People In Marvel, System Attackers

Chapter 106 The Hulk Appears

It has been more than a month since Stark was operated on.

The heart shrapnel has appeared in various magazines and newspapers, and Stark himself has even appeared on TV shows.

But what is poisoned by palladium is that almost no one knows.

The operation is strictly confidential.

As for the reason for confidentiality, it is simple: interest. The world of capitalists always revolves around interests. Stark is not a pure capitalist, but what about other shareholders?

Once Stark is about to undergo high-risk surgery, who knows what stupid decisions the group shareholders, military leaders, and Congress will make.

Without showing up for a period of time, various conspiracy theories are inevitably raging. Fortunately, Stark showed up.

In the camera, Stark is wearing a Hawaiian-style flamboyant shirt, wearing sunglasses, holding juice, and is reading the latest newspaper.

Outside the camera, there are a team of doctors and nurses on standby at any time.

Another half month passed.

Stark himself appeared in Stark Group headquarters and appointed Virginia Potts Pepper as the CEO of Stark Industrial Group on the board of directors.

Stark himself said in front of the media that he should focus more on the superhero business. After that, it frequently appeared in various pool parties, surprise parties, beach parties...

What is called "focus on superhero career"?

Mike's life tends to be daily, and the number of commissions has slowly increased. The one-month event has actually synthesized two soul fruits. It's a pity that I didn't get a share of destiny energy.

Skye was obsessed with fighting and gun skills. Apart from work, he stayed at the training base on Hudson Wharf.

Every weekend, Mindy also goes to the training base to play guns.

Trish contacted a few times, but he did not care about it.

Jessica hides from Mike and mixes with Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Colleen for some reason.

It seems that the League of Defenders is still taking shape.

Today, Fury woke him up from his sleep. The wake-up gas is as flammable and explosive as methane.

"Nick, the ugly words are ahead, if there is no good reason, believe it or not, the Scarecrow curses you." Mike said uncomfortably.

He took two slices of marinated beef-eye and a tomahawk steak and put them in the oven.

Pour a glass of juice by the way.

"There must be something urgent..."

"How hurry?"

"There is a monster heading for New York, you say you are not in a hurry..."

Mike just dropped the phone, but it hasn't arrived yet. Is this also urgent?

Speaking of monsters... Is there a Godzilla or King Kong?

Mike took out the sandwich from the refrigerator and put his stomach up first: "Peter, have you eaten it yet, do you want a sandwich?"

"I have eaten, thank you boss."

The phone rang again.


"The agent will pick you up." Fury said helplessly, "It's a commission."

"Okay." Mike laughed. "It's okay to say that a long time ago. Too much nonsense..."

It's different if you have a commission.

Customer is God.


When Natasha Romanoff arrived, two steaks were cut off. Mike was holding the tomahawk steak, biting and chewing in a bold posture.

The eating is extremely rough and the meal is served.

The agent drove Mike to the Stark Building.

Mike complained: "I'm familiar with it here. Just say it. Why should the driver pick you up? My sports car is about to rust in the garage."

"There is no driver to pick you up, are you sure you can be there within half an hour?" Fury curled his lips.

People who drive sports cars every day say that sports cars are about to rust.

Talking nonsense with your eyes open.

Mike: "It's really hard to say without commission, it's different if there is commission. Don't underestimate my professionalism. This is my first cooperation with S.H.I.E.L.D..."

Stark came out and corrected Mike: "It's the first time with Avengers. How is the name Avengers, handsome, right? It's a shame not to join such a handsome name. Give you another chance, will you come?"

Mike ignored it and asked, "Who is the Avengers now?"

Stark: "Clint, Natasha Romanoff, me, just three for now."

"Ahem." Fury winked Stark from the side: "This is confidential."

Stark: "Oh, confidential, and then."

Fury wants to hit someone.

Considering that this consultant came back from his hard work, he can only bear it with tears.

Mike: "Then I can't join even more, otherwise it will become F4 or A.V4, not serious..."

Fury: "You're almost done, I'm going crazy."

Stark and Mike Qi looked at Fury together, their eyes motioned: "Please go crazy."

Fury was so angry that his chest bulged, and he was forced to press down with Lao Yinbi's self-cultivation.

This move is expected to have a life expectancy of three months.

Fury: "Talk to business."

Stark: "J.A.R.V.I.S."

J.A.R.V.I.S: "Okay, sir."

A video taken by the mobile phone starts to play on the virtual projection screen. The protagonist in the video is a giant more than two meters tall, with green skin and only wearing pants. The supporting role is the fully armed Mi Army special forces.

The Mi Army is well-trained and well-equipped, as if to set off the Hulk’s beeping place-hand-grabbing missiles, tearing car doors, hammering armored vehicles, hard-resistant machine guns, rifles, and sonic cannons. I saw two shooting students of various kinds: "Unbelievable", "W.T.F", "Ma Rap Fak".

Result: The Mi Army was defeated, the Hulk fled into the national park, and the path was covered by a rainstorm that seemed like providence.

Mike clapped his hands and admired: "Tsk, what brand of pants is this, it won't be stretched, exploded, or burned. Does it hide the power of the rule?"

"Puff!" Stark looked weird.

"Is this something to pay attention to! Don't laugh!" Fury was so angry.

It was all irritated today at three o'clock.


"Hahaha!" Fury couldn't help laughing himself.

He thought of the Hulk barely fart, hanging a giant ham sausage dangling in the street.

Can't bear to look straight.

"Cough cough." Fury coughed slightly, pretending that it was just an illusion before.

At this time, Black widow probe came in: "I seem to hear Nick smiling."

Black widow wears a black tight-fitting battle suit, like a thorny rose.

According to the original trajectory, the widow sister and Bruce Banner have a good relationship with each other. The problem is that in the comic universe, the widow sister was in love with Hulk. Note that it is Hulk, not Bruce Banner, who perfectly interprets "interracial love" and "tolerance is great".

Fury: "J.A.R.V.I.S, let's start."

J.A.R.V.I.S called up a picture: "Bruce Banner, a well-known physicist, was accidentally irradiated by gamma bomb radiation and mutated. Once his heart beats faster, he will become a green monster named Hulk."

"After that, Bruce Banner evaded the military and the police while looking for a cure."

"According to the intelligence, Bruce Banner once appeared in the slum of Hoshinnia, Brazil, clashed with the military pursuers, and then disappeared again. The previous video was filmed at Culver University in Virginia. According to the latest intelligence, Bruce . Banner and his lover Betty Rose are heading to New York, the target is Dr. Samuel Stern of the Department of Cell Biology at the Gebang College."

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