If this parallel universe really has anything to do with Ye Bai, then OAA is also very happy.

Because he felt it was an opportunity.

Therefore, it is necessary to seize the opportunity, so that it can be annihilated in one fell swoop, and then the mystery of Ye Bai’s body may be explored.

This is a possible thing, so he cannot be ignored.

Because such a thing really surprises him, if things may not be able to find him.

But if Ye Bai does it, then OAA is also very hurtful to self-esteem.

“This kind of thing seems to be made in one place, but it seems a little strange.”

“How Ye Bai’s strength has risen a little again, it feels quite strange.”

“I don’t know what kind of situation it is, but it’s actually quite good for now.”

“Hela, don’t you see? I think they’re fighting boo. ”

“Of course I saw it, but I think I can still defeat this with Ye Bai’s strength.”

“After all, the role we are watching now is very unfavorable to us.”

“But if you look closely, you can actually find it.”

“I also think so, but the strength of this little rocket is also a little powerful.”

“He’s still attacking us.”

“It’s a bit of a thing.”

“It seems that you still can’t underestimate this one-eyed monster.”

“Originally, I thought he was a vulnerable person, but I didn’t expect that his ability could be maintained to this point.”

“I also didn’t expect that he could resist Ye Bai’s series of attacks.”

“But didn’t you find out? This Ye Bai’s attacks seem to be targeted. ”

“If it’s not so targeted, maybe they won’t be clear.”

“I also think so, if it is not targeted, maybe Ye Bai will wipe it out entirely.”

“Maybe Ye Bai still wants to get some information from him, so he will be so forbearant.”

“So no matter what kind of things happen, it’s actually very good for them.”

“It’s a tempering for us.”

Then Captain Marvel and Hela said the same.

Because they felt that the war between Ye Bai and the cyclops was a very exciting duel.

It’s something they haven’t seen before, so it’s an increase in insight.

And because Ye Bai is only targeted to attack like a one-eyed monster, because Ye Bai can’t directly kill the cyclops.

She must obtain information from the cyclops.

Maybe the one-eyed monster is the only clearance to uncover this tower, which is why Ye Bai will fight so hard!

Maybe the key is on the cyclops, because the cyclops are the last monster.

“So it is.”

“At first, I didn’t understand why Ye Bai wanted to do this.”

“Because she could have killed the cyclops directly, why waste so much time on this?”

“It turned out to be because of that.”

“It seems that I am still being sloppy.”

Then Captain Marvel also said so, because he really felt that Ye Bai’s pattern was really too big.

Even the key to get out of this tower has been found, but he doesn’t say anything, he is already silently bearing all this by himself.

So this kind of low-key person is still very likable, and even Captain Marvel silently worships Ye Bai.

This worship is just a cult of heroes.

But no matter what, Captain Marvel felt that he still had an obligation to help Ye Bai here.

Because the only purpose he came in was because he just got too little information, so he didn’t know what to do.

But he felt that he would still do his best

Because this is not just something he will do, he must bear it silently.

Originally, such a thing also needed him to do, otherwise what would he come in for?

“Impossible, how can you have such great ability?”

“Absolutely not, what the hell are you?”

“Why do you have such great power?”

“Say who the hell are you?”

“Why are you here?”

Then the one-eyed monster was also beaten by Ye Bai.

Because he really felt that it was Ye Bai’s pain point, it was really too painful, and this pain point was unbearable for her.

So he didn’t know what to do all of a sudden, but such a thing would really make him feel a little regretful.

Although I don’t know what kind of regret it is, in general, this feeling is very subtle.

So he felt that no matter what, he still had to say it well, otherwise he might regret it.

And this kind of thing is what they have to do, and there is no purpose in fact.

And this kind of thing would have made him feel very powerful.

Anyway, he just felt that it was no big deal, and the one-eyed monster felt that Ye Bai’s existence of this style of play made him too painful.

He felt that this style of play was more painful than directly killing it.

So he had something at the moment, I don’t know why.

He just wanted to ask Ye Bai’s subordinates to show mercy, because he wanted to ask who Ye Bai really was.

Because he really felt as if the gods in the universe were not Ye Bai’s way of playing, and he couldn’t see where Ye Bai came from.

And it seems that Ye Bai is an unusual person.

The one-eyed monster suddenly also had a lot of interest in Ye Bai, so he wanted to understand clearly.

“No comment.”

“A person who is about to die does not need to know this kind of thing and does not need to know.”

Then Ye Bai said such words, because Ye Bai’s words in the face of the enemy were originally very cold.

So it’s actually pretty good for the cyclops now, because Hela is here now.

So he still wanted to be softer, but Ye Bai felt that this battle had been fought for a long time.

So he ended up all of a sudden, and because such a thing was not what he wanted in the first place.

So no matter what, he still thinks he’s fine now.

“It has to be the end.”

Then Ye Bai suddenly had something, and the whole person played a colorful light.

This bright light seems to be a little dazzling, more dazzling than any other time, and the entire universe has also exerted a force.

This power seems to have created all corners of the universe, and even the earth feels something different.

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