Monchi S. D. Luo, 14 years old, revolutionary army cadre.

In the past seven years, she has not only raised the armed color domineering to the top, but also done a task issued by the system, obtained the color domineering, and also reached the highest level.

In addition, the overlord color is domineering, which is stimulated when Saab encounters danger, she is born with herself, and she does not rely on the system to obtain it.

It happened when Xiao Luo was 10 years old, and Ryu took several cadres and warriors to plan to go to an island in the New World.

When the two learned about it, they secretly boarded the Winter Granma.

Although they didn't know what the dragon was doing there, the two followed, because they hadn't been out of Baldigo for three years, and they missed the outside world too much.

I miss the green mountains, flowers and plants and the smell of people outside.

Their headquarters is a bare Gobi desert, there is nothing fun, they don't know where to pass the time on their days off, and staying here for too long is depressing and suffocating.

Xiao Luo and Sabo hid in the ship's utility room and drifted at sea for more than half a month, stunned and undiscovered.

Usually I stay inside when I have nothing to do, and at night while people are asleep, I sneak to the kitchen to steal something to eat.

The head chef finds that there is less food every morning, but he doesn't pay attention to it, who hasn't been hungry in the middle of the night?

Eat more, and wait until you reach your destination before you have the strength to fight.

Later, arriving at the shore and waiting for everyone to get off the boat and leave, Xiaoluo and Saab slipped out of the utility room, followed them off the boat, and entered the island on the other side.

They did not follow the army, but went alone, wanting to have a good time on this beautiful island for a few days, and when they had enough, they returned to the ship without knowing it, and returned to Baldigo with everyone.

Unexpectedly, just two days after entering the town, riots began in the country, and the revolutionary army exposed the crimes of how the world government controlled the country.

Instantly aroused public indignation, and they protested the rebellion.

Directly threatens the interests of world governments.

The world government then targeted the revolutionary army and sent people to hunt them down.

Xiao Luo and Saab, who were eating, drinking and having fun on the street, learned the news and immediately joined in to help several wounded revolutionary army soldiers out of danger.

And evacuate the people to leave.

While keeping them safe, he also took out several enemies.

In this effort to free the country from the brutal rule of the world government, she and Saab are targeted, and the two are under siege.

Several leaders of the other party are no less powerful than them, and there are many powerful people.

Solve batch after batch, a steady stream.

Seeing more and more people, the water surrounding them could not be drained, and there was no chance to escape.

In order to protect Xiao Luo, Sabo threw her out of the siege and rushed over alone.

Those people are not in a hurry to chase the little girl, and they think that it is not too late to kill the boy in front of them before killing her.

Everyone besieged the blond boy, punching and kicking.

He also took out a knife and tried to give him a fatal blow.


Xiao Luo shouted loudly, not only did she not escape, but she released her overlord-colored domineering aura at that moment.

"Snap ——!"

The knife drops.

In an instant, more than a hundred people all fainted to the ground.

Only a few leaders remained.

At this time, Saab did not know what overlord domineering was.

I was shocked by the scene in front of me.

He looked around, thinking that he had come to the rescue.

As a result, I looked around and did not see anyone else.

Only Xiao Luo, who exuded the aura of a king from top to bottom, came towards them.

Her eyes were resolute and fierce.

The whole person looks quite handsome.

Saab didn't know why the word "handsome" popped up in his head, but at that moment, he really felt that Xiao Luo was handsome.

There is no reason.

Several leaders looked embarrassed, sweat slipped from the corners of their foreheads, and they unconsciously took a few steps back.

One of them muttered, "Bully... Overlord color domineering!

Another person said incredulously: "She is a little girl who actually has this ability?" Blame... Monsters, right?

"It looks like she should have just woken up and killed her to avoid future troubles!"

"In addition, Balsi, you first go back and report to your superiors and tell them that there is a very powerful girl in the revolutionary army, which should be the new generation they have trained."

Balsey received the order: "Yes!" Just

turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Xiaoluo Teleportation.

She will not let those present flee.

Take out the results of training in the past few years and beat the other party to the ground.

Saab also took the opportunity to join the fight.

The two have a very tacit understanding and cooperate seamlessly.

Let the other party have no room to fight back.

After all the miscellaneous soldiers passed out, they seemed to be able to fight with ease.

There will be no dozen people popping up while fighting, up and down, left and right, southeast, northwest, sneak attacks.

The first person to be solved by Xiaoluo was Balsi, who wanted to snitch, and he was killed on the spot.

And then he and Saab solved the rest one by one.

In half an hour, all 6 leaders fell.

This is also the first time Saab has seen Xiaoluo kill, she is only 10 years old, killing decisively, a knife falls, eyes do not blink, straight to the heart of the enemy.

And every time she fell, she had to mend the knife once.

Until the other party is confirmed to be dead.

She will be relieved.

Saab didn't know when Xiao Luo started to have such a habit, but he guessed that something similar might have happened before, because he didn't mend the knife, which taught her a painful lesson.

She will become so decisive and sharp now, unlike herself, when she was 10 years old, she didn't even dare to kill.

For three years, Xiao Luo told him all about Ace and Luffy, and rarely mentioned her own past.

Although he was curious, he would not ask more if he saw that people did not say anything.

He wanted to wait for the day when Xiao Luo spoke by himself.

Finally, the two set a fire and left the scene.

They also returned to Baldigo because of this incident, and were ordered to be grounded for a month by the dragon.

Of course, it is forbidden separately.

The dragon thought that at their young age, they actually secretly followed to such a dangerous place, ignoring the discipline of the army, and there was no rule at all!

Sooner or later something big will happen.

However, Xiao Luo and Saab's excellent performance in this operation, Long also heard about it, coupled with the persuasion of other cadres and military commanders, he was slightly relieved.

Belo Betty, commander of the Eastern Army, suggested: "Xiaoluo and Saab grow up, and you can try to take them with you when you go on missions in the future, and sooner or later they will have to go through what we have experienced."

The commander of the Western Army, Murray, echoed: "Yes, after training at the base for so long, I have to start accumulating combat experience."

The commander of the Northern Army who later joined the revolutionary army, Crow, also interjected: "In the future, many things must be handed over to the new generation, and there is nothing wrong with letting them adapt in advance, otherwise when they go to the battlefield in the future, it will only add chaos."

Bartholomew Big Bear, who has been training Xiao Luo, stood up and spoke: "I know Xiao Luo's strength best, although she is still young, she is already an excellent revolutionary army soldier, I heard that in this mission, she also awakened the overlord color domineering, I'm afraid I can't teach this."

Saying that, he looked at the dragon: "I have to trouble you to take the time to teach her."

Murray muttered in a low voice: "Sabo that kid, you have to fight for me!" "

Saab's usual training is in charge of Murray, and the dragon only occasionally goes to guide him, after all, the leader has every day and has very little time to rest.

So, basically he was alone.

Of course, it is not as good as Xiao Luo, who is supervised by Ivan and Big Bear together.

If you think about it, you can understand it.

The dragon did not speak, which was regarded as acquiescence.

In the days that followed, he would coach his daughter in his spare time, and would also teach Saab some skills.

So as long as the dragon is there, Xiao Luo and Saab will train together.

The same instructor, teaching different skills.

But the two made rapid progress.

Maybe there is a contrast in training together, Saab, as a man, does not want to be crushed by Xiaoluo all the time.

He also wants to become stronger and be able to fight alongside Xiaoluo in the future, and even protect her.

Instead of encountering danger, he must be protected behind Xiaoluo.

Xiao Luo's progress comes from the guidance of her own father, who seems to know her shortcomings well and can always prescribe the right medicine.

Later, Dragon listened to everyone's advice and when he organized the mission, he would take the two little ones with him.

Together, they traveled to many parts of the world, saved many people, and overthrew many kingdoms ruled by tyranny.

Let the people living at the bottom be liberated and free, and they can pursue their own happy life, and they all have joyful smiles on their faces.

Every time like this, Xiao Luo understood his mission and the meaning of life.

Embarked on this path, she never regretted it.

She also wants to follow her father to help more and more people and realize their great ideals.

In the blink of an eye, Xiaoluo was 14 years old and Saab was 17 years old, and both grew up to be excellent cadres of the revolutionary army.

It also ushered in a major turning point in their lives.

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