Luffy walked ahead, and when he passed by Berumeber, he helped Zoro retrieve 3 katanas.

Looking at the text of Wadoichi that carried the dreams of Zoro and Guina, and recalling Berumeber's words just now, he couldn't help but be afraid for a while when he was going to execute Zoro in 20 minutes.

Fortunately, after cultivating, I strengthened my five senses, and after taking a look at the No. 153 naval base, I had an intuition to reach my destination quickly.

Otherwise, according to the original speed, the consequences are not conceivable, and then the corpse of Zoro can only be collected.

The future partner of One Piece, the world's number one swordsman who surpassed Hawkeye Mihawk, died in the town of Shelds in the small East China Sea because of his stupidity, which is really the biggest joke in the world.

At this moment, Luffy has confirmed that after being reborn, he has leveraged the gears of fate, and everything has deviated somehow.

At the same time, I also understand one thing, no matter how great a person is, he has grown up step by step from his namelessness.

Although the road is far, the line is coming!

When Luffy sighed, the highest commander in the base, Colonel Axe Manka, was also complacent.

Looking at the huge full-length statue that had just been erected, an intoxicating feeling of 'I am great' rose from my heart.


," said Monka, who laughed loudly because of his jaw made of steel, and his laughter had a dull metallic sound, which was quite terrifying: "The most important thing for a person is power and strength!" The

navy around him was silent, and he saluted and agreed:

"It's the colonel!"

The axeman Monka's face suddenly sank, and he turned to the bearded lieutenant beside him and said angrily, "The

townspeople's tribute has been much less recently!"

Lieutenant Beard was sweating profusely:

"Report to the Colonel, the townspeople's abilities have reached the limit..."

It's not enough that they respect me, and when Roronoa Zoro is executed, and these untouchables see the end of resisting me, they will take the money in their hands..."

A loud bang interrupted Monka's words, and the gate of the base made of steel was torn apart, and in the billowing smoke and dust, Luffy broke into the naval base with Kiri and Carrie.



The navy, holding a long knife and standing on the inside of the door, shouted in unison.

Luffy didn't talk nonsense, stretched out his hands, grabbed the necks of the two, pulled them in front of him, and let the heads of the two people collide.

With a bang, the two men rolled their eyes and passed out.

Lu Fei looked inside the base, and at a glance saw the statue of Monka, which was level with the fortress.

I couldn't help but think of the previous life, when the statue was destroyed by him during the erection of the statue, and finally shattered the bones, Monka's eyes protruded, like the wonderful expression of mourning.

The statue had already been erected and could not be destroyed in the process, and Luffy felt a little regretful when he couldn't see that wonderful meme.

Looking to the other side of the base's school grounds, I immediately saw Sauron, wearing a black waist band, tied to a shelf.

Seeing Zoro, I felt that Sauron was really stupid at this time, afraid of implicating the little girl Carrie and the townspeople, so it would be good to directly behead Belumeber and Monka.

Afraid of the retaliation of its henchmen and navy, it would be good to slaughter the base directly.

With Sauron's strength at this moment, it can be done.

I just want to play some samurai spirit and accept the outrageous test.

But Luffy also has to admit that although Zoro is stupid at the moment, he is also stupid and cute!

Luffy came to Zoro with Kirby and Carrie and put three knives in front of

Zoro: "Zoro, follow me to be a pirate!"

Zolon, who was closing his eyes and saving his physical strength, listened to the inexplicable words, and suddenly opened his eyes, although he hadn't eaten for more than ten days, but there was a sharp cold light flashing in his eyes, like a knife out of the sheath:

"Pirates are bad guys, why should I be a bad guy with you, I have my own dreams!"

"What does it matter to be a pirate, anyway, you are also a pirate hunter known as a devil!"

Luffy continued to persuade.

"Don't dream, no matter what others say about me, I haven't done anything that I regret!"

Sauron remained resolute.

"Zoro, make a choice, do you choose to be executed quietly and die in this poor East China Sea, or join me as a pirate and challenge the pinnacle of the world's greatest swordsman!"

Luffy saw that Zoro didn't get in the oil and salt, so he simply got straight to the point and drew him a big pie that he couldn't refuse.

Zoro was really touched by the reputation of the world's number one swordsman, his eyes became eager, he suddenly thought of Luffy's first half of the sentence, frowned and said:

"What execution, I won't die, in a few days, I will be free!" Who are you? Why should I be a pirate with you? At

the other end of the base, the bearded lieutenant said to the axeman Monka: "Colonel, someone has broken into the base, as if to free the great sinner, Roronoa Zoro!"

"I'm not blind!"

Monka the Axeman let out a roar:

"Soldiers, listen to my orders and shoot these spies who have trespassed into the base!"

Axe man Monka instantly put the hat of capital crime on Luffy and the others.

Dozens of soldiers, in unison, pushed the bullet to load, turned off the safety, aimed in the direction where Luffy and the others were, and pulled the trigger together.

Bang, bang, bang....

In the burst of gunfire, bullets burst out of the chamber and turned into a raging storm, enveloping Luffy, Zoro, Kirbi, Carrie and others.

The people watching at the gate of the base shouted in horror as they watched this scene, and at the same time were glad that they did not recklessly break into the base with Luffy.

Zoro looked at the bullets in the sky and found that death was so close to him, he might not be able to take the next breath, it would come, and his heart was full of regret and unwillingness:

"Damn, my dream has not been fulfilled yet, and I have not completed the agreement with Guina, how can I die here!"

Kirby and Carrie closed their eyes.


Luffy laughed out loud and stood in front of the three of them, spreading his arms and taking a sharp breath, increasing the area of his body.

"You... You're going to die!

Zoro looked at this scene and was very moved.

Luffy turned around and gave Zoro a big smile, revealing all eight teeth:

"Don't worry! I'm strong!

As he spoke, the dense barrage of bullets had already poured down on him.

Bang bang bang, the bullet pierced his clothes, denting his body, but the kinetic energy did not stop, and a long bulge was pushed out on the other side of his body.

In the next second, Luffy's body slammed up, and all the bullets rebounded back, if it wasn't for Zoro to leave a chance to perform, this rebounding bullet, with a little aim, could wipe out the navy.

Although his strength at this moment can easily suppress this naval base, it is necessary to cooperate with Zoro to fight.

Because this is not only the encounter and the beginning of a legend that will go down in history, but also a necessary process to establish a bond with Sauron.

Luffy, who has been a captain for many years, already knows that in order for a team to be cohesive, there must be team building activities, and combat is the best team building!

"Who the hell are you?"

Zoro, the people watching at the door, the axe man Monka, and the navy with a rifle in their hands, looked at Luffy's magical ability, their eyes widened together, and they exclaimed in surprise.

"I'm Monchi. D. Luffy, the man who will become the king of the pirates!

Luffy straightened the straw hat on top of his head, then stretched out his arms and laughed again, the laughter went straight to Xiao Han, and the clouds above the nine heavens were shattered by its momentum.

At this moment, his kingly bearing was fully revealed.

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