As soon as Yuansaki Ruolai heard Lin Wei want to say something, she immediately looked at Lin Wei nervously, waiting for Lin Wei to speak.

“As I said earlier, you are a clay doll doped thing, I have known for a long time.”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.


Sonosaki Ruolai nodded a little awkwardly.

She was still thinking of finding a time to confess to Lin Wei.

However…… Lin Wei knew it from the beginning.


Lin Wei glanced out the window.

You can see the Fengdu Tower at a glance outside the window.

“I didn’t mind that you were a doper from the beginning…”

“After all!”

“You never used the power of your doped body to hurt anyone.”

“Even if it was yesterday’s incident, you were controlled by the puppeteer’s doped body to attack me.”


“Ordinary humans get power, in my opinion, it’s just a common thing.”

“You also know my identity…”

“I am Kamen Rider Shikono.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Sonosaki Ruolai nodded slightly.

She had seen Lin Wei’s transformation with her own eyes.


Lin Wei looked at Yuansaki Ruolai.

“Before I became Kamen Rider, I was just an ordinary person.”

“Since I got the power of Kamen Rider Shiwang, I won’t hurt anyone.”

“Until now…”

“Every shot I make is just to stop the doping from harming others.”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.

This paragraph, Lin Wei said it, even he didn’t believe it.

The truth is certainly not as he says.

After all…… Not long ago! He just beat up Gates! Merely…… Saying such things, the facts do not matter, and Sonzaki Ruorai will not really delve into the facts, she can listen to these words.


Sonosaki Ruolai’s eyes trembled slightly.

Not only did she listen to Lin Wei’s words, but she could also hear that Lin Wei had something to say in addition to saying that he had never blamed her! Lin Wei’s every shot is just to stop the doping body from harming others.

Say so… What about her sister Sonosaki? Just yesterday, she personally experienced the toxicity of memory, and also heard Sonosaki personally talk about the harm of memory toxicity.

Sonosaki specializes in the circulation of general Gaia memory.

When the general Gaia memory is circulated, the doping affected by the toxicity of the memory is very likely to harm others.

Sonosaki is actually indirectly harming others, and even the nature of the trafficking is even more serious.

And also! What about her father, Ryubei Sonosaki? As the owner of the museum, it was he who put Sonosaki in charge of the circulation of Gaia’s memory.

Not only that! Not long ago, Ryubei Sonosaki also went to participate in the circulation of Gaia’s memory.

And again! And Miku?! She had heard of Miku, who was the executioner of the museum.

Since Sonosaki assigned the task to Miku, Miku has not returned until now.

She had to suspect that Miku was knocked down by Lin Wei.

In her opinion… In the entire wind capital, I am afraid that only Lin Wei, only Lin Wei can knock down the saber-toothed tiger doped body transformed by Miku.

If Lin Wei really would make a move to stop the doping body from harming others… So! Lin Wei will definitely stop the museum sooner or later.

Because! Museums are where it all comes from.

At that time, Lin Wei will inevitably clash with her sister Sonosaki and her father Sonosaki Ryubei! Come to think of it… Sonosaki Ruolai couldn’t help but feel a little strange again.

Lin Wei just said that he knew the true identity of the Sonosaki family from the beginning.

So…… Why didn’t Lin Wei stop the museum from the beginning? As soon as she thought of this, she couldn’t help but ask out.

“King Shi…”

“You know the museum from the beginning.”


“Why don’t you stop the museum?”

Sonosaki Wakara asked.


Lin Wei was slightly stunned.

He didn’t expect Sonzaki Ruolai to ask this question.

After all…… Asking this question is like reminding him to go and get rid of the museum.


Lin Wei glanced out the window again.

“My shot is to stop the doping from harming others.”


“I have my own plans.”

“It’s not time for me to stop the museum.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Sonosaki Ruolai nodded a little confused.

She also didn’t know what the plan Lin Wei said, but Lin Wei didn’t say it, so she naturally wouldn’t ask more.


Lin Wei looked at Yuan Saki Ruolai again.

“My plan is related to the conversation we have now.”


“You can listen carefully to what I say next.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Sonosaki Wakara nodded again.


Lin Wei continued with what he had just said.

“While I fight to stop the doping from harming others.”

“I’ve seen a lot of human transformed dope.”

“There is toxicity in the memory…”

“The reason why many human transformed dopeds hurt others…”

“It’s because of the toxicity in the memory!”

Lin Wei smiled.


Sonosaki Wakara nodded in approval.

That’s what she thought.


Lin only laughed.

“You just asked me why I didn’t stop the museum, because you know that the museum is the source of everything, right?”

Lin Wei asked with a smile.


Sonosaki Ruolai frowned and nodded with his lips.


Lin Wei approached Yuansaki Ruolai.

His eyes were fixed on Sonosaki Wakarai.

“Have you ever thought about it…”

“What if…”

“I’ll go and crush the memories of your sister and your father…”

“How will your sister and your dad end?”

Lin Wei asked.


Sonosaki Wakarai’s eyes dodged.

Let’s be honest… She also doesn’t know what happens to Sonosaki and Sonosaki Ryubei when they lose their memories.

It’s just that! She also knew that Sonosaki and Sonosaki Ryubei’s behavior was wrong, and Lin Wei would stop them sooner or later.

“Will die!”

Lin Wei said in a deep voice.


Sonosaki Ruolai was stunned.

“How could it be…”

Sonosaki Wakarai wondered.

Why do Sonosaki and Sonosaki Ryubei die if they lose their memory? Neon’s death penalty is extremely strict.

Anyway…… Neither what Sonosaki committed nor what Sonosaki Ryubei did should not be enough to impose the death penalty! Why did Lin Wei say that Sonosaki and Sonosaki Ryubei would die?

“Museums have already harmed a lot of humans…”

Lin Wei explained nonsense.

“When the Sonosaki family holds extraordinary powers…”

“There’s no way to hurt the members of the Sonosaki family.”


“Once the members of the Sonosaki family lose their supernormal power.”



Lin Wei smiled.

“How so…”

Yuansaki Ruolai believed, it was also because she didn’t know enough about the museum, so she would be easily fooled by Lin Wei.


“What can I do to save them?”

Sonosaki Wakara asked nervously.

For a while, she couldn’t think of a way to save Sonosaki Ryubei and the others.

But it’s fine… Right now! Lin Wei was right in front of her eyes…

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