Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 498: : The king of the night [6]

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Chapter 498: King of the Nights [6]

Huang Beiyue looked around and cried: "The patriarch, what hundred eyes are cold and afraid of light?"

The genarah looked at her with admiration and said, "Yes, there are too many eyes on his body. If there is light, his eyes will not open."

Huangbei nodded at the moon, and asked the Henarah patriarch about a lot of things about the coldness of the eyes, and then took a rest in the cabin arranged by the Helanah patriarch.

Closed his eyes and recuperated for a while, and the sound of knocking on the door outside, Huang Beiyue got up and opened the door, saw Jike standing outside, and a few young and middle-aged villages, all looking good!

"Hello, these are the masters in our tribe, and will voluntarily follow you to deal with that one hundred eyes!" said Jike blood.

The eyes of Huang Beiyue were swept away from the faces of these young people who looked forward to them. They probably had already heard what Jike had said about her, so they all looked at her with admiration.

"Follow me, but I want you to prepare some things for me."

Everyone listened to her promise and immediately cheered, and Jike asked happily: "What? We will prepare immediately!"

"The more white crystal stones and cold copper, as well as some fluorite, the better."

Jike snorted and said: "These materials are easy to find, but we are dealing with hundreds of people, do you want these things?"

"We need some special props, we must use these materials to refine." Phoenix North is not concealed, these people follow her, she will naturally make the best use of it!

Jike grew up in amazement and said: "Is it a refining tool? Are you still a refiner?"

Confucius! Such a young refiner? She has the ice spirit magic bird, is a powerful young summoner, has been very embarrassing, but she is actually a refining master!

Is this person born to attack them with such flat qualifications?

"Yes, let's get ready, we will leave tomorrow morning." When Huang Beiyue spoke, there was a natural leader temperament that allowed those people to obey her from the bottom of my heart.

Jick nodded, and the same shocked group of young people turned and left, took a few steps, turned their heads and whispered, "Hello, I, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask." Phoenix North nodded.

Jike swallowed a slobber and asked: "You, are you Geng this year?"


There is a black line on the head of the phoenix, and it is generally expensive. They are all asking seniors to use ‘Geng Geng’. But she is younger than Jike!

She said helplessly: "I am seventeen."

"Just seven?" Jike couldn't help but blurt out, "You haven't changed your appearance?"

Some summoners are very strong, they will look very young, or use some means to change their appearance and make themselves look young forever.

Jike thought that Huang Beiyue was such a person.

"I like my own appearance very much." After Huang Beiyue finished speaking, he waved at them. "Hurry and go." After closing, the door was closed.

Jike and others are outside, face each other and look awkward.

"Hey, it’s really more people than people, I’m twenty years old, and I’m so little, and in front of her, my head can’t lift up.”

"We are, too, Juke!"

At this time, in the house of the Helanra patriarch, a dimly lit oil lamp shines out of the old figure in the corner of the temple.

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