Just as Philip hid in the secret base, not long after, there was a knock on the door of Narumi’s detective office.

“Little night.”

“You’re standing behind me.”

Lin Wei took out the emperor riding dial.


Menya Xiaoye quickly stood behind Lin Wei.


Lin Wei walked over to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, the arm of the clay dope doped body was pressed against Lin Wei’s abdomen, ready to launch powerful energy projectiles.

However! The clay doll dope was stunned.


Outside Narumi’s detective office, on the roof of a nearby tall building, the puppeteer doped was also stunned.


“It will be him…”

The puppeteer doped muttered in horror.

It wasn’t long since the incident passed, and he wouldn’t forget that Lin Wei had just brought him a sense of fear that could be said to be deep into his soul at the Fengdu Police Station.

Time…… He wanted to back down.

However! He wanted to retreat, but Lin Wei wouldn’t let him go.

Just as he was stunned, Lin Wei opened the aurora curtain from in front of him, just one centimeter in front of his abdomen.

Swish! The aurora curtain flashed, and in the blink of an eye, the clay doll doped body swept in.

Closely followed.

Lin Wei turned to glance at Menya Xiaoye.

“You wait a little here.”

“In less than five minutes…”

“I’ll be back.”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words are said.

He took out the space-time drive.


Menya nodded obediently.


Lin Wei installed the space-time drive around his waist.

After the sound of “ZikuDriver” sounded, Lin Wei walked towards the aurora curtain in front of him.


The puppeteer doped body was full of horror to see that an aurora curtain appeared not far in front of him, and the clay doll doper was thrown out by the aurora curtain.

Closely followed.

The puppeteer doped and saw that Lin Wei came out of the aurora curtain, and when he came out, Lin Wei’s hand had an extra black and white dial.


“Who the hell is it?”

The puppeteer doped asked in horror.


Lin Wei raised the second-order dial of Shiwang in his hand.

“It’s going on now…”

“Is it necessary to tell you?!”

Lin Wei sneered.

The words are said.

He pressed the second order dial of the King of Time in his hand.


After the sound of the sound effect, Lin Wei turned away from the side of the dial of the second order of Shiwang.

Closely followed.

He also divided the second-order dial of the King of Time into two, one black and one white, one light and one dark!


After the sound of the sound effect, Lin Wei inserted the two second-order dials of the Shiwang divided into two into the left and right sides of the space-time drive.


A slightly rhythmic sound effect sounded.

“This is…”

The puppeteer doped looked at Lin Wei in amazement.

“Kamen Rider?”

The puppeteer doped wondered.


Lin only presses the space-time drive around the waist.

In the blink of an eye, the right side of the space-time drive tilted slightly.

Next moment! Two huge clock phantoms appeared on the left and right sides behind Lin Wei.

On the ghost of the two clocks are the hour and minute hands that are constantly spinning.

One of the clock ghosts is a mirror image of the other clock ghost.


Lin Wei took on a transformation pose.


Lin Wei shouted.

The words are said.

He pushed the space-time drive at his waist.

In the blink of an eye, the space-time drive turned around for a week.


The minute and second hands of the two huge clock phantoms on the left and right sides behind Lin Wei were frozen at twelve o’clock.


When the sound effect sounded, the time of the two huge space-time void shadows on the left and right sides behind Lin Wei rotated to ten ten.


Several neon kanats in pink appear on both clocks with the word “knight”.


(Kamen Rider Time King) With the sound of sound effects, Lin Wei transformed into Kamen Rider Time King Second Order!


“(King of Time)”


“(King of Time)”


As soon as he saw Lin Wei’s transformation, the puppeteer took two steps back in horror.

“Did you say…”

“You are the urban legend…”

“Kamen Rider Shiko?”

The puppeteer doped wondered.

“It’s a shame you know!”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.


“You’re just going to grab it, right?”

Lin Wei asked with a smile.


The puppeteer doped the body in a rage.

“I must let her…”

Halfway through the puppeteer’s words, he saw Lin Wei take out the strongest extreme sword, which scared him so much that he couldn’t even speak.

“You have so much nonsense…”

Lin Wei shook his head slightly.

“Can’t you just tie up and catch it?”

Lin only asked helplessly.

The words are said.

He wrenched the handle of the strongest extreme sword.

The Kamen of the Time King Knight on the strongest extreme sword switches to the strongest Kamen.


When the sound of the sound effect sounded, Lin only pressed the button at the handle of the strongest extreme sword to launch the special move of the strongest extreme sword!


(Overlord Slash) Accompanied by the sound of sound effects, Lin Wei first swung his sword towards the clay doll doped body! The clay doll doping body is Lin Wei’s primary goal! In the next instant, a colorful sword light flew out from the strongest extreme sword, flying towards the clay doll doped body! See this… The puppeteer doped body was slightly stunned.

He didn’t expect that Lin Wei would make a move, not towards him, but towards the clay doll doped body?! See here.

He quickly manipulated the clay dope doped.

He hoped that the clay doll dope could block Lin Wei.

Under the control of the puppeteer’s doped, the clay doll doper raised his hands towards Lin Wei.

Closely followed.

Clay dolls doped with a lot of energy gathered on their hands.

Boom! A soft bang exploded.

Next moment! The two energy projectiles of the hands of the clay dope doped body were launched towards Lin Wei at the same time.

The two energy bombs diverged into different trajectories in the blink of an eye.

An energy bullet went straight to the sword light.

The puppeteer doped the body and delusionally wanted to intercept the sword light wielded by Lin Wei with a single energy bullet.

An energy bomb went straight to Lin Wei! The puppeteer doped body was even more delusional, and wanted to use the energy bomb shot by the clay doll doped body to hurt Lin Wei.

I have to say… If the opponent of the puppeteer doped body is Kamen Rider Double Rider or Kamen Rider Police Rider, his response is not wrong.

However! He is now facing Lin Wei! It’s the Demon King Lin Wei! Rumble!

Lin Wei’s sword light came into contact with an energy bomb, and an explosion suddenly sounded.

Next moment! Lin Wei’s sword light easily passed the energy bullet and fell on the body of the clay doll doped body.

Meanwhile! There was also an energy bomb flying towards Lin Wei.

See here.

Lin Wei didn’t even hide.

He allowed the energy bombs of the clay doll’s doped body to fall on his body.

Anyway…… The clay doll doped body, a shot of energy bomb, definitely can’t hurt him in the slightest! However! His sword light fell on the body of the clay doll doped body but it was different.


The sword light fell on the body of the clay doll doped body, and another explosion sounded.

With the sound of explosions, the clay doll doped body shattered into the ground like a broken porcelain doll! Rumble!

The energy bomb of the clay doll doped body fell on Lin Wei’s body.

Lin Wei’s body also exploded, but it was just an explosion of the energy bomb, but Lin Wei was painless.


The clay doll doping explodes again.


With this explosion, the clay doll doped body that shattered into the ground turned back into Yuansaki Ruolai in the blink of an eye.

Meanwhile! The clay doll memory and the earth drive fell from the body of Wakara Sonosaki and exploded in unison!.

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