Pirate’s Holy Light Swordsman

Chapter 146 Dressrosa Raiders (6/10 first order)

Chapter 146 Dressrosa Raiders (610 first order)

"Maybe..." A bright light flashed in Vega Punk's eyes.

"So, Lieutenant General Wright, what is the request of the Warring States Marshal?"

Vegapunk brought the topic back to the main topic: "This thing is a space transmission device, but it has not yet reached its potential..."

Light nodded, not surprised that Vega Punk figured out the blueprint in just a few minutes:

"That's right, this light-casting beacon can only be used by myself at present. The Warring States Marshal hopes to develop its versatility."

"Is it universal?" Vega Punk touched his chin: "Light cast crystal?"

"You and I thought about it together." Wright laughed and took out a few ordinary light-cast crystals: "Using this, is it possible to make ordinary people and even objects teleport?"

"Well... an exciting topic!" Vegapunk took the light-cast crystal from Wright's hand: "It works in theory, but there will definitely be many technical problems."

"I'm already excited..." Vega Punk rubbed the light-cast crystal in his hand, his eyes shining: "If it succeeds, it will be an epoch-making change to the world!"

"The first thing we'll do, then, is to make two Lightforged Beacons. Come with me, Lieutenant General Wright."

Vegapunk greeted Wright, and glanced at the expressionless Zhan Taomaru: "Mr. Bodyguard, go do your work, I'm taking Lieutenant General Wright to the research room."

"My mission is to protect you, so what else can I do!" Zhan Taomaru blinked: "Why, can't I watch from the sidelines?"

"You can beat Lieutenant General Wright?" Vegapunk said mercilessly: "Lieutenant General Wright is by my side, three of you will be beaten if you come to assassinate them. What am I afraid of?"

"So you can go back to rest, Tao."

A Tao?

"Punk bastard! Don't call it that!"

"Okay Tao, I know Tao, see you again."


Zhan Taomaru stayed where he was, gritted his teeth and watched Wright show him an apologetic smile, and hurriedly followed Vegapunk away.

"Hmph! Uncle, I have been underestimated! As for Lieutenant General Wright..."

"I just can't beat it, what?!"


"Oh! Dr. Vegapunk, you have so many Devil Fruits here!"

Wright, who followed Vegapunk to the research room, looked at the five different Devil Fruits separated by a glass cover, and was startled.

——I have never seen so many Devil Fruits gathered together!

"Those? They are all animal-type devil fruits, used for testing."

Vegapunk said indifferently: "The World ZF is rich and rich, I only need three, and they sent five in one go."

"But it makes the experimental data a lot more perfect - three of them have been 'eaten' and useless."

"Devil fruit weapon?" Wright looked at the five devil fruits, and soon found that three of them were indeed missing one.

"..." Vega Punk sighed: "So why did that guy from Tao come to be my bodyguard?!"

"Yes, according to the theory of the bloodline factor, I recently conquered the technology of 'eating' devil fruits with inanimate objects."

"But only Zoological Devil Fruits can, because only they can give items intelligence - even if it's just animal level."

"It's an amazing invention." Wright said with emotion: "This time, weapons can be turned into pets."

"Well, yes, but it's not a practical thing." Vegapunk began to pick out the materials needed to make the Lightcast Beacon in the material library.

"A weapon that eats the fruit can't fully utilize the potential of the fruit, so it's better to eat it for the soldiers."

While speaking, Vega Punk has already prepared the materials: "Come on, make it and see... Let me see how the things designed by Gage will work."

Two lightforged beacons were quickly completed, and Wright tested it several times with Vega Punk.

"How? Is there any hope?"

Wright watched Vega Punk fiddle with various testing instruments, and felt that the fear of being suppressed by the IQ of Xueba had reappeared.

"Of course there is hope."

Vegapunk recorded the data in a small notebook: "It's just that the time required should not be short. This requires some very fine adjustments. I need more data."

"It's good to have hope, but I'm really looking forward to it."


A new world, an unknown sea area.

"Young Master, it is expected to take a week to reach Dressrosa..."

On the pink flamingo pirate ship, Don Quixote Doflamingo stands in the bow of the ship in a pink feather coat, and Monet is reporting information to him.

"This time we went to the New World, which has already aroused the navy's vigilance... It is conceivable that the navy on Dressrosa should also have arrangements."

"Furfurfurfur...it doesn't matter." Doflamingo laughed lowly, and the chill hidden in his laughter made Monet, who had the ability of Snow Snow Fruit, feel icy cold.

"My lovely brother leaked our plans..."

"He only knew that we were going to attack Dressrosa, but he didn't know the specifics... The navy couldn't make targeted deployments."

"There are more and more pirates, and the navy is getting less and less powerful. It is impossible for them to put a force that threatens us in Dressrosa for a long time!"

"There is no precedent for the navy to station a large number of troops in the allied countries for no reason! So..."

Doflamingo turned around and looked at the remaining family members: "As long as we are fast enough, we will capture Dressrosa before the navy's surveillance spies can react!"

With his arms open frantically, Doflamingo looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Then, Dressrosa should belong to the Don Quixote family. It belongs to my throne, and it is what I have in my pocket!"

"Dover, how can we capture a country with only a few of us?" The only remaining top cadre, Diamanti, was the worst at strategy.

"Furfurfurfur... this is the detail that my dear brother never knew..."

Doflamingo told the cadres about the plan he had been brewing for a long time, and the cadres suddenly realized.

"I see... Dressrosa's current king, Liku Dold III, can be a king with this style of behavior?"

Gradius sneered: "As a king, in the era of the great pirates, he did nothing to protect the country at all."

"Just relying on the so-called 'benevolent government' to rule is simply an idiot!"

"That's right... Therefore, although the people of Dressrosa trust King Liku, they live very poor... Such a good resource of Dressrosa is wasted in vain!"

When Doflamingo said this, he couldn't help clenching his teeth: "That bastard Wright! He destroyed the most important part of the plan..."

"Without the 'Gold in the Sky' and without the status of Qiwuhai, I cannot legally force King Liku to abdicate and obtain the throne!"

"But... it's not bad to hide in the dark, furfurfurfur..." Doflamingo laughed softly:

"The Riku King that people see, as long as it is the Riku King I want them to see, the problem will be solved!"

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