Above the calm sea, a pirate ship like a circus sails smoothly.

There is a cute little girl holding a sword box on the pirate ship at the helm seriously, and above the deck, a man is basking in the sun, which is exactly Wave Feng Shuimen and Dusty.

“Sir, are you really the legendary man who does all evil?”

Dusty asked Watergate curiously, although in the past rumors, everyone was a group of powerful and evil bad people, but how did she feel not like ah, would the bad guys lie here so leisurely in the sun? And also people who laugh so warmly.

“Nothing evil? That’s kind of interesting, yes, I’m the person you call the man who does all the evil. ”

Watergate smiled after hearing Dusty’s words, do everything evil? It’s true that breaking into the naval headquarters, which civilians consider a symbol of peace, and breaking down a prison like Propulsion City doesn’t seem like something a good person would do.

“But I don’t think it’s eh, adults are obviously good people.”

Dusty pouted and said that although Lord Watergate was imposing before, he wanted to ruin Rogue Town, but in the end, he didn’t let Rogue Town go, and most importantly, the adult also gave her the two so good knives, one of the good knives, Xue Walk, and three generations of Ghost Toru.

What is this not a good person? That’s right, those people must be slandering, this is obviously a good person.

Dusty thought indignantly, in the future, when there is a chance, he must let more people know that adults are good people!

“Hahaha, good man, Dusty, you are really simple.”

Watergate was in a happy mood, reaching out to rub Dusty’s silky hair, causing Dusty to frown for a while, sure enough, it was really the right thing to bring this simple little girl to her side.

By the way, speaking of the little girl, Watergate remembered, he seems to have an untamed little maid, it seems that he has to find a time to recall her, when he thinks of Karina’s expression after being found by him, Watergate has some urge to find her now.

“So, my lord, are we going there?”

Dusty looked at the Wave Feng Shui Gate with big eyes, and after leaving Rogue Town, they were sailing leisurely on this sea, without any destination at all.

“Where? Of course, to burn and loot? Watergate laughed and teased Dusty, provoking Dusty for a burst of reprimand.

“Adults are really annoying, making fun of Dusty.”

“Okay, Dusty, do you know what happened to a pirate named Klick during this time?”

Watergate didn’t continue to mess around, speaking of business, he hadn’t forgotten the deal he had made in Advance City, and he promised to exchange a devil fruit for Klick’s head.

Now, as a person who advocates collecting money first and working later, he collected that devil fruit, and naturally he would do what he said and take off Klick’s head.

“Klick, are you talking about the ‘Governor’ Klick who is known as the ‘Overlord of the East Sea’? ”

Dusty exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands, she remembered who the Klick in the watergate was, it turned out to be the “Governor” Klick, this is a real bad person, even Dusty who has always lived in Rogue Town knows that this is an evil person who burns and loots.

“Overlord of the East Sea? This tone is really not small, huh? I took his head. ”

Watergate’s eyes flashed a bright light, an ignorant ant, actually so ignorant of the sky, this is really interesting.

“Sir, are you trying to get rid of him? To eliminate harm for the people, it is true that the adult is a good person. Dusty’s eyes lit up and she looked at Watergate with adoration.

Sure enough, he is a good person, and as soon as he makes a move, he will eliminate harm for the people and remove this big tumor in the East China Sea.

“Okay, do you know where he moves?” Watergate rolled his eyes helplessly, it seems that in the eyes of Dusty, the identity of a good person has been set, and he can’t change it.

Watergate considered whether to do something bad and break the image of a good person in Dusty’s mind.

“This, this I don’t know, my lord.” Dusty said a little embarrassed, as if she felt ashamed.

“It seems that she has to come, long-term confusion between pirates and thieves, she is more familiar with this section of intelligence.” Watergate touch. Touching his nose, he said slowly, and the appearance of Karina appeared in his mind.

“What kind of man?” Dusty asked about Watergate curiously.

“A very naughty maid, Dusty can’t learn from her, you know?” Watergate said with a smile.

“Well, I see, my lord, I’ll help you.” Dusty nodded, she had now been completely bought by those two famous knives, and she didn’t think about the right or wrong at all.

“That is, I’ll find her now.” A smile curled at the corner of Watergate’s mouth, and he was looking forward to Karina’s expression in front of him.

“Reverse Flying Thunder God Technique!”

The water gate quickly froze, and his hands moved quickly.

The moment the seal was completed, a faint light flashed, and a figure with short purple hair suddenly appeared, falling directly onto the deck.

“Oh, how could I fall? Oh, no, I’m not already climbing Upside Down Mountain? Where is this? ”

Karina screamed, rubbed her pi shares that fell on the deck, but in an instant she noticed that something was wrong, her face changed greatly, because the scene in front of her changed completely, in order to avoid the demon of the water gate, she had run far away, and even followed a pirate ship into the great voyage, and now she was on the way to climb the upside-down mountain, how could she suddenly appear here?

Karina chuckled in her heart, as if the situation was still somewhat familiar, as if she had experienced it.

“My little maid, where do you want to go?”

Just when Karina couldn’t believe it, a familiar and warm voice appeared in her ears.

PS: There is more and more free time during this time, so I decided to change the day three to the day four more, so if you guys have any tickets or something like that, don’t hesitate to smash it, and finally say a word.

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