the overall strength of the army, the group that buys the most is actually shipping merchants….

Maritime trade is extremely profitable, but it also comes with great risks, in addition to the complex and changeable maritime climate, the unscrupulous pirates are the biggest threat!

Javelin bazooka, a reusable barrel, costs fifty thousand Baileys, costs one million Baileys, and an armor-piercing shell costs ten thousand Baileys and costs 200,000 Baileys.

Rao is so expensive, but after the umbrella company’s bazooka exploded in word of mouth, countless orders poured in….

Due to the large number of buyers, the order list is booked until next year!

Javelin bazookas sell so well that it is not without other arms dealers who want to copy them….

And yet….

Even if they scratch their heads, they can’t develop the special alloy that Jim uses his abilities to make.

Without that alloy, what they made was just a good look, and it simply could not reach the performance and power of the javelin bazooka!

Even the other weapons of the umbrella company with special alloys added to them, they cannot imitate them at all, unless the umbrella company is willing to sell the alloy raw materials….

Therefore, the current umbrella company, in the Chambord Islands, can be said to be a well-deserved arms faucet, a great shipping lane, and the arms it manufactures circulate in the four seas.

Tezzolo, wearing a pink suit, propped his right hand on the edge of the three-masted schoon, raised his left hand and looked at the gold watch on his wrist.

There are only two minutes left before the agreed two hours….

He was very curious about how Sephiros had rushed back to the Chambord Islands in the Kingdom of Dressrosa, nearly a thousand kilometers away.

Although his boss is often haunted and seems to pop out from anywhere, he still has some doubts in his heart….

At this moment, on the shore, a slender red glow flashed away.

A burst of spatial ripples quickly folded and squeezed to both sides, forming a two-meter-five-high spatial door.

Sephiroth, wearing a black half-face mask on his face and a blue suit, walked out of the light green door inner world, his silver hair broken, still in a semi-wet state, apparently he had just washed his hair….

With a slight jump, Sephiroth jumped from the shore onto the deck of the three-masted schoon.

“Boss, are you really coming back from Dressrosa?”

Tezzolo looked at the boy standing beside him with a surprised expression.

“Hmm! I also took time to take a shower and change my clothes.

Sephiroth glanced at the more than thirty black suits on the deck of the ship before he asked,

“Can these people be trusted?” This time things can’t be sloppy.

“Boss, don’t worry! These are trusted brothers.

With a confident expression, Tezzolo patted his chest and uttered a “Boom!” Boom! “.

It was the sound of the golden armor under his clothes.

Ever since Tezzolo obtained the Golden Fruit, he has been working very hard to develop this Devil Fruit, and the effect is also very good.

With the golden armor he made with his ability, ordinary gun bullets could no longer hurt him in the slightest!

This has greatly improved his strength, and even if he encounters some pirates with a bounty of tens of millions of levels, he can win the battle relatively easily.

However, he is still a little confused about the domineering of armed colors and the domineering of seeing and hearing colors….

“Then let’s go!”

“Boss, where are we going…?”

“It doesn’t matter where you go, just go with the wind!”

“Ah! This…” Hearing

this, Tezzolo scratched his head with an inexplicable expression, and gave an order to his subordinates:

“Set off and sail with the wind!”

The sails were raised, and the three-masted schooner put away its anchor and slowly sailed away from the coast in the direction of the Red Earth Continent.

After traveling some distance, a pair of black flesh wings suddenly opened up behind Sephiroth’s back, and he gently vibrated his wings a few times before flying in the direction of the three-masted sailing ship.

On the endless blue sea, Sephiroth pulled out the long knife at his waist, aimed it at the air not far away, and swung out three red sword qi slashes in succession, forming a “work” character in the space.


With his push of his hand, the two space doors slowly opened inside, revealing the light green world inside the door.

The inside of the open space door, about 70 meters high, more than 40 meters wide and more than 100 meters long, is a space cube.

The sea can render the Devil Fruit powerless and sink into the sea, but it cannot invalidate the ability.

Therefore, even if Sephiroth plays hooligans on the sea, the other party can only endure it silently.

As the sea water poured in, the three-masted sailing ship also slowly sailed into this temporary space dock.

Standing on the deck, Tezzolo and the crew looked at the light green space in their eyes with a look of horror.

What terrifying power must be possessed to create such a place?

Sephiroth, who vibrated his wings and flew in mid-air, first closed his eyes and felt the vampire bats located in the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

After waiting for a while, when the temporary space moved to a certain location, he swung his knife out of thin air and cut out the word “work” again.


On the wide blue sea, under the slightly sloping slope, the sea water in the green space pours out, and the three-masted sailing ship also breaks through the sea, bringing a large white wave and falling heavily into the sea.

“This is…?”

Tezzolo stood on the deck, turned and looked around, he looked at the Red Earth Continent that was almost invisible in the distance, and the horrified expression on his face could not be suppressed.

“The second half of the Great Passage … New world!

Sephiroth flapped his black flesh wings so that his figure slowly landed on the deck of the ship, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The larger the temporary space he constructs when using the Door Fruit, the longer the folding space, the longer the distance he moves, and the more physical exertion he consumes.

Just from the Chambord Islands, across the Red Earth Continent, and indented here, his physical strength consumed more than half…

He will need to develop a technique that is more efficient and less physically extensive!

Recovering from the shock, as a businessman, Tezzolo’s mind immediately associated this matter with business, and he said excitedly:

“Boss, awesome!”

If you use this ability for shipping, our umbrella company’s maritime trade will definitely be able to dominate the entire sea!

“! I don’t want to work hard every day and make that little bit of money….

Do you really need to consume a lot of physical strength when I use such a large-scale space movement? Hearing

this, Sephiroth immediately pouted and refuted unceremoniously, which made Tezzolo’s face a little embarrassed.

Sephiroth rested for about three minutes, and he finally restored his physical strength to its peak state by consuming a large amount of reserve life.

Immediately afterwards, he repeated his old trick and once again loaded the three-masted sailboat into the temporary space.

After four consecutive spatial transfers, everyone on the three-masted sailing ship saw the Kingdom of Dressrosa appearing on the sea level in the distance…

At Sephiroth’s orders, the men sailed the ship to the east coast and docked temporarily.

After waiting for a long time, Scarlet took Cyrus and twenty elite members of the Kingdom Army to board the three-masted galleon, and left the port with them to their destination….

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