Luffy flicked his arm, just about to inflate his body, turn on second gear, and destroy the cannonball.

Usopp below sensed that Luffy was about to make a move, and immediately said, "Luffy, don't move, leave it to me!"

As he spoke, Usopp's eyes flashed red, and he opened up the color of seeing and hearing, capturing all the trajectories of the cannonballs, and a moving image of the cannonballs attacking appeared in his mind.

Then he waved his wings, turned into the wind, and was very agile, spinning back and forth up and down, left and right, interspersed with flying in a dense cannonball, like a flat boat in a storm, which looked very steep and abnormal, but he dodged all the cannonballs.


Dense shells, which failed to hit the target, the kinetic energy subsided, fell into the sea, violent explosions rang non-stop, and waves rose into the sky.

Seeing that the shells didn't work, Colonel Mouse's eyes flashed with horror, and he looked at Luffy and Usopp, who were already not far from the side of the ship, and shouted to his navy: "Shoot me!" Shoot..."

The navy immediately shot at the two in the air, and the dense bullets with a sharp hiss, attacked the two again, Usopp concocted the same method, dodging all the bullets, and then a big roundabout, gathered his wings, and landed firmly on the deck of the warship with Luffy.

Luffy thought back to Usopp's performance and couldn't stop nodding, Usopp was really a lot more reliable.

Usopp ends his transformation and returns to his human form.

Under the mandatory order of Colonel Mouse, the Navy soldiers stood in front of Colonel Mouse, holding loaded rifles, aiming at Luffy and Usopp.

Looking at Usopp's strange transformation under their noses, a strange bird turned into a person like this, and horror and fear flashed in the eyes of the navy, as a branch navy, it was the first time to see such a strange thing.

Although he had a gun, he did not feel any sense of security because of this, but was even more frightened, and kept retreating, almost hitting the mouse colonel.

"Devil Fruit Ability!

Who the hell are you?

Why land on a warship of the Navy? Colonel

Mouse still has some insight, and immediately knows the source of Usopp's ability, and then he said in a fierce manner, first show the identity of the navy, hoping that the other party will be jealous.


That money was saved by a girl who spent eight years and shed countless blood and sweat to buy money for freedom and happiness!

Are you going to take it too?

Luffy didn't answer the mouse, but looked at Berry and the treasure in the box beside the mouse, and asked with a serious expression, and his mind echoed Nami's weak figure of all these years of lonely struggle.

When Colonel Rat heard Luffy's words, he immediately blew his hair, it turned out to be for the money, and the money that fell into his hands was his, and no one wanted to take it, he let out a hysterical roar: "Listen to my orders, shoot!" Kill these two thugs! Although

the navy was afraid of Luffy and Usopp's abilities, they pulled the trigger under the habit of obeying orders that they had developed over time.

Bang bang bang....

Dense gunshots rang out, flames erupted, and golden bullets spun out at a rapid pace, shooting towards the two of them.

Luffy crouched down to turn on second gear, his eyes flashed red, and his right hand shot out like lightning, like a star-picking hand, capturing all the dense bullets in his hand.

Then, in front of the navy, he let go of his hand, tilted slightly, and the golden bullets fell to the ground with a rattling sound.

Although the sound was not very loud, it resounded in the hearts of the navies, like thunder.

Bang bang bang....

Where have these navies ever seen such an unbelievable thing as catching bullets in their hands, and they have fallen to the ground one after another, losing their combat effectiveness.

"Bastard, give me up and fight!"

Colonel Rat let out a cry and continued the order.

However, the navies were already frightened by Luffy's behavior, completely lost their combat effectiveness, and crawled to the side to dodge.

Luffy and Usopp had black lines on their faces, and with a sense of oppression like they were on the verge of an abyss, and they took heavy steps towards Colonel Mouse.

"You... What are you going to do, you have to know, to do it to me, is to rebel against the navy, it is to oppose the world government, are you ready to come to your senses? If you're interested, leave now, I can be blameless! Knowing

that he had encountered an invincible stubble, Colonel Rat immediately moved out of the Navy and the World Government as a backstage to put pressure on Luffy and the others.

After speaking, Colonel Rat gradually hardened, because this trick has repeatedly worked miraculously, and even Ah Long, the fishman with the highest bounty in the East China Sea, has to obediently send protection money.

Luffy didn't take half a step back, listening to Colonel Mouse's words, Luffy's anger burned, and his voice became serious and cold:


World government?

You think I'm going to be scared?

You are a scumbag, taking the wages of the people's hard-earned taxes, but watching the people who should have been protected by you, under the rule of Aaron, shed blood and tears, and became slaves and died miserably, not only did you not provide shelter, but instead colluded with Aaron and became Anlong's umbrella, a guy like you, let alone a colonel officer of the navy, in my opinion, is not even worthy of a person!

If the Navy's disciplinary committee doesn't arrest you, I'll do it for heaven and send you, a scum scumbag, to the sea to feed Wang Ba!

"You are going to rebel, and it will not end well!"

Colonel Rat took a step back, his face contorted, and let out a cry of hysteria.

"Give me death!"

Luffy's anger burned to the top, and he shot out with hatred, but his fist was only half blasted.


With a cracking sound, Usopp's half-Garudized right hand had turned into a claw, which penetrated directly into the chest of Colonel Mouse, and the bright red blood immediately spread out, staining the Navy's righteous majesty.


You're too long-winded, I'll take care of it!

Usopp smiled back at Luffy, a smile that had a certain horror flavor against the backdrop of Colonel Mouse's impaled chest.


You guy! "

Luffy found out that he didn't know when Usopp became so ferocious, and he did what he said, without ink at all.

Then he laughed heartily: "Hey, hey, hey..."

Well done!


Colonel Rat felt a sharp pain in his chest, and when he looked down, he saw Usopp's claws and blood at once.

His eyes widened, his pupils contracted, and he burst out with vigorous vitality, shouting: "You... How dare you, I'm a colonel in the Navy! "

Who the fuck are you, dare to rob our family Nami's hard-earned money, and kill him!"

Usopp's voice was cold, piercing the golden cracked stone, and then his right hand was withdrawn, and there was already a bright red heart in his hand that was still beating violently.

Poof, blood spurted wildly from Colonel Mouse's chest, and Colonel Rat didn't believe that he had been killed like this until he died, his pupils began to dilate, and his body fell into the dust, his eyes wide open, as if he was still looking at the treasure and banknotes in the boxes on the deck not far away.

Bang bang....

Colonel Mouse's heart was still beating in Usopp's palm, and Usopp looked at the bloody heart, and suddenly his Adam's apple stirred, and he swallowed a large mouthful of saliva, and he suddenly felt the urge to swallow this heart.

For a moment, a bloodthirsty glint flashed in his eyes.

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