Thunder swept and the momentum was huge.

In just a few breaths.

Captain Tariq’s body was devoured.

The open space outside the tavern was shrouded in a majestic spiritual pressure storm, and the thunder arc danced around like a python.

In just a few breaths.

Captain Tariq disappeared, replaced by ashes all over the ground.

He was instantly blasted into slag!


“The captain of the Navy just disappeared!”

Looking at the ashes scattered all over the ground, Robin couldn’t hide his shocked face.

A living captain of the Navy just disappeared in front of his eyes, and if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, no one would have dared to believe the scene in front of him.

“Mr. Lingyun is really strong!”

Looking at Ling Yun’s back, Robin couldn’t help but sigh.

As early as half a year ago, Ling Yun had wiped out the Iron Wolf Pirate Group, and Robin was shocked enough at that time.

And now the enemy is replaced by the Navy, and the shock is multiplied!

“It’s done, the captain of the Navy really can’t even warm up.” Ling Yun clapped his hands with a relaxed face, very satisfied with the power of the thunder bomber.

“Captain Tariq actually disappeared?”

The rest of the naval soldiers did not react at all, and they all froze in place.

However, when they reacted, only fear that went deep into the bone marrow remained!

“You guys too!”

“Don’t even think about leaving the island!”

Ling Yun’s eyes burst with a strong murderous intent.


Without seeing any movement from Ling Yun, a powerful spiritual pressure burst out.

The light blue spiritual pressure spread in the air like a wave, almost materially, and a ripple that spread out slightly scattered the surrounding naval soldiers.


The wails of pain rose one after another, and every naval soldier present, oppressed by the spiritual pressure that fell from the sky, all flew upside down like cannonballs, rolling on the ground in embarrassment.

The pain of the broken bones lingered in the heart like a nightmare.

Using one’s own spiritual pressure to intimidate opponents is the most common means of death.

Lingyun is naturally no exception!

Followed by.

The broken path chant sounded again.

“O King’s Landing, the mask of flesh and blood, O one who flaps its wings and bears the name of man! Carve double lotuses on the wall of fire, and wait for the abyss of fire between the distant firmament! ”

“Seventy-three of the Broken Dao, Double Lotus Fire Pendant!”

The moment the broken chant fell.

The super spiritual pressure at the captain level, coupled with two thousand years of mastery of the ghost path, the two masses exuded a fiery hot and hot flame explosion, which instantly condensed and formed in Ling Yun’s hands, and immediately pushed the temperature of the air to the boiling point.

“This is…”

“Is it rare that he is a person with the ability to burn fruits” Feeling the heat fluctuations coming from the flames, the navy soldiers had a terrified look on their faces.

“That’s the end of it.”

Each hand held a flame explosion, and Ling Yun was reflected by the firelight, like a flame demon from the depths of hell.

No excessive nonsense.

Ling Yun calmly spread out his hands and pushed the two flame explosions around.


The fire exploded.

The explosion rippled like a tsunami, exuding incomparably hot heat.

The flames burned, accompanied by pain and wailing.

In just a few breaths, the hundreds of naval soldiers present turned into ashes in an instant.

A killing move to death!

“The sea… Navy, all dead! ”

Looking at the scene happening in front of him, Robin froze in place.

The navy, in her impression, is the maintainer of order in the entire sea, a behemoth that cannot be provoked.


The scene in front of you means that everything is broken!

Kidnap world government officials and kill captains and naval soldiers.

Ling Yun’s behavior will be wanted!

“Robin, don’t worry too much, since Spandyne has come to the West Sea, everything is destined to be unchangeable.” Ling Yun tried to calm the emotions.

“What do you mean?”

Robin asked puzzled.

“It won’t be clear for a while, in short, without leaving early, we will all experience this scene sooner or later, it’s just a difference in time.” Ling Yun didn’t explain much.

The Devil Slaying Order is bound to come.

This is a fact that he cannot change.

“That… So what now? ”

Robin has some six gods and no masters.

Although she believed in Ling Yun, she killed the navy, and it was difficult to calm her mind for a while.

“Let’s go back to O’Hara and wait for what should happen.” Ling Yun quickly gave an answer.

“Huh? Mr. Ling Yun, I heard you right. Robin exclaimed incredulously, at one point suspecting that he had misheard, “Isn’t this sitting still?” ”

“Sit back?”

“The person to worry about should be the Navy.”

The corner of Ling Yun’s mouth turned up in a confident arc.

This time the accident triggered three special events in a row, which gave Ling Yun more hope.

Yellow ape, red dog….

Once you meet the two of them, you will definitely start more special events, and the assimilation progress of the template will skyrocket in an instant.

This is what Lingyun wants to happen.

Although completing daily tasks can unlock assimilation progress, this process is too slow.

Only by triggering special events can you quickly improve your strength.

Wealth is in danger!

“Robin, let’s go, let’s go back to O’Hara now.”

Mentioning the unconscious Spandyne, Ling Yun turned around and walked towards the port, “If nothing else, this accident will soon be transmitted back to the naval headquarters, and there will definitely be a more powerful naval intervention at that time.” ”

“I see!”

Robin quickly collected his mood.

Although her heart was full of worries, out of trust, she was willing to listen to Ling Yun’s words.

The two of them walked one after the other and soon left the port.

They are ready for the worst!


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, most of the day passed.

Due to the popularity of Kara Island, after the accident, it was immediately transmitted back to the naval branch of the West Sea, and then quickly spread to Marin Yanduo.

Learned that Spandyne had been kidnapped.

The war country horse gas exploded the lungs!

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