Chapter 272 Attacked [For subscription, for full subscription, for automatic]

Seeing Shirahoshi's appearance, Roan was too embarrassed to say anything, he could only look into the distance to see if he could find rescue.

Seeing that Roan didn't say a word, Shirahoshi blamed himself even more, his eyes began to turn red, and he had the opposite temperament to her huge body, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

"Princess Shirahoshi, don't worry, we can go into the casino and look for it, maybe there is a chance." Seeing Shirahoshi's appearance, the sea god Mianjin saw the appearance of Shirahoshi, and stepped forward to comfort him a little bit. Perona also looked at Shirahoshi with concern. .

Shirahoshi immediately felt that he had caught a life-saving straw, and nodded excitedly. He followed the sea god Matsumi and Perona into the casino. He thought he had a chance, but found that there was only food and no boats, not even lifeboats.

Then, Shirahoshi returned to Roan dejectedly, annoyed that he was useless and couldn't do anything to help.

After an unknown amount of time, Perona's sharp voice suddenly exploded in his ears, "Shirahoshi, there is a ship from Ryugu Castle!"

Shirahoshi looked up, and sure enough, he saw a boat approaching them, with a flag standing on the boat, the symbol of Marine.

Roan watched the ships approaching calmly, until a soldier jumped off the ship and said to them: "Master Roan, Princess Shirahoshi, I have ordered the Empress Otaki to take you back to the headquarters, please follow me on board. "

"Yeah." Roan nodded and boarded the boat with the two ladies. The sea god Miantsumi and the soldiers put Hody Jones on board, and the boat, which had little space, suddenly filled up.

"It's so crowded! It's all you!" Perona exclaimed in displeasure.

"Just do it, it's better than nothing." Although Shirahoshi's eyes were red, he couldn't stop the joy in his heart. After all, he was about to be rescued, wasn't he?

Seagod Mianjinmi nodded and agreed, "Princess Shirahoshi is right."

Perona's face was full of displeasure, she pushed him, frowned, and muttered with a small mouth: "You said it? You pushed me." As soon as these words came out, Poseidon Mianjin showed an embarrassed look on her face.

Shirahoshi covered his mouth and laughed softly.

Even though he had already been rescued, Roan still frowned and looked around cautiously.

"What's the matter with you?" Shirahoshi whispered in Roan's ear. He was a little stunned, didn't hear it, and his eyes were a little hollow.

Roan came back to his senses, waved his hand, and wanted to be quiet.

"Yeah... did something happen?" Perona, now also quiet, asked in a low voice.

"There is a strange fish in the waters around here. It will come to find food when there is movement, so be quiet." Roan frowned, the bones of his white hands moved, the corners of his lips drooped slightly, and there was no sign of relaxation in his eyes.

In an instant, the whole ship became very quiet.

Suddenly, the sea god Mianjinjian shouted: "Protect Princess Shirahoshi." Maybe it was because the strange fish was under him, which made him feel floating, and then his nervousness sounded from this.

"Shut up." Roan said coldly.

Poseidon Mianjin saw that he realized that he was in trouble, his face blushed, he didn't dare to say a word, and after a while, he was out of breath.

"Hey..." The sound of the strange fish was really funny, like a clown performing on the stage.

"Shh~ keep quiet." Roan felt the ship shaking violently, and the crew became uneasy.

Shirahoshi's eyes widened, his mouth closed in surprise.

Perona also showed a nervous look, and glanced at Mianjinmi, the god of the sea, who was slightly disgusted.

Suddenly, the strange fish knocked out a hole in the boat, and everyone could no longer keep quiet, and the pot exploded in an instant. Roan calmed everyone down.

"Are there any nails and extra planks on the deck?"

The soldier nodded, searched inside, and handed it to Roan.

Even after fixing the hole, Roan ordered, "Get the bucket and pour the water out."

"Master Roan, this is really not true." The soldier nodded, looking ashamed. Roan was serious, and then splashed the water out with his hands.

"I'm here to help too." Shirahoshi managed to squeeze out, but the strange fish suddenly exerted force, because of the violent shaking of the boat, Shirahoshi was about to fall.

At the critical moment, Perona took Shirahoshi's hand.

Shirahoshi looked apologetic, with red eyes and tears: "I'm sorry, I just wanted to help, but I didn't expect to get into trouble again, I'm sorry!" Shirahoshi blamed himself.

"Don't let go, hold on tight." Perona just finished speaking when the strange fish opened its mouth and charged towards Shirahoshi._

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