The night is like water, and the sea breeze is gentle, bringing a gentle and shallow gentleness to those who are still sailing on the sea at this moment.

A copycat version of a straw hat pirate ship, now aboard a luxury sailing ship.

But the real straw hat Luffy and his gang took a small boat to break the waves on the endless sea and sail into the distance.

After dinner, Luffy once again became a good teacher, and told Sanji about the refinement and application of domineering.

Sanji was born in the kingdom of Jerma in the West Sea, and he has some understanding of domineering, and after listening to Luffy, the old driver, he immediately had a good understanding, and immediately took advantage of the quiet night to start the study of domineering.

Sauron was holding his saber in his arms, leaning against the side of the ship, as if he was sleepy, but in fact he was single-minded, refining his armed color domineering while recalling past battles, summing up the combat experience from it, and how to defeat the enemy in a faster and less labor-saving way.

Luffy looked at the two who were working hard to improve their strength, and they also joined the cultivation team, and they must improve their strength as soon as possible, as well as recover the dark injuries inside their bodies, and strive to reopen the fourth gear as soon as possible, and continue to lay a solid foundation for the awakening of the liberation warrior Nika's form.

Having relived a lifetime, he already understood that it was not a certain cultivation that made him awaken, but that each cultivation was superimposed, and the quantitative change caused the qualitative change, and finally made him awaken.

He never wanted to go through that moment of helplessness and despair when he could only pin his fate on someone else.

Josesei, the only woman on the boat, was asleep on all fours, already snoring.

Time passed quietly.


the next day.

Cocoa West Village, Aaron Field.

The sky was cloudy and tumbling, as if a terrifying storm was brewing.

Ah Long, who was reclining on the recliner, looked up at the sudden ghost weather, and was in a bad mood, throwing half of his breakfast into the iron cage on his right hand.

The human child whose neck was chained in the iron cage was already hungry, and when he saw the food, he immediately pounced on it, lying on the ground and devouring it.

Ah Long looked at the human children in the cage with dirty hair, face and clothes, who couldn't distinguish between men and women, eating, the corners of his mouth opened, revealing a satisfied smile:

"Little girl, eat slowly, no one will rob you!"

This human child is the new pet that Aaron kept during Nami's absence.

The black belt on the side immediately echoed: "Brother Aaron, you are so merciful!

He even shared his food with lowly human beings! "

Thief hahaha..."

Ah Long opened his jagged mouth and laughed loudly: "Although human beings are a lowly race, what I raised is my pet, of course I have to eat enough!"

Of course, we can only eat what we have left, thief hahahaha

..." "Hahahaha..."

The kissing fishman Ah Qiu on the side also laughed loudly with Ah Long, since they came to the poor and weak place of the East China Sea, their fishmen finally raised their eyebrows.

In the open space in front of several fishmen, there are two human men in their prime standing at this moment, who have been caught here because they can't pay the poll tax of 100,000 Berry this month.

The two of them looked at the terrible scene in the cage, endless humiliation surging in their chests, and the two clenched their fists, but in the face of Kong Wu's tall fishman, they either didn't try to resist, and the result was that they were suppressed instantly, and they didn't even have the slightest chance of winning.

"Give the two of you a chance, as long as you kill each other and survive the one, not only will you be exempted from the poll tax this month, but you will also be rewarded with 500,000 berry, thief hahaha..."


Two sharp knives rolled on the ground, listening to the ears of the two humans, thrilling.

The two people, who were still on the same front and hated the same enemy, suddenly involuntarily attracted their eyes to the two sharp knives, their pupils suddenly contracted, and their breathing became solemn.

At this time, Aaron took out a capsule with black and red lines and played with it, which was recently sent by his little brother Hody Jones, who was far away on Fish-Man Island, saying that it was a good thing, and invited him, the eldest brother, to taste it.

"Eh, hey, hey..."

Seeing the change in the expressions of the two humans, the corners of Ah Long's mouth opened up a cruel arc that saw a good show, which was exactly what he wanted to see the most, but it was far from enough, he decided to add another fire to it.

"Give you 10 seconds, if you don't do it, then I can only reluctantly clear you all together!

10,9...... 5,4,3—"

Aaron's words became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the conscience of the two humans, who were still making their last struggles, instantly collapsed.

The two men flew towards the sharp knives on the ground.

Then the two men held sharp knives in their hands and began a bloody cannibalism.

"Thief hahaha..."



chirp...", the fishman who watched this scene laughed loudly.



Two humans, one stabbed in the heart and the other in the throat, collapsed in a pool of blood.

The human child in the iron cage devoured all the food, and shivered when he saw the scene outside the cage.

"Thief hahaha, it's not that I don't count, it's that you're too weak, hahaha..."

He was very happy at the moment, and he just wanted to throw away the capsule pill in his hand, because he felt that he was strong enough at the moment, but the ghost made him worse, and he suddenly wanted to taste the taste of this good thing that Hody Jones said.

With a flick of his hand, the capsule flew into the air, and his toothy mouth opened suddenly, swallowing the capsule into his abdomen.


A little..."

Ah Long just wanted to complain that this thing had no effect, but at this time, the capsule had melted, and the mysterious substance contained inside fused with his blood as quickly as possible.

The chemical reaction acting at the level of bloodline factors exploded.

In an instant, Ah Long felt a sudden surge of surging power in his body, his eyes were blood-red, and the terrifying blood qi turned into substance, steaming up from the top of his head, and the hat he was wearing on his head flew up.

He stood up from his recliner and clenched his fist with a metallic roar.

"Let's go!

Take a trip to Kekoyasi Village, not to say that the village sheriff has quietly hidden his weapons!

As a higher race, we must not react to the creation of lowly human beings, do nothing, and make it difficult for them to return, this is care!

Thief hahaha..."

Aaron laughed and stepped on the two still warm human corpses and walked in the direction of Cocoa West Village.

Boom, boom, boom....

With each step, the ground trembled violently.

The fish-man behind him followed in a mighty manner.

On the other side of the Aaron field.

It took a morning for the octopus mermaid Hachi to finally roast a meat pig offered by the villagers, and the rich aroma filled the air.

Hachi pursed his mouth and let out a strange cry at the sky: "Moo moo..."



[Brothers, you have all seen this, you have time to move your fortune little hands, give a five-star praise, this is not a rating, the traffic is getting less and less, and the motivation to tell the story is insufficient.

But I'll still talk about it, and the chapter of Rogue Town is already halfway conceived.

Thank you for the daily support of the two friends who are meaningless and seek the light! 】

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