
“Congratulations to the host, the second template is successfully opened.

“Template character Uchiha spot, template synchronization progress 20%!”

The moment Ling Yun opened his eyes, the system prompt sounded.

Through the assimilation function of the system.

Ling Yun perfectly inherited part of the power of Uchiha!

This moment.

His eyes changed.

Originally it was pitch black, but now it turned crimson, accompanied by three black gouyu, and in the center was a sword-shaped gouyu.

This is just the beginning of the eyes.

Directly is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

What’s more.

Lingyun’s kaleidoscope writing wheel eye not only inherits the power of Uchiha spot, but also fuses the power of the previous template.

A unique kaleidoscope chakra eye!


The white robe on Ling Yun’s body was windless and automatic, and the sharp sword qi rippled in all directions, and a strong momentum rose up.

After opening the second template, his strength rose to a higher level.

The combat power has also become more comprehensive!

“Illusion, it must be my illusion, probably because I didn’t sleep well last night.” Inadvertently glancing at Ling Yun, Sa Tian trembled and swallowed his saliva.

Just a moment ago.

He obviously sensed that Ling Yun seemed to be getting stronger again.

Without warning, it happened suddenly.

Although this strange situation has happened more than once in the past six years.

But Salong was still scared!

“That’s not right…”

“Ling Yun’s eyes have changed!”

Salong moved his gaze to Ling Yun’s eyes, and the kaleidoscopic chakra eyes came into view.

The three black gouge jade outside, surrounding the sword-shaped goujade in the middle, exuded majestic pupil power while rotating.

Just a glance.

Salon immediately felt like he was in a trance.

He was startled and quickly withdrew his gaze, not daring to look at Ling Yun’s kaleidoscope again.

“Mr. Lingyun, what’s going on with these eyes?” Robin, who was cleaning up the table, also found the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“These eyes…”

“There is the power of revenge, and you will understand it later.”

Ling Yun didn’t intend to explain too much.

He slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the kaleidoscope chakra eye disappeared.

Everything is back to normal.

“Saron, is the location of the next island confirmed?” Ling Yun changed the topic at the right time, and after the establishment of the Asura Pirate Group, he acted as a handshaker.

The role of navigator is played by Salon.

“Latin Island, a famous commercial island in the North Sea, we can just go there to replenish our substances.” Salon immediately proposed a plan.

“Howler, then follow your plan.” Ling Yun chuckled heartily.

Buddhist sailing.

Go wherever you want.

With a salted fish mentality, Lingyun enjoyed the journey.


World government?

I didn’t put it in my eyes at all!


Soon after.

After a long journey.

The Windwalk soon arrived at its destination, the island of Latin!

Due to its special geographical location and the central location of the shipping route, Latin Island is popular all year round, with developed commerce and a variety of people everywhere.

Port office.

The Fengxing docked smoothly.

Lingyun, Robin, and Salong went ashore one after another.

“It’s a long time absence.”

Ling Yun stretched out, with a smile on his face.

Six years ago, before the Demon Slayer Order came, he took Robin out to sea once.

On that voyage, the two had a pleasant journey, and Ling Yun even specially brought back a lot of fine wine, until the day before the demon slaughter order came, he also shared a part of it with Salon.

Now we are once again on a popular island.

Ling Yun’s first thought was to go to the tavern on the island and have a drink or two!

“Tracy hee-hee…”

“Latin Island, when I was still in Marin Burn, I heard about the special wine here, or should we go and have two drinks?” As a partner who has been getting along with each other for many years, Salong can see Ling Yun’s mind at a glance.

“Saron, you still understand me, every time you arrive on a new island in the future, you must taste the wine on the island.” Ling Yun was a little impatient.

“Let’s go.”

“Let’s go to the tavern for a few drinks!”

After taking the attention.

The three quickly walked towards town.



The pile of containers on the east side of the port, a sneaky figure, secretly watching Ling Yun and them leave.

“I must be right, those three people just now must be wanted criminals in the O’Hara incident, but I didn’t expect that after disappearing for six years, they would appear on Latin Island.”

This middle-aged man named Koala, with a long scar on his face, is a hidden informant of the North Sea branch of the Navy, who is usually responsible for providing clues to the Navy.

Not long ago, he had just returned from a boat out of town and had planned to wander around town.

I didn’t expect the crooked beating.

I actually happened to meet Lingyun and them!

“Hehe, it seems that today’s luck is good, and you can receive a clue reward immediately.” Koala took a phone bug out of her arms.

Blu Bru ——

The phone bug answered quickly.

“Hey, is it a koala? Call me early in the morning, could it be that you have found an important clue again? On the other end of the phone worm, came a flirtatious voice.

“Major General Stark, you really guessed right, I have a valuable intelligence here!” Koala deliberately lowered her voice.

“What intelligence? Is it about Doflamingo? No, he has been chased away by Lieutenant General Crane recently, and there should be no trouble. Major General Stark expressed doubt.

“Nope! You misunderstood, not Doflamingo’s kind of small fish and shrimp. “The koala deliberately sold a pass.

“Small fish and shrimp? Koala, I’m afraid you’re faint, Doflamingo guy, but he dominates the entire black market in the North Sea, and even Lieutenant General Cook is afraid of three points! Major General Stark retorted solemnly.

“Then it also depends on who to compare with, what if it’s Lingyun? He’s big enough! The koala cocked in a playful arc, already foreseeing what would follow.

Sure enough….

Hearing the name “Lingyun”, Major General Stark was silent for a while, and his mood immediately became violently fluctuating.

“Koala, when you say Lingyun, did you destroy the demon of the Demon Slayer Order fleet?”

“That’s right, Major General Stark, they’ve just arrived on Latin Island, so they’re probably wandering around town.” Koala reported everything he had seen in detail.

“I see, thanks to your information, you will get a good reward!”

After hastily leaving a sentence, Major General Stark immediately hung up the phone worm.

Ling Yun appeared again, making him panic!

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