Polusalino's angry roar resounded throughout the training ground! The

entire Navy recruit camp was shocked by this voice.

Because they heard the four words, Mr. Zefa,

and the tone of the voice clearly contained endless anger and dissatisfaction.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief

! They thought to themselves who had eaten the bear-hearted leopard and dared to talk like this to Chief Instructor

Zefa? You must know! I dare not say anything else

! But Zefa's prestige in the Navy Boot Training Camp was absolutely not said!

It can be said that he has always been the object of everyone's worship and respect.

The students were also very eager to receive Zefa's teachings.

Of course, Zefa is also very willing to give his money!

But unfortunately,

the talents of the recruits are uneven, and not everyone has excellent qualifications.

This made Zefa and the teachers very helpless.

They are willing to teach, but the students may not be able to learn it

! Moreover, the understanding of the recruits is also very different

! First of all, the navy is the six-style Xi! The

relatively good ones basically learn it in one or two months.

The three best guys learned it in just a week.

Those with low understanding and qualifications will need half a year or more.

And those who are the worst will need at least a year or more

! What about those who can't learn?

That's really not! How many can be learned! The

students in the new barracks of the Navy headquarters are all top-notch in each branch.

Moreover, the present era is not the era of sea pirates

! The pirates have not yet become flooded

! Therefore, the standard for selecting new recruits for the navy is still relatively high

! No matter how bad it is, it will not rot there

! The next step is domineering Xi!

This is even more eye-catching.

Except for the more top-notch ones, who have learned to be two-color domineering,

the others will either only have one! Or they will not be able to do so at all.

The proportion of this group of people who will not is still relatively large.

And except for those three guys, the domineering level is relatively high! The

domineering level of the rest of the students is relatively low, and some are even pitifully low.

The most frustrating thing is that the success rate of seeing and hearing the domineering is much higher than that of the armed domineering.

This is a very serious deviation!

But Zefa and the teachers also thought of some good way to solve it.

The issue can only be put aside for now.

But even so,

these recruits are already very good.

Perhaps the new barracks of the headquarters, a place where there are many talents, will seem more mediocre.

But if you put it in this place of the four seas, it is a proper first-class powerhouse.

Even in the first half of the Great Voyage, it is definitely an existence that should not be underestimated.

So in fact, Zefa and the teachers are still very satisfied and proud of this.

After all, for a lot of things, you can't force it, can you?

Their students are already very good in some way.

But it wasn't until Zefa met Stiem,

the puzzling freak,

that he couldn't figure out how this kid had grown to such an extent.

And none of the students he has worked so hard to teach can be compared.

This made Zefa's heart feel devastated!

The pride of the past was completely shattered with the appearance of Stiem.

But he was not reconciled, and he did not want to believe that his students would be inferior to others.

Ever since his family was murdered by pirates, he has treated his students as if they were his own.

Treat all the students as if they were their own children.

Watch them thrive and be confident that they will become excellent navies in the future.

In particular, Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polusalino Zefa

regarded the three men as treasures and thought that they would become heroes in the future.


At this time, everyone's eyes converged on Zefa.

In the face of Polusalino's questioning, Zefa did not answer

, but just stood in place, the response in his head flashing like a slide.

Everyone just looked at Zefa quietly, and the pestle was there without saying a word.

They all looked at each other

! I don't know what the situation is now

! Facing the scene in front of them!

Polusalino couldn't help but frown, and gradually began to show impatience.

When he didn't get a response for a long time, he had lost his patience at this time.

His eyes glanced coldly at the figure not far away.

With a cold snort,

he silently tried to turn around and leave with his hands in his pockets!

But just as he was about to turn around, a voice sounded from behind.

"I'm sorry! I'm too extreme

!" "I apologize to you!" Polusalino!"

After Zefa finished these two sentences

, the whole person seemed to be drained of strength, and his straight waist couldn't help but stiffen a little.

Then he ignored the surprised eyes of the crowd

, and ignored the incredible gaze of Polusalino, and

walked away from the training ground on his own.

As he walked, he instructed, "All training and classes will return to their original state starting tomorrow!" and

then his back slowly disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

At this time, Polusalino still had not relented.

is also immersed in Zefa's apology to him, this unbelievable thing.

You must know that among the three best students, they have the worst relationship.

Because Zefa is a pure physical powerhouse,

he is very interested in his personal physical fitness.

Zefa believes that a truly strong person must have a strong physique.


Polusalino was not convinced, and his confidence naturally came from the glittering fruit.

Among the three natural powerhouses

, Sakasky has the strongest destructive power, Kuzan has the widest damage range, and Polusalino has the fastest speed!

The first two people still agree with Zefa's concept.

But Polusalino, a bastard, doesn't pay much attention to physical skills.

He focuses more on the development and application of fruit capabilities.

For swordsmanship and body arts, it's a completely okay attitude.

For this reason, Zefa reprimanded him a lot, and he went his own way.

This also leads to an extremely delicate relationship between the two, who care about each other but hate each other.

This is also the most acute contradiction between the two.

Polusalino had expected a fierce battle

, but Zefa was there, unable to make any further moves.

I was puzzled by this, but I didn't care.

I thought it was Zefa angry and didn't want to speak.

I was going to leave here to prevent the situation from getting worse.

What I didn't expect was that Zefa actually apologized, and actually apologized to him!!

which was something that Polusalino didn't expect.


extremely stubborn teacher actually bowed his head to him, a criminal.

Therefore, Porusalino was slow to react.

It wasn't until he felt himself on the shoulder, tapped on the shoulder,

that he suddenly came back to his senses.

When he turned his head, he saw Sakasky and Kuzan, looking straight at him.

The lewd face slowly reverted to cynicism.

asked in a flirtatious tone, "What are you looking at me, can't you fall in love with me?"

After speaking, he moved to the side in a hurry.

"Don't say such strange things!" Polusalino !!

"What we want to know is what happened

?" "Yes! What happened to the teacher

?" "How do I know?"

"It's like a nerve when you come back!" the

three of them fell silent for a moment.

At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Look, does it have something to do with this guy?"

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