Pirate Hunting Space System

Chapter 325 Gao Junqi's Mercy

Aries and Cancer are a little scared. Taurus is showing his power at this moment. This guy is the most mysterious existence among the twelve gods of the zodiac. He has powerful power, but he doesn't reveal it!

Even in the most chaotic Dharma-ending era, when all the gods were about to perish, he did not exert any power. He just stood quietly by the side, watching like a bystander, as if deliberately hiding himself the power of!

Of course, he doesn't need to show his strength anyway, because it doesn't need to fight, and there will always be a Libra who is thousands or hundreds of times stronger than him, protecting him all the time!

Libra seems to regard Taurus as the last trump card and protect Taurus very well, so the other twelve gods of the zodiac, everyone in this world except the evil gods don't know the exact strength of Taurus and dare not act rashly here. Aries knows that he is injured at this moment, if he rashly fights with Taurus, let alone that he may be directly involved!

Even if there is no possibility of being taken in, Aries also feels that a ruthless person like Taurus needs a few gods to work together to defeat it safely!

Aries and Cancer, two people left here in a bit of a mess, and only Libra and Taurus are left here!

Taurus heaved a sigh of relief and waved his hand at the same time, asking a group of his subordinates to take Alice and Libra, and leave here quickly to stay away from Paradise Island, otherwise, they will be sat by Cancer and Aries anytime, anywhere To stare at a guy who was secretly observing them, let these two guys hold their lives in the palm of their hands, it is quite aggrieved!

Libra was taken away from this place. Several people found a small island in the sea and set up camp here. They all breathed a sigh of relief. Taurus walked forward and came to the boss's side and said: " Libra! Are you okay?!"

After hearing this, Libra raised his head and looked at his subordinates. The corner of his mouth trembled, and blood spit out from his mouth, and said, "I'm very weak now...my god position...is completely shattered!"

Libra said this and raised his hand in embarrassment, and a very illusory shadow suddenly condensed behind him in the next second!

This shadow is translucent, floating there like wings, but the wings are already broken!

It's full of patches and holes!

At this moment, Libra was extremely weak and looked up at his group of brothers. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end what he wanted to say turned into a sigh.

"It's hard for me to recover, unless there is a miracle!" Libra said so, looking forward, looking at the vast sea and sky!

Alice was trembling all over, her eyes were full of tears, staring at Libra in front of her.

"Alice... I can't help you restore your family. I may die on this island. I'm sorry!"

Libra showed pain on his face, and slowly lowered his head, he wanted to rest, he had to use rest to prolong its life, if he kept talking with his eyes open, his life would dissipate even faster!

Alice was watching this scene from the side, and suddenly his eyes were filled with tears after hearing this!

"Libra!!! I don't need you to say that!"

"You don't have to help me restore my family, you just need to protect yourself and keep yourself from dying! Libra!"

"Don't leave us, we still rely on you!"

After Libra heard this, he slowly raised his head, smiled wryly and sighed at the woman in front of him weakly, shook his head and said: "No way, everyone has their own destiny, and my destiny may be like this. You will die, you will die miserably!"

"The only thing I can't let go of is you, and the family behind you. I once made a promise, I said I would help you restore the family, but unfortunately I couldn't do it, really... I tried my best..."

When Libra said this, his voice was extremely hoarse and deep to the extreme.

Alice felt extremely painful in her heart at this moment. In the past few days, the man in front of her made her feel a feeling that she had never had in her previous life. She stood at the top and fell to the bottom!

Alice is no longer the queen who followed her own temper, and now she is just a little girl who is at a loss at the crossroads!

Now his last match was about to burn out!

Libra is really weak to the extreme at this moment, silently closed his eyes and wants to rest, he can't say a word now, he must prolong his life The Taurus next to him, and those subordinates, watched this scene one by one, The eyes are also full of numbness. They have supported for such a long time, relying on the man in front of them, and continue to live on the point that is produced every day. Now that the man's god is gone, then they also Will die and they have a calm face, as if they already knew the end of their own death!

Some of them even showed expressions of relief, and shook their heads helplessly and said, "Maybe this is a person's life. We people shouldn't exist in this era that doesn't belong to us!"

"We are gods and should belong to the age of mythology, but now there is no place for us on the big ship of this world!"

"Libra, take a good rest. If you can't hold on, you don't have to hold on. We people don't care if they disappear or not!"

A group of ordinary gods shook their heads helplessly. They are full of pain and struggle at the moment. They also want to live, and they also want to live forever, but now they want their boss to rest in peace, and they also want to let themselves Freed from this painful process, what's the point of living like this for so long?

Not even being free is like being locked in a cage. Generally speaking, living in this age of God is really meaningless!

Libra is silently watching these own group of partners!

He sighed helplessly, even if he wanted these partners to live, he didn't have the ability anymore, he would also dissipate!

Alice watched this scene in despair, knelt on the ground, and gritted her teeth: "As long as you are alive, that's fine!"

"I just want you to live! As long as you are together, then everywhere is my paradise island, and everywhere is the Alice family! I beg you to live and don't give up your last hope for me!!!"

Libra opened his eyes and opened them slowly. This unyielding god... suddenly cried, with two lines of tears on his face!

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