Shotaro and the others are going back to the Narumi detective agency.

Lin Wei didn’t plan to go back with Zuo Shotaro and the others.

He planned to take Ola and the others around the neighborhood.

When it’s time for him to strike, he will appear again.

Not often… Shotaro and the others returned to the Narumi detective agency.

As soon as he entered the door, Shotaro Zuo saw that Philip was sitting on the ground against the wall and reading a book.

See here.

He raised an eyebrow.


Philip looked at the doorway.

When he saw Kujo Aya walk through the door, his right foot was a little strange, and he looked like he was injured.


Kujo Aya noticed Philip.

“Are you Philip?”

“Nice to meet you!”

Kujo Aya smiled.

The words are said.

She held out her hand towards Philip.


Philip was just paying attention to Kujo Aya’s right foot.

“Did you hurt your right foot?”

Philip asked.


Kujo Aya was slightly stunned.


Kujo Aya was surprised.


Philip pointed to Kujo Aya’s right foot.

“I see you’re covert…”

“Doesn’t seem to want people to know.”

Philip frowned.


Kujo Aya glanced at Terui Ryu with some weakness.


Terui Ryu turned to look at Kujo Aya.


Narumiya Shuko didn’t hear the slightest abnormality, she only felt that Philip’s attitude was not good.


“That’s not good for him!”

Narumiya smiled apologetically.

The words are said.

She ran to pull Philip up from the ground and asked Philip to apologize for bowing her head to Kujo Aya.

After perfunctory cooperation with Naruhaia tree, Philip looked around.

“Speaking of…”

“What about King Shi?”

Philip asked.


Shotaro Zuo walked over.

“He didn’t come back with us…”

“Say it’s to give us a chance to perform!”

Shotaro left crossed the waist.


Philip pinched his lips and smiled slightly.


Terui looked at Philip.


“I have something I want to confirm.”

“Akuzu called that doped Mizoguchi.”

Terui Ryūdo.

The words are said.

He also glanced at Kujo Aya.


Makura Jun’s brows frowned slightly.

“I think I’ve heard that name.”

Jun Makura muttered.


Kujo Ayaichi pursed her lips.

She took it.

“Masaki Mizoguchi.”

“He is the police officer of the Fengdu JCJ search class.”

“He used to be my colleague…”

Kujo Aya recalled.


Jun Makura suddenly recalled what happened to Masaki Mizoguchi.

“I remembered!”

“Half a year ago!”

“He was fired for corruption and bribery.”

“Later, he was forced by Yu theory and the media to jump off a cliff and commit suicide.”

“This guy is simply J-realm scum!”

Toshiyoshi Makura said.


Kujo Aya glared angrily at Jun Makura.

“You’re wrong!”

“Mizoguchi is a very powerful policeman!”

“I respect him very much!”

“Make him your goal…”

“He was the one who supported me to pursue my dreams abroad!”

“Now I can stand here…”

“It’s all his credit!”

Kujo Aya airway.

“So why should a good cop derelict his duty?”

Shotaro Zuo muttered.

“He was wronged!”

Kujo Aya quickly retorted.

“He has always been proud of his police status!”

Kujo Aya muttered.

“Officer Mizoguchi was framed, and in the end, his whereabouts are unknown?”

Terui Ryu tried to ask.

“I’m afraid this is what the ice chamber and Akuzu did.”

Kujo Aya guessed.


Narumi Akiko believed Kujo Aya’s words.

“How could it be…”

“It’s too much.”

Narumiya muttered.


Zuo Shotaro pinched his chin.

“So here’s the thing…”

“Mizoguchi is actually alive…”

“He became a doped!”

“And then…”

“He began to take revenge on those who framed him!”

Shotaro Zuo judged with some pretense coolness.

“Sure enough, this guy is really rubbish!”

Jun Makura spoke again completely regardless of the atmosphere.


Everyone looked at him.


He also thought he was handsome.

He straightened his chest and continued.

“Since he is an excellent policeman…”

“Then we should arrest the criminals and let the law punish them!”

“But he became a doped!”

“There was also revenge!”

Toshiyoshi Makura said.

Though…… He wasn’t wrong at all.

But! He doesn’t understand the atmosphere really has a hand.


Terui Ryu reached out and put his hand on Makura Jun’s shoulder.

“What do you know…”

Terui Ryu drank coldly.

The words are said.

He punched Jun Makura directly in the nose.

“Oh my God…”

Zuo Shotaro couldn’t bear to look directly and covered his face.


Makura Toshi covered his nose and stumbled to Philip’s side.

“Did I say the wrong thing?”

Makura Jun asked.


Philip frowned slightly.


“Truth is more likely to make people angry than fallacy!”

Philip laughed.

“How so…”

Jun Makura didn’t dare to say anything.

The words are said.

He fainted.


Ryu Terui gave Akuzu’s pendant to Philip to retrieve.

Not often… Philip gets the book in the Earth Library.

“I know where Akuzu is hiding!”

Philip smiled.


Shotaro Zuo and Ashuko Narumi hurriedly came over.

“What street is it?”

Zuo Shotaro subconsciously asked.


Narumi took out the green slippers and gave them to Shotaro’s head again.

“You still dare to mention it?!”

Narukai Shuko gritted his teeth.

“Catherine is Akuzu’s private yacht…”

Philip Drive.


Zuo Shotaro was stunned.

“It turned out to be the name of the ship?”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.


Narumiya Shuko remembered that the name of the ship was a possible reason for Catherine.

“Speaking of…”

“I’ve heard that cruise ships are often named after women!”

Narumiya Shuko smiled.

…… Seaside.

After Philip retrieved the results, Shotaro Saku, Ryu Terui, Aya Kujo, and Jun Makura set off together to find Akuzu’s private yacht.

As soon as he came to the beach, Zuo Shotaro saw Lin Wei and Ola and the others walking on the beach at a glance.

“King Shi?”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.

He didn’t expect to meet Lin Wei here.


Terui Ryu, Makura Jun, and even Kujo Aya all followed Zuo Shotaro’s line of sight and saw Lin Wei and the others.


Lin Wei heard Zuo Shotaro’s voice.

He looked in the direction where the sound came from.

“It’s you…”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.


Zuo Shotaro just wanted to say hello, but Lin Wei spoke again, and blocked his words.

“We’ve all been here for a while.”

“You’re so slow…”

Lin Wei shook his head slightly.


Zuo Shotaro blushed and didn’t know what to say…

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