Pirate of Darkness

Chapter 93: New journey

Mostima nodded, and Ares stopped talking, "Aris, you stay with Mostima. I am not worried about your strength. You can ask him if you have any questions." Qi smiled, "Next time you come back, you should become stronger."

"Don't be defeated by me, Titch." Ares stared at Titch with a smile on his face. His appearance was very heroic and he was not very old. The age of the golden ant was converted into an adult. Kind, Ares is only fourteen or five years old now, so Di Qi said that the ant king is a real monster, a natural king.

  Even without Titch, it would not take long for the Ant King to rule the Devil's Island.

"Thief hahaha! How is it possible? Wait and see when the time comes, but don't die when I come back." Tickey smiled excitedly. With a character like Ant King, he will definitely not endure it forever to challenge All kinds of powerhouses on the sea may become famous in the sea faster than him.

   Overlord appearance erupted from his body. At the same time, Ares' overlord appearance also exploded, facing each other.

   In just an instant, the two men's domineeringness returned.

Others were very surprised. They didn’t expect that the king of ant also had the color of a king and possessed the qualifications of a king, and Titch had even subdued such a powerful person who also possessed the qualifications of a king. Although the status of the two is the same, Ares is so Headed by Titch.

"Then you guys will become stronger quickly. The new world will soon become more chaotic. There is not enough strength to support it, but it will be swept by the tide of the sea." Titch smiled and said something they heard. If you don't understand it, it's as if something important is going to happen in the sea.

   Mostima's eyes couldn't help but change, he couldn't help tapping his finger on his thigh, remembering what Titch had said to him before, as well as recent events, and Titch's next direction.

   Is it Roger? Mostima thought to himself, how he didn't believe that Roger would die so easily, especially after he learned from Titch that Roger was terminally ill, had little life span, and had surrendered.

   But he didn't say much. Since Titch didn't say it, it had nothing to do with him. Besides, he would know in a short time.

   The most chaotic period in the new world, it was a period of fairy fights, white beard, beast Kaido, bigmom Charlotte Lingling, and now also add the golden lion history of the heyday, the powerful flying pirate group.

In addition, there are many ambitious and powerful pirates in the new world. There are only two of the legendary three great pirates. There are several top pirates below, Kaido of the Beast Pirates, Charlotte Lingling of the Aunt Pirates is just one of them.

   The demon of the Satan Pirates, Alexandro Caesar, is a man of Eudemons, Human Fruit, and Demon Form Ability.

   Akane Rixter, a sorcerer of the Strange Pirate Group, a superhuman soul fruit capable person.

   The Demon Sword Apep of the Demon Sword Pirate Group, a great swordsman, a person with the ability to teleport fruit.

These five are under the two legendary pirates, and the five pirate groups closest to them. There are many powerful pirate groups underneath. In the chaotic new world, I don’t know how many powerful ones are hidden. Many young and powerful pirates are emerging.

   Like the recently famous Eric Pirates, the captain is Eric, the natural sour fruit ability.

   Bigmom's second son, Kata Kuri, a superhuman glutinous fruit capable person, has a strong sense of sight at a young age.

The cadre of the Beast Pirate Group, the former three prince of the Kate Kingdom, and the ancient species of Tyrannosaurus Fruit Ability Leimer, his luck was better and he did not die in Tic’s hands. After the incident ended, Kaido did not hate Kaido because he killed his father King Brady. Kaido used his own strength to defeat his father. He worshipped Kaido's power and joined Kaido's protection.

  Of course, there are also the Eudemons of the White Beard Pirates, the Undead Fruit Ability Marko, Diamond Joz, and Foil Vista.

   Titch doesn't plan to stay long, and will leave after another day. Some things need to be prepared.

The next day, "Boss Titch, we're leaving, and see you in time." At the port of Baisha Island, on a boat, this is the ship prepared by Mostima, and Mobius waved to Titch. Shouting with a smile.

Titch smiled, standing here, watching Mobius leave, "Don't send them back? What if you encounter danger?" Mostima asked with a smile, standing beside Titch. .

"They should also learn to grow on their own. From now on, if they die, it means that they only have this level. However, I believe that they are not weak and can already sail on this sea." Qi looked at the figure of the ship gradually moving away, with a slight smile on his face.

"It's really cruel." Mostima's mouth turned upwards, but he was very satisfied. He didn't want the person he was following to be a soft-hearted person who would be influenced by emotions. This just showed Di Qi's determination. The side.

"Thieves hahaha! In this sea, even a strong man like Dad has to face the death of his own children. If blindly protected, the Whitebeard Pirates will not be able to reach the level it is now, and Dad will not. May become a legendary big pirate, his family is the shackles of the father, and also the goal that the father strives to become stronger and guards. These big pirates who can sail on the sea may have weaknesses in character, but they all have strong ambitions and strong ambitions. Determination, in this sea where the strong respects the human life, is the least valuable."

   Titch laughed and Mostima listened quietly beside him. After a long time, Titch stopped and looked at Mostima, "Don't die, wait for me to come back."

"Well, of course, I won't allow myself to stand still." Mostima's eyes flashed, and there was a trace of determination. He had already felt the huge ambition in Titch's heart and had seen Titch's body. That bright and bright future.

   He has to keep up with Titch's pace. It is conceivable that the Dark Night Pirates group built by Titch will surely be innumerable at that time. He can't fall. The arrogance of the swordsman in his heart does not allow him to do so.

"Thieves hahahaha! Wait and see, if you want to become stronger, finding a beast island is the fastest way. It is very effective for you now, and the penance you thought is not enough." Titch felt Mostima The hot heart under the calm face reminded him with a smile.

   Mostima nodded, remembering Titch's words in his mind.

"Then I have to go too." Titch said, turned and left. He had booked a merchant ship to go to the great waterway. There are two roads from the New World to the great waterway, one is through the fish below 10,000 meters. Human Island, but there are not very few merchant ships that would take this route. It is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you will encounter those huge sea monsters, causing the ship to destroy and kill people, except for those powerful pirate groups.

And the other road is the road controlled by the world government, through the red soil continent, through the holy land of Mary Gioia, into the "paradise", the first half of the great waterway, this is also the safest way, as long as you are not a pirate, pass After the inspection by the staff of the world government, it can pass smoothly. Of course, if you want to pass, you must have a pass issued by the world government, otherwise everything is free. Such a pass is a one-off, costing a lot of money and time-consuming, and a large part of the income of the world government is in it.

This safe passage is heavily guarded by the world government and the navy. It is impossible for pirates to pass easily. Of course, there are also many pirates who will pass through this path by means of merchant ships. The cost of this is comparable. General merchant ships are much higher, after all, merchant ships are also risky.

This merchant ship specializes in the trade between the new world and the first half of the great sea route. The special products of Baisha Island are very popular among some nobles in the park. Many nobles are willing to pay high prices to buy these white craft products, which is a huge profit. , Buy it on Baisha Island and resell it in Paradise, you can get a seven or eight times higher price.

   With the items he had prepared, Titch and Peter got on the ship, and the merchant ship would set off in two hours.

On the sea, Mobius looked through the window and looked at the constantly passing sea. He felt a little different. There was Titch in the past, but he hadn’t felt it yet, because it was very safe. He believed that Titch’s strength could protect him. Good them.

   This kind of heart-pounding feeling made him a little nervous. You know, he followed Titch on the sea for a few months and stayed on the Moby Dick for another two years.

   He once had this feeling once. It was the first day he went to sea with Titch. Compared with that time, it is now even more intense.

   Now, after leaving Titch, he is about to face a new journey. That is the future!

"Vorth, we have to work hard next. We must catch up with Titch’s boss and become stronger. At that time, Titch’s boss will definitely have more powerful companions by his side. I don’t want Titch’s boss. There is no place for us around." Mobius said firmly, shaking his fist into the air.

I thought Titch was the only one around them, but now, neither Mostima nor Ares can deal with them. They are powerful, especially Ares. Titch personally said that Ares’ status is related to He is flat, a real monster.

"Yeah!" Voss nodded, his hand couldn't help touching the hilt of his dagger Night Strike. He was extremely appreciative of Mobius' words. They also understood Titch, and on the surface they seemed to have a good temper. He treats his companions extremely mildly, but hides a strong ambition and a strong heart. If the strength is insufficient, he will really be eliminated.

   Titch trusts them and gives them such a powerful ability, which shows that Titch has great expectations of them, and this alone can't live up to it.

   "Then start training, training can't stop." Mobius laughed, carrying a heavier weight on his body, and started training, Voss was on his side, training with him.

   New World, an island of beasts, a fierce roar of beasts sounded, and beasts of beasts, with strong hostility, killed this little golden horned half-devil who exuded a powerful aura.

Ares’s breath suddenly spread to most of the beast island. As the Golden Ant King, he is very clear about the habits of the beasts and the rules of the territory. Now, he is provoking them and telling them that he has invaded your territory. , To occupy the entire island and become their king.

These powerful beasts, how could the overlords of the beast island let Aris off, how could they hope that there would be a king on top of their heads, facing Ares, this presumptuous outsider, they rarely see the same outside world? , We must first solve Ares.

However, this is exactly what Ares hopes. He needs to fight and a strong opponent to sharpen himself. At the same time, as the King Ant King, the overlord of a beast island, he is born with the instinct to aggression and conquer. Defeat these powerful beasts and conquer them.

   At the same time, he also carries a demon fruit on his body, which is the alternate demon fruit when Titch is looking for Ares for Ares, the fruit of all and the savage form.

The savage is a race with human wisdom. The body is tall, and most of the body is covered with thick hair. In this world, most of them live in the ice and snow. They are also a race that is born with powerful power. However, in wisdom Although it possesses the wisdom of human beings, compared with humans, it still has a little defect like the giants. It is a little bit more on the ground than ordinary humans, and at the same time it is very belligerent.

  Tic gave it to Ares, letting him go and subdue a powerful subordinate that he saw.

   And Ares also has this idea, and at the same time, I want to see how big the world is.

Compared to the huge movement in the center of the island, the movement on the periphery is much smaller. Mostima is fighting a beast. As soon as he exercises his physical skills and strengthens his body, his body is his defect. It has always been, but hard work can make up for it. Many people in this world are not born with amazing physiques and terrifying powers. Many monsters are acquired through training, and he is working hard for this goal.

This beast island is very close to Baisha Island. At his speed, he can reach it in just 13 minutes. Once something happens to Baisha Island, he can go back quickly~www.NovelMTL.com~ and there are still more on the island. Ares is here, with Ares's strength, those problems are not a problem, and he doesn't believe that there will be top big pirates looking at them now.

   This is bordered by the white beard’s territorial waters. The members of the White Beard Pirates Group know their identities and will not embarrass them too much. Once there is a problem, they can pay the protection fee in exchange for the protection of the White Beard Pirates.

On Ses Island, Mobius got off the ship and looked at the familiar island, the newly built port, and the people coming and going. Ses Island has restored its former prosperity in the past two years. Under Anthony’s wise leadership, Even more prosperous.

   "Boss Mobius, you're back!" A familiar voice reminded Mobius, looking in the direction of the sound, a surprised look flashed in his eyes, "Haha! Dubai is you."

   Not far away, there was a young man in a silver guard uniform. He ran over excitedly when he saw Mobius.

   "You have become a guard." Mobius was a little surprised. Naturally, he could see that the spirit of his former companions had undergone tremendous changes.

   "Well! They said that I have a good talent, and I also got the personal guidance of Lord Anthony." The boy named Dubai said excitedly, and couldn't help raising his head.

   How can it be so simple to want to become stronger? He must have suffered a lot, and there was a trace of tenderness in Mobius' eyes, and he opened his arms and hugged Dubai vigorously.

   Then let go, "I'm back this time, I want to join the **** to exercise for two years. This is my companion, Voss." Mobius smiled and said his purpose, and then introduced Voss to Dubai.

   "Okay! I'll take you there next." Dubai smiled and nodded to Voss, turned around, and walked towards the governing building, which can be seen far from the center of Seth Island.

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