"Q, L, G, B, M, K, these six letters are highlighted in the notice letter. I think the key to cracking is here."

Igersey said.

"Does this still have to be said by you? It is so obvious that no one can tell, the question is how to crack it!"

Roxie rolled her eyes at him.

"I just haven't thought about it, it doesn't mean I don't have any ideas, but since you said that to me, have you cracked it out?"

Igexi is not to be outdone.

"Don't argue about this little thing."

At this time, the middle-aged gentleman interrupted the two softly, his voice was gentle and magnetic, and at the same time revealed a sense of majesty.

"Harry, what do you think?"

Igersey asked, he and Roxie were agents who were trained in the same period. They had a strong friendship with each other, and of course they would not quarrel for a little bit of argument.

The middle-aged gentleman, that is, Harry, he is Agus' life mentor and the strongest agent of the royal gentleman.

"I already have some clues, but I haven't completely solved it yet. Now I want to hear what you two think."

If you simply look at the quality and performance of the agents, Roxie undoubtedly far surpasses Igersey, especially in terms of knowledge, the gap between the two is particularly obvious.

This is also no way. After all, before becoming an agent, Igersey was just a little **** who had never gone to school. If it weren't for Harry to find him, I'm afraid he wouldn't even understand what the notice was written on.

Therefore, Roxie took the lead in speaking unwillingly.

"I found out that so far, Kai Pi Kidd has committed two cases, which means that two notice letters have been sent."

"The first notice may be because he just made his debut, so there are no puzzles to guess. It is relatively straightforward. He didn't start to set up these riddles obliquely until the second letter."

"Through the content of the second envelope, it can be inferred for the time being that Kaito Kidd likes to use the content of Greek mythology to set up mysteries."

Hearing this, Harry shook his head in his heart, Roxie went in the wrong direction completely.

"So, my guess is that L represents Ladon who guards the golden apples, G represents Calites, B may represent Briseis, and M I think it is Minotaur..."

"K and Q I have never found a corresponding existence, I can only use king and queen to explain, that is, the king and the queen, I think these two should refer to Her Majesty at the same time."

At this point, Roxie's cheeks were slightly red, and said: "But, I can't figure out how to string everything together."


Igersey couldn't help laughing.

"Aren't you the same as you didn't say?"

"Ah! Why are you hitting me?"

Roxie retracted the fist that was hammered into Aigsey's chest, and said coldly, "Now it's you."

"Why are you a girl so violent all day, no wonder no man likes you..."

Seeing that Roxie had a tendency to become black again, Igersey hurriedly shut up and said his own opinions.

"Actually I don't think... we don't need to bother to crack Kidd's notice letter!"


These words made Harry interested, "Talk about it."

"The royal gentleman has been established for decades and has not appeared in front of the world. Even the royal family does not know our existence. Then, no matter how smart the Kaito Kidder is, he can't know that we are here too."

"We know that his target can only be a Tamil Ruby Necklace, so we only need to keep an eye on Her Majesty the Queen, and sooner or later we will be able to wait for the thief Kidd, which is equivalent to that we are in the dark and he is in the light."

"Any suspicious character can't escape our eyes."

"That's right." Harry nodded approvingly.

"When performing tasks, the mind cannot be rigid. As long as the task can be completed, it doesn't matter if you use some disgraceful means. Although this method is a bit stupid, it is really effective."

"Roxie, at this point, you are not as good as Igersey."

Roxie snorted and did not comment, but did not refute.

"It's almost time, let's find a place to live first."

Harry looked at his watch, and the three of them got up and left at the same time.

"Weird Thief Kidd's notice has appeared again!"

"Queen Elizabeth declares war in a high-profile manner. Kidd, the strange thief, is afraid of going home?"

"GCPD, FBI, CIA, MI7... the ultra-luxury lineup of agents, isn't this really the second time for Geronimo?"

"It is rumored that the Secretary of State's angrily denounced Kidd the strange thief has gone beyond the scope of the theft, and can even be regarded as a terrorist act. If necessary, the Delta Force may be dispatched!"

"SAS is applying for entry to perform its mission. What does this mean?"

On that day, what happened at the airport spread all over the country, and all kinds of news emerged in endlessly, extremely exaggerated.

Even SAS and Delta are involved, and the brains of these media are really not that big.

And the newspaper that wrote about Geronimo, are you afraid that you want to close its doors?

It can be seen that the crows in the world are generally black, and there must be rumors in the media.

Gotham, Bristol, Wayne Manor.

"Fu, what are you looking at?"

Bruce asked while doing push-ups.

Half a month ago, he went to the hospital to check on his right leg. The bone damage was extremely serious, the joint softened to a negligible level, and there was almost no cure.

As a result, he installed a leg exoskeleton for himself, which was regarded as regaining his normal mobility.

Of course, the exoskeleton also strengthened his kicking power several times.

During this time, Bruce often wondered whether he should also learn from the guy in New York with a whole set of exoskeleton armor.

But considering that the Ark reactor technology is not generally difficult to overcome, I gave up this idea.

People can make a nuclear reactor the size of a palm, but Wayne Enterprise has worked hard for two full years and can only shrink the nuclear reactor to the size of a Bosnia and Herzegovina stone ball.

That's right, not only Stark is doing mini-nuclear fusion reactors, Wayne has already invested a lot of research.

It's just that Wayne researched this area a few decades later than Stark, and the reactor he made was not small enough and not stable enough, and a little carelessness could turn into a large-yield nuclear bomb.

So Bruce can only rely on his own physical exercises to restore his former physical functions.

Every day 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10 kilometers long-distance running, and no air conditioner can be turned on no matter how hot it is...

Pooh! It's a drama.

However, the master’s training is indeed similar to this one, except that everything except the long-distance running has to add a zero, and then multiply it by several times...

This keeps him busy every day, and he hardly pays attention to the news of the outside world. Of course, he has never paid attention to it in the past eight years.

Although Bruce didn't want to admit it, he was already forty years old, and physical deterioration was inevitable.

And all this was in Alfred's eyes, so he didn't want Bruce to see the news of Kaito Kidd, lest Bruce had to bravely put on Batman's uniform again.

"It's just a few trivial things. After reporting on Her Majesty the Queen, I published a compliment to Gotham."

Alfred tried to be as natural as possible.

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