Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 522: : Mercenary King Order [10]

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Chapter 522: Mercenary King Order [10]

Aria's 'snap' laughed out, and her face was red and she said, "When I was on the road yesterday, I saw that the king was still practicing when he was resting. Wang is so diligent and will have the strength of today. ”

"Yes! We used to play, and from today, we must be diligent!"

"Yes! Diligent!"

The blood of the people was burned again, and they were so excited that they screamed and let the four-sea mercenary group in the distance frequently look here.

"Less master, that group of people is very strange, is it to investigate what is the way?" Cold two frowned.

Luo Wei said: "Everyone is a mercenary, a mixed road, more inclusive."

Cold two: "There are still so few masters, oh! When the Mercenary Union Conference, the young masters can't be so good, our four-sea mercenary group is for the seats of the lords!"

"When the ally is not good, the city of Shura is mysterious. No one has ever been there. With my strength and qualifications, it is not enough to sit on the position of the lord." This Luo 淳 is more modest and recognizes his own strength. Knowing is also very clear.

Cold heart is not happy! This is a good thing for a small heart! However, in the big things, it is not so strong, it is really not the style of the head of the year! Always just a blind man, not a son!

"Well, cold two, we have rested almost, let everyone set off." Luo Wei stood up, standing outside the forest, looking into the distance, from here to Beijiao, there is a long way to go!

He looked back at the team of more than a dozen people. He felt that he had to say goodbye in the past, but when he saw the strange ghost face, he dismissed the idea and took his own person away.

Huang Beiyue and others rested for a while, and they got up and left. They went out from the floating forest and walked a long and winding mountain road before they reached the main road outside. They went back to see the deep forest, and everyone sighed. One, leaving the home, the mood is a bit heavy.

The mercenary coalition meeting is too grand, so there are many large and small mercenary groups, adventurers, and large family teams on the road, all of which are rushing to the capital city of Beijing.

Some summoners sit directly on their own summoning beasts and sway in the road, attracting a lot of martial arts masters!

The Summoner is the most enviable professional career on the mainland, but unfortunately, too challenging talent!

Huang Beiyue stood on the side of the road and watched for a while. I felt that a dozen people were all summoners. It was a bit irritating, and the summoners of these dozens were still not low. If they swayed the city, they would soon be provoked. A lot of enemies.

And she is too high-profile on the ice magical bird, if it is riding the Red Gold Tiger, it will be higher!

So Jike and others proposed to go to the town in front to buy a few horses.

Walking to the town, the town was very lively for two days. I finally found a pub to sit down and let Jike take four or five people to buy horses. They were waiting in the pub.

Since Aria was the first time to come out of the world, she looked at something novelty. She was very cute, her face was like an apple, and she was born again. Several mercenaries on the table next to me met her. Blowing a whistle and joking.

"Little sister, where did you come from? Come and have a few drinks with your brothers!"

Aria suddenly scared to go to Asare.

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