Woz looked at Lin Wei.

In a trance, he recalled his experience of coming to the wind capital.

Just a few days ago, he came to the wind capital inexplicably, without any warning.

At that time, he was standing on the Fengdu Tower, and the whole person was almost stunned.

He tried to flip through the Advent calendar.


His Advent Calendar actually saw no future.

At the time, he was a little panicked.

After .


He has been trying to find a way to return to the era of King Shi to assist Tokiwa Shogo.

His scarf comes from the time management office and can be used to travel through time and space.


He doesn’t know what’s going on, after he uses the scarf, he can’t actually travel through time?!

After trying dozens of times in a row with a scarf, he could only travel through space, and time could not be crossed at all.

Every time he tried to travel through time and space, he always felt that there seemed to be some time-related force in this world that was preventing him from entering the time channel.

Not only that….

He was also unusually familiar with the forces that prevented him from entering the time channel, as if he had seen it somewhere.

In addition, he could also feel that the source of the power that hindered him from entering the time channel was in the wind capital.

These days, he has been looking around in the wind capital for the source of power that hinders his entry into the time channel.

He had only a vague sense of the source of power that prevented him from entering the time channel.

Following the induction, he has been to the Fengdu Tower, to the vicinity of the Winskell Wind Valley branch, to the vicinity of the Million Arena, and to the factory of Eagle Village Genzo…

Until just now, when Lin Wei transformed into the Kamen Rider Time King in Yushima Noriyuki’s residence, he suddenly had a clear sense of the source of power that hindered him from entering the time channel.

He immediately followed the clear sense, used a scarf, and crossed the space to the vicinity of Yushima Noriyuki’s residence.

As soon as he came, he saw Lin Wei fighting with the virus doped body, and watched Lin Wei transform into the Exeid armored form of Kamen Rider Shiwang.

When he saw Lin Wei, he immediately knew that the source of the power that hindered him from entering the time channel was in Lin Wei’s body!

Not only that!

After seeing Lin Wei, he finally knew that the force that prevented him from entering the time channel was…

The power of the devil!


In the power of the devil, there was also a power that he felt extremely familiar, but he had never seen before.

For a while, he couldn’t judge what power he had never seen before.

Therefore .


He also couldn’t understand at all why the power of the Feng Demon would hinder him from entering the time channel.

And also!

He still hasn’t figured out why the Advent Calendar can’t see the future.

Not only that!

In the original Demon Advent calendar, Kamen Rider Shiwang has never fought in the wind capital!


Just when Woz was surprised, Lin Wei immediately rushed towards the virus doping after transforming into the form of Axide of Kamen Rider Time King.


“Get out of the way!”

Lin Wei shouted.


Kamen Rider Duo immediately cooperated to release the virus doped body, temporarily retreated away from it, and made way for Lin Wei.

Right at this moment.

Viral dopeants are intended to turn into virions.

See here.

Lin Wei immediately jumped up.

Kamen Rider Shiwang’s Ekseid armor has a strong bouncing power.

Lin only jumped in front of the virus doped.

Before the virus doper turned into a virus particle, he simultaneously swung the card breaker armor on his wrist and smashed into the virus dope.


Lin Wei hit the virus doper, and the “hit” text appeared on the body of the virus doper, and also made a sound.


The virus doped body was smashed by Lin Wei and immediately flew out upside down, so it failed to smoothly turn into a virion.

Boom boom….

When the virus doper flew upside down in mid-air, Lin Wei did not intend to let go of the virus doper, he immediately caught up and carried out a continuous and uninterrupted crazy blow to the virus doper!







After hitting the virus doping dozens of times in succession, Lin Weicai stopped moving.


The virus doped fell to the ground.

Originally, the virus doping body was just the transformation of Yamamura Yuki’s spiritual energy, which was called a defective product by Sonosaki.

After the virus doped was hit dozens of times by Lin Wei, the station was a little unstable.

“Who are you?”

“Why hinder me?”

The virus doper wondered with some anger.


Lin Wei temporarily picked up the card breaker armor on his hands.

“That’s it.”

“There’s no need to tell you.”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words spoke.

He pressed the middle of the space-time drive.

“Finish.Time! (End Moment)”

When the sound effect sounded, Lin Wei pressed the Shiwang dial and the Exeid dial again.

“Ex-Aid! (Xseid)”

After the sound sounded, the side of the dial of Shiwang installed on the space-time drive was slightly tilted.

Immediately followed.

Lin only turned the space-time drive around his waist.

In the blink of an eye, the space-time drive turned around.


Lin Wei took out the jammed destroyer armor again.

In the next instant, the card-controlled destroyer armor on Lin Wei’s hands gathered a large amount of energy.

“Critical.Time.Break! (Critical Time Smash)”

When the sound effect sounded, more than ten katakana [クリティカルタイムブレイク] appeared in front of Lin Wei (Critical Time Smash).

See here.

Lin Wei saw that more than ten fake words were typed into the air.

Immediately followed.

He blasted a large amount of energy gathered on the armor of the jam breaker into the ground.

A strong shock wave formed on the ground, which immediately hit the virus doping body not far in front of Lin Wei into the air.

“It’s over.”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words spoke.

He jumped into the air and wrapped up more than ten physical pseudograms in a straight line, connecting him to the virus doper.

Immediately followed.

He flew straight towards the virus doped body, and at this time, all the more than ten pieces of fake words materialized entered the card breaker armor on his hands.

Boom boom….

When he came to the virus doped body, Lin Wei immediately launched a stormy attack on the virus doper in mid-air.







For a time, a large number of “hits” emerged from the body of the virus doper.

Not only that, but more than ten physical fake words that had just entered the armor of the jammed saboteur fell to the ground.


The virus doper screamed.

Not only that, along with Lin Wei’s crazy attack, he was also quickly hit by Lin Wei from mid-air to the ground.


It wasn’t until the virus doped body fell to the ground that Lin Wei stopped, but at this moment, the virus doped exploded.


Zuo Shotaro was taken aback.

He did not see the doped shapeshifter in the explosion.

“What’s going on?”

Philip wondered.


Lin Wei lifted his transformation.

His task is complete.

See here.

Shotaro Zuo also lifted his transformation.

However, he installed the double riding drive so that Philip could hear his conversation with Lin Wei.

“King Shi.”

“What the hell is going on?”

Shotaro asked Zuo.

The words spoke.

He walked quickly to Lin Wei’s side.


Lin Wei did not answer Zuo Shotaro.

He was looking at the dense forest not far away with some surprise.


Lin Wei wondered.

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