Boom boom….

Mimic Kamen Rider Skull constantly shoots at Kamen Rider Twin Riders.

Even if he was hit to the ground by the skull of the imitation Kamen Rider and couldn’t stand up, Shotaro Zuo still didn’t want to fight back.


Philip couldn’t stand it, and he wanted to fight back, but was stopped by Shotaro Zuo.



Shotaro shouted.


Philip no longer believed that the mimic Kamen Rider skull in front of him was the real Shokichi Narumi.


The Mimic Kamen Rider Skull is too heavy for the Kamen Rider Double Rider.


For a while, Philip didn’t know what to do, he wanted to fight back, but he was also stopped by Shotaro Zuo.


Philip thought of Lin Wei.

Lin Wei may know if the mimic Kamen Rider skull in front of him is the real Narumi Shokichi!

After all….

Lin Wei is the king of time!

“King Shi!”

Philip shouted.


Lin Wei looked at the Kamen Rider Duo Rider.

“Shokichi Narumi really…”

Philip shouted.


Shotaro Zuo sensed something was wrong.



Shotaro Zuo stopped.


Philip continued.

“Is Narumi Shokichi really resurrected?”

Philip asked.


Narumiya was stunned.


“What do you mean?”

Narumiya Shuko wondered.


Lin Wei shook his head slightly.

“I’m sorry…”

“He is not resurrected.”

Lin Weidao.


Narukai Shuko was stunned.

Not only her, but both Shotaro Zuo and Philip were stunned.


Mimic Kamen Rider Skull inserts skull memory into the skull Merlin gun in his hand.

“Skull! (skull)”

“Maximum.Drive! (Extreme Drive)”

With the sound of sound effects, the mimic Kamen Rider Skull raised the skull Merlin gun, and the icy muzzle was aimed at the stunned Narumiya Shuko.


The Mimic Kamen Rider Skull shot at Narumiya Tree, and in the next instant, a purple energy projectile flew towards Narumiya Tree.

See here.

Lin Wei gripped the emperor riding dial in his hand.

The emperor riding dial on his hand is from the system, and his emperor riding dial can have the full power of the Kamen Rider emperor horse, not half the power in the original play.

As long as he presses the emperor riding dial, he can use the power of the emperor riding dial to help Narumiya Shuko block the shooting of the skull of the mimic Kamen Rider.


Shotaro came back to his senses.

In his opinion, Narumi Shokichi died because of him.

He must protect Narumi Shokichi’s only daughter in this world, Narumi Akiko!


Shotaro shouted.

The words spoke.

Seeing that it was too late to knock out the energy bomb, he quickly jumped over and abruptly used the body of the Kamen Rider Double Rider to take the energy bomb.


Zuo Shotaro screamed in pain, and immediately after, a violent explosion occurred on the body of the Kamen Rider Double Rider, and the Kamen Rider Double Rider was blown away.

Kamen Rider’s double horse fell to the ground and was forced to disarm his transformation, which was the first time he was deflated.


Narumiya reacted.

She quickly ran to look at Zuo Shotaro.


Haidong Great Tree kept opening the aurora curtain, coupled with his familiarity with Lin Wei’s power, he found Lin Wei and came to Lin Wei’s side.

“King Shi.”

“Before, didn’t you say that in three days, I can go back?”

“Why can’t I go back until now?”

Haidong Dashu said suspiciously.


Lin Wei glanced at the Haidong Big Tree.

“Don’t worry, wait a little longer, we’ll see the results tomorrow at the latest…”

Lin Wei smiled.


Haidong Dashu nodded slightly.


He looked at the emperor riding dial that Lin Wei was holding tightly in his hand.

With just a cursory glance, he knew that the emperor riding dial in Lin Wei’s hand was definitely a treasure.


It’s a pity.

The treasure was on Lin Wei, and he didn’t dare to rob it or steal it.

Immediately followed.

He glanced not far away.

The Mimic Kamen Rider Skull was aiming the muzzle of the Skull Merlin gun in his hand at Lin Wei.

“King Shi.”

“Do you want me to help?”

Haidong Daiki asked.

The words spoke.

He took out the Final Rider Drive and immediately followed, and he immediately aimed the muzzle of the Final Rider Drive at the Mimic Kamen Rider skull.

See here.

Lin Wei used the emperor riding dial to sense it again.

World Fusion didn’t speed up the progress a little because Kamen Rider Duo was beaten violently.

Immediately followed.

Lin Wei put away the emperor riding dial.


Lin Wei took out the space-time drive.

“Originally, I didn’t want to strike now.”

Lin Wei installed the space-time drive around his waist.


When the sound sounded, Lin Wei took out the Shiwang dial.


“No way…”

“His target is obviously me.”

Lin Wei turned the dial of Shiwang and pressed it.

“ZI-O! (King of Time)”

After the sound sounded, Lin Wei installed the Shiwang dial on the space-time drive.


A slightly rhythmic sound sounded.

“It seems that my ridicule not long ago affected his judgment.”

“In short…”

“I’ll just do it myself.”

Lin only pressed the space-time drive on his waist.

Immediately followed.

The space-time drive tilted slightly towards the side of the dial where the Shiwang dial was installed.

In the next instant, a huge clock phantom appeared behind Lin Wei.


“Still trouble you.”

“Go help me protect the two over there.”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words spoke.

Lin Wei took a transformation pose.


Lin Wei shouted.

With a burst of special effects and sound effects, Lin Wei transformed into Kamen Rider Time King.

“Kamen.Rider.Zi-O! (Kamen Rider Time King)”

When the sound effect sounded, Haidong Dashu glanced at the space-time drive, followed closely, and he forcibly looked away.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Haidong smiled.

The words spoke.

He took a few steps back.

In his mind, Lin Wei’s strength was just to deal with a Kamen Rider skull, easily.


Mimic Kamen Rider Skull shoots at Lin Wei.


Lin Wei casually opened the energy bomb.


Naruhaiya Shuzi heard the movement, she looked at Lin Wei, and when she saw Lin Wei make a move, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s okay….

Lin Wei is in this place.

Otherwise, Shotaro Zuo was knocked down, and she really didn’t know what to do.


Narumiya Shuko also noticed the Haidong Great Tree.


Narumiya Shuko wondered.


Mimic Kamen Rider Skull Drop Skull Merlin Gun.

“I didn’t expect…”

“You’re actually Kamen Rider too.”


“The legendary Kamen Rider Shio!”

Mimic Kamen Rider Skull said with some surprise.


Lin Wei smiled slightly.

“Have I become a legend too?”

Lin Wei asked with a smile.

The words spoke.

He immediately took out the Time Limit Gun.


Lin Wei shot at the Mimic Kamen Rider skull.

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