Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 537: : Counterfeit Qi Wang [5]

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Chapter 537: Counterfeiting Qi Wang [5]

Moreover, her cold personality is also very difficult to make such a joke.

Yu Wenyu was immediately stunned with a big red face. He said a little bit: "That, the county owner will understand the song after listening to the song!"

After saying that he coughed, "There is still something in the league. I will take a step and take a step first."

Re-wearing the wind-winged mask, Yu Wenxi coughed a lightly, and smiled politely to Huang Beiyue, and then walked forward.

Some winds blew over, and he was worried in his heart. This time, the imprisonment of Qi Wang happened too suddenly. He couldn’t guess at all. Why did he treat Qi Wang like this?

Shura City is a place of love and love. Is it something that has been discovered after the yin?

Yu Wenzhao and Huang Beiyue returned to the mercenary camp one after the other. Many mercenaries saw her and Qi Wang say goodbye to each other. Qi Wang is very polite and seems to be very respectful to her.

Many people are wondering: What exactly does the ghost face person come to? Why do even Qi Wang have to give her a three-point look?

When Phoenix North returned to the camp, Jike was also curious, but no one dared to ask, only Asare had always been straightforward, and asked: "Wang, the Qi Wang, seems to be familiar with you?"

"I am not very familiar with it. I used to have a bit of friendship before." Huang Beiyue said faintly.

"Nan Qi Wang is really a peerless figure, but our king, just match!" Asare suddenly smiled and turned to ask a few people behind, "Do you say right?"

The people nodded together. In this kind of thing, it seems that they haven’t grown up. When they talk about the feelings of men and women, they will automatically think of the appearance of Huangbeiyue women’s clothes.

It is also a stunning city, beautiful atmosphere, and it is not lost to the enchanting of the king! Standing together is a heavenly creation, a talented woman!

The outside person only knows that she is a weird ghost face, but they know that their night king is a great figure!

"Wang, in the future, you will be the queen of the Northern Kingdom, and we will be followed by a few!"

"Yes! I have to ask the king to do something for the time! It’s not bad to be a goalkeeper!"

"Wang, we are optimistic about you!"

The crowd began to talk about it, and Huang Beiyue was also by them, sitting down and holding a cup of tea to listen, and occasionally looked up and laughed twice.

"You will dream one by one, and I will bring you back to the forest!"

"Wang, don't bring such stingy, if you made a queen, will you drive us back?" Asare said with a smile.

Huang Beiyue’s lips are smiling: “The forest is the place where you can live with several monkeys.”

Everyone laughed together, and I couldn’t think of some serious and indifferent kings. They would be so embarrassing, and their mouths are too poisonous!

When it comes to monkeys, is Asare a monkey? What is the relationship with them?

"Go and go, don't bother you, our most distinguished night-time king, how can you be a queen of a country? Only the position of the hegemony of the world is worthy of our king of night!"

Jike listened to them joking and was not happy, came over and poured cold water, and felt admired from the bottom of the heart.

The position of the Queen, although noble, can be the king of the night, if only a queen of a country, do not need such discouragement and strength!

Huang Beiyue’s action on drinking tea paused, and then pointed at Jike and smiled: “I love to hear this.”

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