Phantom Kid in the World of American Comics

Chapter 67: Solomon's key

"You killed someone?"

Barbara exclaimed, and Daisy on the other end of the phone had a black line.

"He was very well. He woke up early the next morning and called himself Saul Oddingson, the **** of thunder in the myth."

"I don't know if you have followed the news in New Mexico recently. Some time ago, there was a hammer that no one could pick up. Sol said it was his Thor's hammer, Mirnir."

"You mean, he picked up the hammer that no one can pick up, and then you believe he is Thor?"

Barbara said uncertainly.

"No, that hammer seems to be blocked by the FBI. Sol forcibly broke into their camp the day before yesterday and said that he was going to get his hammer back, but he didn't raise the hammer in the end."

Barbara: "..."

Why do you suddenly feel like you are teasing me?

"Then why do you still say Thor is real?"

"Because of yesterday!"

Daisy said with excitement: "About yesterday afternoon, a strange shape that would emit lasers...A robot or some kind of creature? Anyway, a tall monster attacked the town."

"Sol's friends are called the Four Warriors. They found us through the Rainbow Bridge. It was Sol to be exact, and told his brother Rocky that he wanted to kill him."

"Wait, isn't Loki Sol's uncle?"

Barbara wondered if her good friend had been brainwashed by someone.

"Those were mistakes when the myths spread. Loki is actually Thor's younger brother!"

"Anyway, I don't know what's going on, I saw that when Thor was almost killed by a monster, Mulnier, the hammer, flew over by himself, and then Thor's whole person changed!"

"He was really able to summon Thunder, and the monster was demolished in three or two."

Daisy's tone was full of excitement.

"Do you know? Jane is in love with Saul, and Saul also likes Jane. It's the story of the love between gods and mortals, and it happened before my eyes!"

", your trip to New Mexico sounds thrilling and exciting."

To be honest, Barbara didn't particularly believe what Daisy said, maybe Daisy just thought about the love of her mentor, Dr. Foster.

But the kind-hearted girl didn't want to pierce Daisy's fantasy at all, so she followed Daisy's meaning and replied.

"Well~ I have already said what I have seen and heard. I want to know if there are any fun things happening in Gotham during this time, such as my male god!"

Barbara shed a drop of cold sweat, "Daisy, don't you watch the news? Or is the town in New Mexico where you go to the Internet only now?"

"The thief Kidd stole Queen Elizabeth's Tamil ruby. You don't even know such a big thing?"

"What! Tamil Ruby? Is it really that necklace of the Queen of Country Y?"

Daisy said in shock.

"That's Queen Elizabeth. There must be a lot of bodyguards by her side. Has Kaidid Kidd succeeded? Is he injured?"

Listening to Daisy eagerly interrogating, Barbara's cold sweat grew more and more.

My father is the chief of the police. You just care about a thief in front of me. Is this reasonable?

"Kid the thief is very powerful. You don't need to worry about it. This time not only the GCPD, but also the FBI, CIA, and MI7 were dispatched, but he was playing around."

Barbara didn't have a good air, and told Daisy all the things that happened in Robinson Central Park.

Except for the fact that she suspected that Kaito Kidd was McGieson, from beginning to end, Barbara never said her suspicions to others, even Gordon didn't know.

Only the Doudou agent who happened to ran into it knew about this, but the misunderstanding had been resolved.

"As expected of Lord Kidd, it's really amazing, but it's a shame that I didn't see such a spectacular scene..."

Daisy's tone suddenly became lost.

However, Barbara's focus is obviously not on Daisy's emotional changes.


What a weird name this is.

"Oh, you said this. Actually, I joined a fan support group of Kaito Kidd before, and everyone in the support group likes to call Kidd like that, and then I called together."

At the mention of Kidd, Daisy's mood improved somehow.

Barbara could only twitch the corners of her mouth and laugh dryly.

"Oh, by the way, after Jane and Sol were together, that fellow Sol took the Rainbow Bridge and teleported back to Asgard. I don’t know when he will be back. I hope he won’t forget Jane, or wait for him to return. By the time Jane was already grey-haired."

Daisy started to complain again, "Isn't there a saying that there has been a year on earth and a day in heaven? If that is true, Jane would be too pitiful."

Barbara: "..."

Is Daisy an expression of being too deep into the play?

"Finally, Barbara, I have good news for you!"

"What good news?"

"Jane's scientific research work is over, she has confirmed her idea, Asgard really exists, so my internship has also been completed, and then I can study for a master's degree!"

"That means I can go back to Gotham soon, and we can get together."

You can hear her happiness from Daisy's words, but Barbara herself is a little unhappy.

Not only is not happy, but suddenly there is a kind of **** who wants to drink soda...

After hung up the phone dumbly, Barbara felt that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected.

When you are delighted with the qualifications of a second-year university exchange student, people your age are already studying for a master's degree.


We all have a bright future.

A pen shop in New York with few customers.

Bob has almost rummaged through ancient Roman mythology, Greek mythology, Celtic mythology, Norse mythology, and even Egyptian mythology.

But I can't find anything related to the six disasters, and I don't know what the six disasters together mean.

"Maybe I should try Indian mythology, or Japanese mythology?"

Just do it when he thinks of it, Bob cleaned up and went to the study, then left the store and went straight to the New York Library.

Generally, like this kind of ancient mythological system, only fragmented information can be found on the Internet, but useful content can be found faster by going to the library.

"The Vedas, the Sanskrit, the Forest Book, the Upanishads, the Ramayana, the Mokobharata, the Kori Lineage... How come there are so many, the first It's going to be bigger."

Library, theology/occult classics area.

When Bob came here to read it, there were so many scary books, and he completely lost the chance to find it.

"Sir, what kind of system myth are you looking for?"

At this time, a staff member of the library came over with a book in his hand.

He saw Bob looking tangledly at the bookshelf, and he asked.

"This...I need a book that popularizes Indian mythology or Japanese mythology, but what I want is a more comprehensive one, and it is best to roughly summarize the entire content of the mythology of the system."

"Oh, that's the youth science version, right?"

The staff suddenly realized, "Sorry, sir, you should go to the area that contains children's books."

I saw him smile at Bob kindly, and then stuffed the book in his hand into the corner of the bookshelf.

Bob: "..."

Suddenly, Bob's gaze fell on the book in the staff's hand, and his inspiration flashed suddenly.

"and many more!"

Bob rushed up and took out the book the staff had stuffed in from the shelf.

"Solomon's Key"...

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