Marshal Kong pondered for a while with a solemn face, and he slowly looked at everyone: “Even if a normal person obtains the Devil Fruit, it is impossible for him to have such a powerful combat power at the age of 8. And this little girl is not only compatible with two Devil Fruit abilities, but also has the ability to kill Sakaski. There must be a more powerful existence behind her! ”

“That’s right, Marshal. It’s also something I’ve been thinking about. It is not surprising that 8-year-olds are capable. But it is absolutely not normal for an 8-year-old to be able to defeat Sakaski’s ability! Behind her is definitely not two, but there is a very good chance that there is a super powerful force standing! The Warring States General nodded and said.

“A super powerful force? It’s so scary~ It seems that the words that Roger said before his death a year ago are about to cause a big storm! ”

The person who spoke, with tired black curly hair, wearing a suit with yellow and white stripes, a beard near the mouth bar, and sunglasses, was tall and thin.

This person is the strong man who became the three monsters of the same period with Kuzan and Sakaski, Lieutenant General Borusalino.

After hearing his words, Steel Bone’s face became even more ugly, “I’m afraid that someone wants to use what the archaeologists in O’Hara have found to cause greater chaos in the world.” At that time, once the world is in chaos, we will be very passive. ”

On the other side of the steel bone, there was a muscular man with purple hair, he rubbed his chin and said suspiciously: “Marshal, I heard that the archaeologists of O’Hara want to study not a weapon that destroys the world, but about the destruction of a kingdom more than eight hundred years ago?” ”

“Zefa, don’t believe rumors indiscriminately in these things, the archaeologists of O’Hara are demons who want to destroy the world, and they must be destroyed!” Steel Bone’s empty face showed a resolute look.

After a moment of silence, he asked everyone again: “Does anyone know a little about the forces behind this child?” ”

“I don’t know!”

“I don’t know!”

“Unheard of!”


Everyone obviously didn’t know anything about a little girl powerhouse who suddenly appeared.

Only Kuzan frowned, seemingly wanting to speak.

“Lieutenant General Kuzan, do you have something to say?” Yu Guang noticed the expression on Kuzan’s face, and Marshal Kong asked.

Rubbing his hands together, Kuzan took a deep breath and frowned: “I don’t know the forces behind it, but I once heard Nicole Robin mention that she has a teacher, and she listens to this teacher.” If there is any strength behind her, then her teacher is a very important clue. ”


Hearing this, the faces of everyone present changed.

If you can teach such an 8-year-old strong person against the sky, what kind of strength should this teacher be against the sky?

The most feared thing is the unknown!

And how powerful this unknown thing really is, there is no brow at all!

Marshal Kong frowned, and suddenly slapped the table: “Damn! Such a powerful force has emerged, we don’t even know any news! ”

“Marshal, there is no need to be anxious. I’ll go there myself to find out about it. Although Zefa has been converted to a naval instructor, his rank of senior general is still retained, so he can also carry out missions if he wishes.

“Uh-huh~huh? Wait, you don’t have to go to this thing. ”

Marshal Kong was just about to agree to Zefa’s proposal, but suddenly remembered that Zefa seemed to be very interested in what the O’Hara archaeologists were studying, so he immediately changed his attention.

He looked at the Warring States, and before he spoke, the Warring States brushed and stood up: “Marshal, the power of the Devil Slaughter Order is given by me, and this mess should also be cleaned up by me, and I promise to live up to my mission in this matter!” ”

The Warring States sneak made Marshal Kong very satisfied, and he nodded and said, “Since you are out of the horse, then this matter can naturally be handled well.” ”

“But according to the procedure, issue a wanted warrant first! This little girl has been used by evil forces at such a young age, and she also protects the demons who are trying to destroy the world, and seriously injured the vice admiral, and the crime is serious! A reward of 300 million! ”

“How much? 300 million!? ”

Hearing this, Sengoku thought that he had heard it wrong, and he looked at Marshal Kong in shock.

You know, the current time period is only 1501 years in the Haiyuan calendar, but it is not the era of inflation of the bounty amount 20 years later.

The bounty of 300 million Bailey has reached the bounty of some sea pirates in the sea of the New World!

“You heard it right, this little girl is worth a reward of 300 million! Maybe even lower! Marshal Air nodded, then he paused, and continued: “And the teacher in her mouth, which is even more important, listed as a “special threat!” “, a reward of 500 million!”

“Special Threat !!!”

At this time, not only the Warring States were shocked, but the other admirals were stunned one by one!

People who can have this level of treatment are all well-known figures!

For example, Roger, Golden Lion, Lokes, these characters who can lead to a world with every move!

There are also some ruthless people who rose to prominence in the struggle for supremacy in the New World in the year after Roger’s death.

For example, Whitebeard, Auntie, Kaido, Shanks, Wald and the like!

However, for this person who has not yet met and does not even know half of the news, it is directly designated as a “special threat”, which is simply crazy!

Threatening the existence of this rank means that the Navy must always monitor its movements, and everything must be reported to the marshal personally!

It’s just that they still don’t even know whether this teacher is male or female, how to monitor…

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