Pirate in Naruto World

Vol 2 Chapter 32: : The first generation of Altman

This is also true. It is already amazing that a normal person sees the existence of Altman and the monster. Now, let a person who has been in contact with these things suddenly discover that these things are true, and you will certainly be surprised. Well.

At this moment, Diga is fighting. Chiba still opened the door and looked at the battle of Diga. Although this time there is some handle, it feels like losing. However, it is necessary to fight.

However, the battle was halfway, and the crystal lamp of Diga was actually strangely flashed, which surprised Chiba and the ancients. Now, the monster jumps in front of Diga, and slaps in the palm of his hand. On his body, this made Dijia very surprised.

"How could this be." Chiba said in a strange way, then the attack of the monster was not finished. Then, kicking Diga out of the distance, and then the crystal lamp of Diga was more powerful. It is.

However, there will always be a turn for the better, because from the ground, a red light suddenly emerges and flies up into the sky. Then, the red light "唰" 14 suddenly turns into another Altman. When Chiba looked carefully, the information popped up.

Monster Chinese name: Altman (for the sake of distinction, it can be called the original Altman)

Debut works: "Cosmic Heroes Altman" series

Age: 20,000 years old (converted to human age 54 years old)

Sex: Male

Height: 40 meters

Weight: 35,000 tons

Flight speed: Mach 5 (super light speed when red light ball)

Walking speed: 450km/h

Water speed: 200kts

Ground speed: 2 Mach

Jump height: 800 meters

Wrist force: can lift more than 100,000 tons of tankers

About Altman: The early field team members of the Science Special Search Team (Cote team) found a red sphere chasing a blue sphere while patrolling the plane. At this time, the red sphere inadvertently hit the aircraft of the Morning Field. Asada sacrificed. At this time, he was sucked in by the red ball over Longsen Lake, so he met Altman, where he understood that Altman was chasing the escaped cosmic monster Baila, inadvertently hitting the plane of the early field. So, Altman made his life to the early field in order to compensate for the early field and the early field. So, Altman and Morita began to fight with the power of his superman and the huge body and fierce monsters, the cosmic people to fight the earth to fight the earth.

Actually, a new Altman came out, which surprised Chiba. After the appearance of the Altman, he gave Diga a power, and the crystal lights of Diga stopped flashing. Then they started to unite. Get up and fight the monster together.

"Two.........there are actually two Altmans........" The mountain that saw this scene was even more surprised. An Altman had already surprised him. Now there is an extra Altman, so he almost scared the heart to stop beating.

"You will accept it slowly, because there will be a third one in the future." Chiba said with a smile.

"What? Is there another?" The mountain is now a circle, but he never thought that this would happen to him.

Chiba did not respond to him and continued to watch the battle. Now although the battle is the first generation and Diga Altman has the upper hand, if there is a chaotic virus in this era, then they are very likely to lose. .

But it is okay, no chaotic virus appeared, Dijia and the first two Altman together, the monster was killed, and a small head of Charlie is fleeing to know where to go.

Then, the ancients changed back to the original, and then the original Altman, there is no trace.

The mountain is still in the midst of collapse, and Dagu rushed back from a distance. Chiba talked with his heart after he came back. "The Altman you met called the original Altman."

Dagu also returned to him "Well, I know." Then the two continued to sit on the board and began to play chess.

At this time, Yamano also woke up. When he saw Dagu, he said to him, "Dagu, you are back. You just saw it. There are two Altmans, and there is a monster. I am scared to death." ""

"Yes, it's really amazing." Dagu returned to the mountains, and at this time Chiba was working on the chess game, so they didn't care about them.

Early the next morning, Dagu and Chiba began to look for ways to go back, because staying here is not a problem, but now Charlie Gai does not know where to go, which makes it difficult to find. It’s hard to add, so the possibility of going back now is really very, very low.

But they still need to think of a way. After all, throwing a person who has lived in modern society for a while to the ancient times will definitely not be used to it. For the people who are now, I will throw you into a cell phone. Can you stand the place?

Can't stand it, of course, this is the truth, but almost all of the Round Valley companies have been ruined, and there are almost no 447 suspicious places, which can provide clues to Chiba and Dagu.

At this moment, the monster is actually not waiting to see, suddenly appeared here, a monster with two hands is a scissors hand appeared there, Chiba rushed to view the introduction of the monster:

Monster name first generation Baltan Star

Monster Alias: Cosmic Ninja

Monster body length: tiny - 50 meters

Monster weight: up to 15,000 tons

Monster Weakness: Fear of Material "Spestham"

Monster origin: Baltan Star (m240 star)

Introduction to the monster: The hometown was destroyed by a nuclear bomb. When the 2,300 million Baltans traveled in the universe, the gravity balance of the spacecraft was out of balance. So they came to Earth for repair, because the earth has the crystal diodes needed to repair the gravity balance, but The Baltans who came to Earth were occupied by local fans and intended to invade the earth. But in the end, the wild vision of the Baltans was still blocked by Altman. In the early days, the Baltans could not understand the language of the Earth. They could only communicate with others through the body of others, and they could not understand the values ​​and views of life of the Earth. The reason may be that the Baltans took collective cloning and there was one person who had a thousand lives. Ten thousand people live. .

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