Phantom Kid in the World of American Comics

Chapter 2: Gordon's suspicion

"I don't want to bother about the notice letters circulating on the Internet, Aaron, take your men and dismiss the crowd watching the fun, go now!"

Gordon felt a headache.

What the heck kidd wants to do?

Sending a notice to the police station can also think that he is an extremely confident criminal. Notifying the police in advance is just to show his high intelligence. This kind of thing happened eight years ago.

But inviting the common people to watch themselves stealing things?

This is the fact that people as crazy as the clown can't do it!

Gordon has an intuition that the upcoming strange thief may be one of the most difficult opponents in his career. No, it may not be "one of them".

According to Gordon's past experience, no matter what the purpose of this strange thief spreading the news, he can't follow his mind. Since he wants the crowd to swarm, then Gordon will make this place empty!

"Hey! Director Gordon, you have no right to drive us away, Gotham Exhibition Hall is a public place! And we are here to participate in the exhibition!"

Seeing that Aaron called hundreds of Gotham police officers behind to drive these reporters out, the peaked reporter immediately yelled.

"Okay, okay... which newspaper reporter are you, why have I never seen you?"

Gordon stared sharply at the peaked cap suddenly, which shocked the reporter.

"Sorry, sir, you know exactly what the current situation means, and I have to doubt you...not to mention your face is hidden under the brim of your hat from the beginning. You don't want others to see your face clearly, do you? "

"Hey! Chief Gordon, are you suspecting that I am the thief with an abnormal brain?"

After a surprise, the peaked cap recovered and immediately raised his head, revealing the face of a decadent young man with stubble.

"My name is Eddie Bullock. I am not a reporter from Gotham, but from the New York Horn Daily. This is my work permit."

Eddie took out his ID and handed it to Gordon, and said quickly: "I know it doesn't make sense for reporters in New York to show up here, but in fact I just came here on vacation and happened to learn about it."

The Clarion Daily can be regarded as a relatively well-known newspaper in the United States. Gordon did not have any problems when he took the work permit, but he still does not rule out the possibility of forgery.

There is also a coincidence-like vacation that makes Gordon more suspicious of Eddie.

Gordon gave Aaron a wink, and Aaron knew immediately and called the Daily Clarion to confirm Eddie's statement.

Soon, Aaron hung up the phone and nodded to Gordon. What Eddie said was true.

Although something was always wrong, Eddie clearly cleared the suspicion, and Gordon had to apologize to Eddie.

"Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, there are a few words I have to say."

Eddie Huoda didn't care about everything that happened before, on the contrary showed a keen interest in this incident.

"Listen, officers, I know that the peace of Gotham has been maintained by you over the years, and you are the least willing to see the chaos of eight years ago reappear here."

"So this strange thief Kidd who popped up suddenly evoked some of your memories, and made you so distraught that you want to drive these innocent civilians out of the confines of the exhibition hall..."

"Trust me, gentlemen, this decision is not only incompatible with the law, it's even a bit stupid!"

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, the irritable Aaron roared out immediately.

"I don't know why Kaito Kidd announced his plan to the public, but I know that stealing will always happen when there is no one, otherwise it will be a robbery."

Gordon knows everything at one point.

"You mean, he did it on purpose to mislead us?"

"Otherwise? Oh, yes. Of course, it is also possible that the so-called Kaito Kidd is a cover from beginning to end. This is just a joke, otherwise there is no way to explain the absurd thing that the thief needs someone to watch."

"More importantly, the notice has been spread in Gotham, and there will be a steady stream of people coming here. You can't drive everyone away. After all, the exhibition is for the whole Gotham rather than a specific group of people."

Gordon nodded. Eddie was right. He really couldn't prevent people from participating in the exhibition, but he still felt wrong.

This is an unspeakable intuition. Gordon doesn't believe this is a cover, but he really can't think of anyone who can steal the Adam star from the gaze of countless people.

Even if he got into the crowd, the huge crowd would obstruct all his escape routes, which was not conducive to getting out.

The police just need to guard all exits strictly, even top thieves like Catwoman can't even escape...

Do not!

There is another possibility!

That is, Kaito Kidd is real, but stealing is fake. His real purpose is to gather people to the exhibition hall and then carry out blasting attacks!

Such crimes are in line with Gotham's folk customs!

Seeing Gordon always thinking deeply, "Eddie" couldn't help feeling tight.

"Is it really worthy of Jim Gordon... I am still hesitating now, knowing that the exhibition hall is absolutely impossible to be banned because of the notice letter, but I still want to prevent people from gathering here..."

That's right, this "Eddie" is not Pieterie, but McGieson pretended to be!

Of course, Eddie Bullock does have someone, and it is true that he came to Gotham on vacation and accidentally learned that the notice came.

As for the real Eddie, he should still be asleep in his own car now...

A reporter is a good identity, able to ask the police a variety of questions, including some of their arrangements, even if they are not answered, they will not be suspected.

As for why McGyson spreads his notice letter, easy to sneak in is one reason, but more importantly...

Wasn’t it a failure if there was no audience for the debut of Kaito Kidd?

"you're right."

Seeing more and more civilians coming after hearing the news, Gordon sighed.

"Aaron, you led a team to guard the gate for me. There is still a long time before the start of the exhibition. No one is allowed to enter the hall during this period!"

"Except for the front entrance, there is only a narrow back door at the exit of the exhibition hall, which can be watched by only two police officers."

Gordon first ordered an experienced veteran police officer, and then shouted at a young police officer behind the team: "Rookie, you follow too!"

"Yes, sir."

McGyson glanced at the young police officer. Combined with the name "rookie", he should be a newcomer to GCPD.

The newcomer at this time is probably the John Blake, the future Robin.

"By the way, including these reporters, none of them are allowed in!"

Gordon took a deep look at "Eddie", and McGinson saw some suspicion in his eyes.

Even if it was confirmed by the Bugle Daily, Gordon was still uneasy.

"Sure enough, I still think too much. I thought that reporters in a free country could have a lot of rights, but the police arrangements and arrangements will not be made public."

McGyson didn't feel panicked. This was expected. After all, his identity as a reporter allowed him to observe many police officers up close...

Gordon ignored the barking reporters, and brought hundreds of subordinates into the exhibition hall.

Aaron stayed at the front entrance with a team of police officers. Together with the first dozen security guards, there were a total of nearly 30 men with guns and live ammunition.

Stand in a row to block the entrance, no one dared to step forward.

At this time, no one noticed that the reporter "Eddie" from New York was missing...

After arranging the candidates for the entrance and exit, Gordon led a large group into the exhibition hall and arranged all the lines of defense.

John Blake followed his predecessor to the back door, still in the dim alley as always, which I have to say is Gotham.

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