Pirate: I use the Barrier Fruit to open Susan

Chapter 81 Battle Against Dorry And Brogy

After hearing Dai Die's words, Nico Robin was silent again. Such spoilers would make her lose a little motivation to find this piece of historical text.

However, even if it wasn't information that was blank for a hundred years, she still had to confirm it herself.

It’s just how do I avoid Crocodile’s attention now and go into the royal tomb alone to search for the historical text.

Now she and Crocodile have a semi-subordinate cooperative relationship. Sand Crocodile has never trusted her and has always regarded her as a tool.

She was even secretly monitored by the Sand Crocodile. Previously, she wanted to rely on the power of the Sand Crocodile to find the historical text, so she didn't pay attention to these surveillances.

And as a person with the Flower-Flower Fruit ability, she was originally a master of reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, and she didn't take Sand Crocodile's surveillance seriously.

It's just that now she is going to break away from Crocodile's control, so she needs to prepare a little more plan.

If Dai Die, the new king, really unseated Crocodile, she would have to prepare a way out.

After finishing the phone call with Dai Die, Nico Robin did not immediately report to Crocodile about the two teams mr3 and mr5.

She would wait a few days until the Big Daddy Pirates arrived in Alabasta waters, and then try to stimulate the sand crocodile.

Let's see if he will go to trouble with the Big Daddy Pirates for his subordinates.

And here at Little Garden.

After Dai Die ended the call, he began to prepare to take action personally to completely exhaust the physical strength of the two giants, making it easier for Lafitte and Zangao to Hypnosis them.

Lafite and Poison Q even prepared some fine wine mixed with a special truth-telling potion. A two-pronged approach must make these two giants spit out Elbaf's martial arts.

A barrier giant more than twenty meters suddenly appeared, and Dai Duo stood on the forehead of the Susano giant.

"Dorry, Brogy, let me fight with you!"

Dai Die shouted and joined the battlefield. The other crew members had already finished fighting and also withdrew from the battlefield.

Even Zoro and Badgers took a breather and temporarily took a rest.

These two upright guys actually competed with these two giants in front of each other. This consumes too much. In the face of racial superiority, they need to continue to work a hundred times harder.

Moreover, Blue Ogre Dorry and Red Ogre Brogy were originally the best among the Elbaf giants. Now it is normal that they cannot beat them.

Now these two giants haven't even used their strongest combined technique, Hakoku.

'clang! ’

With a loud noise, Dorry's long sword struggled to block the Susanoo giant's barrier sword. Seeing the cracks on the long sword, Dorry felt even more distressed.

"Demon fruit power? And it can be developed to this extent, kid, are you really a newcomer?"

Dorry was suppressed by the barrier Susanoo Titan, and with a slightly reddened face, he shouted loudly.

This is not like a rookie pirate at all, this level is enough to enter the New World.

"My bounty is the same as yours, it's also 100 million Baileys! But the bounty now is not as valuable as your previous era!"

Dai Die swung Dorry away to block the rushing Brogy. The barrier sword suddenly made a gap in his giant axe, which made Brogy's beard furious.

"It turns out he's not new anymore! Brogy fuck him!"

Dorry also knew that they had no weapon advantage, and immediately began to join forces to attack Dai Die. With their tacit understanding, their combat power immediately rose to a level, and Dai Die was dazzled by the attack.

If there were other giants, they would have been quickly killed by the two giant pirate captains.

However, the Daidai Barrier Susanoo was too hard. Even if their long swords and giant axes struck it, not only did it not cause damage, but their weapons collapsed again.

This made Dorry and Brogy feel that the fight was not worthwhile and enjoyable.

"Dorry, Brogy use your special trick Hakoku. If you can break my defense, I will help you build a new alloy weapon for free!"

Seeing that these two were timid and did not want to destroy their weapons, Dai Die directly asked them to use their strongest moves.

He wanted to see how much stronger Hakoku was than the Fist of the King, and whether he could break his barrier.

"Are you serious? Little devil!"

Dorry and Brogy, this human actually wanted to try their most powerful combined technique, which was a powerful move that could destroy even a small island.

One move can kill the island-swallowing goldfish in seconds.

"I want to try!"

Dai Die said seriously, and then Barrier Susanoo's sword immediately transformed into a giant barrier shield, looking at the two giants confidently.

"Then don't blame us if you die!"

Dorry and Brogy saw that Dai Die was so confident, and they didn't want these humans to look down on Elbaf's unique skills. Today, they wanted to let this arrogant brat experience the strongest martial arts in the Giant Kingdom.

The two giants began to accumulate power, and the crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates consciously stayed away from this seemingly powerful move.

"Hakoku!" x2

After a short period of energy accumulation, Dorry and Brogy roared in unison, and a huge spiral sword energy rushed towards Dai Duo's Susanoo Titan.

Along the way, an exaggerated semicircular deep mark was plowed on the ground, and the sword energy hit the Susanoo giant's giant shield with a powerful airflow along the way.

After the dazzling white light erupted, a huge explosion roar came out, and a huge mushroom cloud of dust appeared where Dai Die stood.

The crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates looked in the direction of the captain with some worry, especially women like Dezaia, Nami, and Queen Sugar, who were even more nervous.

The smoke slowly cleared, and their captain did not disappoint them, still standing intact.

Dorry and Brogy also looked at this barrier giant in disbelief, and the long swords and giant axes in their hands could not withstand the power of Hakoku and collapsed.

Their weapons and shields were gone.

Because they didn't break Dai Die's giant shield, they couldn't get the alloy weapons Dai Die promised.

"Phew! It is indeed the strongest defense!"

Dai Die once again had a clear understanding of the defensive power of his barrier. He estimated that even the combined technique of the Four Emperors and Kaido of the Beasts - Hai Hai would not be able to break through his barrier.

His barrier is so invincible!

However, you still have to be wary of some space-based Devil Fruit abilities.

"Human, you are strong!"

Dorry and Brogy recognized Dai Die's strength. He was definitely the strongest rookie pirate they had encountered in the past few years.


After accepting the wheel battle and using the extremely expensive trick Hakoku, Dorry and Brogy's stomachs growled.

"Humans, do you want to have a party together? Do you have any wine on board?"

Dorry and Brogy, two straightforward giants, wanted to eat when they were hungry, and never thought about what other ideas Dai Die and the others had.

"Of course!"

Dai Die also showed a smile. Today, the tasks of training troops and consuming these two giants have been completed, and he has also recruited a few crew members, which makes him very satisfied.


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