Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 98 Air Mechanics: Storm

Under the leadership of the people arranged by Crocodile, Qiuhe successfully obtained 1,500 tons of iron ingots, but this time the person who led the way was not Chris, which made Qiuhe feel a little regretful.

It has to be said that Crocodile was very thoughtful. The iron ingots shipped from all over the place were buried in batches in the sand near the rainy land, and he marked them so that only the upper echelons of the Baroque Works Club would know.

This can not only save manpower, but also avoid placing it in the rain to occupy the position.

However, this hurt Qiu He, who ran three places under the sun, and only managed to collect 1,500 tons of iron ingots.

After getting the iron ingot, Qiu He immediately ran to the desolate area, and couldn't wait to click on the long-awaited "Aerial Mechanics: Storm" skill.

‘Aerial Mechanics: Storm: Summon the air combat robot Storm to assist itself in attacking the enemy.

The summoned storm can move in the air and use machine guns and missiles to attack enemies in the air or on the ground. After a period of time, the storm will explode and deal certain damage to surrounding enemies. '

However, after learning this skill, the skill icon shows that the skill is still cooling down, unlike the previous skills, which can be used immediately after learning.

Looking at the three-minute cooldown in the skill introduction, Qiu He felt that it was acceptable, so he found a shaded place, took out a bucket of water, and waited.

However, after waiting for about ten minutes, Sifang's skill icons only lighted up less than one-tenth of the time, and it was unclear whether the skill introduction was wrong or the skill cooldown time was wrong.

"Hey, hey, what's going on, is there a bug in the system, can you maintain it, it will destroy the user experience!"

Qiuhe wants to find someone to help solve the problem, but the system is not intelligent and does not answer his questions at all.

Qiu He looked at the scorching sun above his head, gritted his teeth, took out the cloak from his backpack and put it on top of his head. He wanted to see how long the cooldown of this skill was.

After waiting for nearly two hours and drinking most of the water in the barrel, the skill of 'Aerial Mechanics: Storm' was only cooled down.

Qiu He stood up, looked around, and after making sure that there was no one in the place, she used the skill 'Aerial Mechanics: Storm'.

I don't know if it's because of the high temperature, but the air in front of Qiu He's eyes suddenly became distorted, and then a huge robot with distinct limbs and wings emerged from the distorted place.

Looking at the huge robot that suddenly appeared in front of him, Qiu He was stunned for a long time, then roared and rushed over.


Although Qiu He guessed when he knew that this skill would consume so many iron ingots, the one summoned this time might be a huge monster, but when it was actually summoned, the appearance of the storm robot still surprised Qiu He.

This is a huge robot about fifteen meters high. The limbs and facial features look very detailed, and the wings on the back are not just for decoration.

Although Qiu He blurted out the name 'Gundam' after seeing this robot, but compared to the real Gundam, Storm Robot is much worse in terms of color rendering and sense of technology.

But this does not hinder Qiuhe's inner joy, after all, giant robots are a man's romance.

Qiu He took the time to look at the skill icon of 'Aerial Mechanics: Storm', and found that the skill cools down very quickly this time, and the skill cools down in just three minutes.

After carefully inspecting the Storm Robot, Qiu He was a little disappointed that there was no cab. Qiu He only found a groove on the back of the Storm Robot, just enough for him to get stuck there.

Standing in the groove, Qiuhe tried to order the storm robot to fly a little bit, and the storm robot flew up steadily and stopped one meter above the ground.

Selecting a sand dune not far away, Qiu He issued an attack order to the storm robot. The storm robot first used the machine gun in its hand to shoot at the dunes,

Then two missiles flew out and hit the sand dune in the blink of an eye. After the violent explosion, only a deep pit remained where the sand dune was originally.

Qiuhe couldn't help but be glad that he chose to summon in a deserted place. If he summoned in the city and caused such a big commotion, this card would probably have been exposed to Crocodile.

However, the storm robot only has two attack methods: machine gun and missile, which made Qiuhe feel a little dissatisfied. If he could give the storm robot a lightsaber, he could try the chicken god's human stick style.

Ten minutes later, Qiuhe quickly moved away from the storm robot, and then the storm robot exploded violently.

"This is not a small problem." Looking at the huge shallow crater that was blasted in the distance, Qiu He pouted.

Although the description of the skill is all about dealing damage to the enemy, Qiuhe has tried it many times, and the damage caused by the skill is the same, which is very annoying.

Let this question go for the time being, the skill 'Aerial Mechanics: Storm' needs more detailed testing.

Qiuhe summoned a storm robot again, put Xiaojin into the groove of the storm robot's neck, and ordered it to fly to the sky at the fastest speed.

Seeing the storm robot gradually shrinking into a black spot, Qiu He focused on the skill icon of "Aerial Mechanics: Storm".

The cooling time this time was exactly three minutes, and it didn't have the two-hour situation the first time.

It is estimated that this will only happen for the first time!

Qiuhe thought about it, then walked towards the rainy land.

There was a lot of noise from the explosion just now. If anyone noticed, they should have arrived almost soon.

On the way back, Qiuhe received information that Xiaojin was forcibly recalled.

After asking Xiaojin, Qiuhe confirmed that the movement of the storm robot is indeed relying on the propulsion device behind it, and its moving speed has little to do with the air density.

That is to say, it is feasible to board the 10,000-meter-high empty island with a storm robot, and Qiu He's efforts all along are not in vain.

Gold coins, experience and strength.

Qiu He couldn't help but start to imagine how strong he could become after arriving at the empty island and recharging all the gold on the empty island, and of course the devil fruit.

Calculated according to the time, Enilo should not have arrived at Sky Island, that is to say, the thunderous fruit should not have been eaten yet.

If he finds the thunderous fruit successfully, Qiuhe doesn't know if he should eat it then. After all, it is one of the most powerful natural-type devil fruits. The long-eared monster will be defeated by Luffy entirely because of the plot.

After fighting Crocodile, Qiu He no longer believed in the strength these people showed when fighting Luffy, after all, Luffy wore a ring on his body.

Qiuhe's heart has now flown to the sky island, and he will go straight to the sky island when he gets the remaining iron ingots two days later.

Of course, these two days will not be wasted by Qiuhe, he has to make full preparations for this long journey.

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