As soon as he entered the border of the black hole, Ye Bai felt an almost infinite gravity pressing on him.

These gravitational forces are capturing Ye Bai’s constant approach to the depths of the black hole.

At the same time, this gravity is also trying to tear Ye Bai’s body apart.

Before time travel, Ye Bai once watched a popular science program.

It is said that if a person is swallowed by a black hole, he will be pulled into an infinitely long thin thread.

And this thin thread will never be able to touch the center of the black hole, because the flow of time inside the black hole is almost eternal.

Regarding this point, Ye Bai was noncommittal.

Because he doesn’t feel that time is frozen, he can still move inside the black hole.

As for the added gravity on him, it was indeed difficult for Ye Bai to move at first, but Ye Bai soon got used to it.

The template of the ancient Doomsday is just so perverted.

What Ye Bai didn’t know was that the reason why he didn’t feel that time was frozen was entirely because he had transcended time.

Time can’t hold him back either, so he can naturally travel freely inside the black hole.

In the Marvel universe, transcending the long river of time is almost a standard configuration for the strong.

If you can’t escape even the long river of time, you won’t even be worthy of the title of strong man.

The ability of the time gem is very powerful, but it is ineffective in front of the real strong.

For example, Dormammu, the monarch of that dark dimension is not restricted by the law of time.

Doctor Strange can only annoy Dormammu by infinitely looping his own death by using the time gem’s ability.

Instead of traveling through the timeline, directly beheading Dormammu in his childhood.

It is because Dormammu transcends time, and his past cannot be traced in the long river of time.

Moreover, if the law of time is useful to Dormammu, Dormammu won’t be annoyed to death by the infinite loop of time.

Because if time keeps repeating, Dormammu should kill Doctor Strange for the first time every time, and he won’t feel bored at all.

Even Dormammu can transcend the long river of time, so Ye Bai can naturally do the same.

So Ye Bai passed through the long gravitational belt of the black hole, went deep into the center of the black hole, and touched the singularity.

The next moment, Ye Bai’s figure disappeared, replaced by a mysterious space.

This is the inside of the real black hole, another universe, and the singularity is just a portal into this universe.

And in this universe, Ye Bai saw countless floating planets.

At the same time, Ye Bai also saw Tun Xing, a god whose body is bigger than billions of planets.

If Ye Bai’s prediction is correct, these planets should be planets that have been devoured by devouring stars for countless years.

The black hole is just the eating tool of the star swallowing, and this universe is the “stomach” of the star swallowing.

All the planets eaten by the swallowing stars will eventually be digested by the swallowing stars here.

When Ye Bai was looking at the universe, Tun Xing was also looking at Ye Bai.

But Tunxing didn’t take Ye Bai seriously.

Even if Ye Bai can travel through the black hole, he can transcend the long river of time.

But in the Marvel world, how many powerhouses transcend time? There are simply too many to count.

But the five founding gods are always five.

It’s not that there are no challengers, on the contrary, there are countless challengers who want to replace the five gods.

But what about the final result? Those challengers are all dead.

Therefore, Tun Xing has the confidence to overlook all life.

“It’s an interesting little thing, explain your purpose of coming. If there is no reasonable explanation, maybe you will be my next emissary.”

Ye Bai was not surprised that the sound of swallowing stars sounded from this universe.

To put it bluntly, this universe was created by Tunxing, and Tunxing can control all the rules of this universe.

Even in space, sound can still be transmitted, because Tun Xing is the creator of this universe.

“It’s very simple. The planet you fancy can’t be eaten by you. You can change your eating target.”

When Ye Bai faced Tun Xing, he didn’t immediately start a fight.

I still have some concerns in my heart, after all, where is Tun Xing’s body shape?

“Yes, but you need to pay the price.”

“Do you know that a long time ago, someone also begged me to let go of his home planet. Do you know how it ended?”

Tun Xing said indifferently, his voice was like a cold machine without the slightest emotion, and like a heartless god overlooking the troubled world.

“You mean the Silver Surfer, the one who stepped on the surfboard?”

Ye Bai expressed his guess. He didn’t know much about the background story of Silver Surfer.

“That’s right, that’s a person worthy of respect.”

“He became my envoy, and I fulfilled my promise by letting go of his home planet.”

“If you want to save your home planet, you must also become my envoy and find new planets for me in the universe.”

Tun Xing stated his conditions, he took a fancy to Ye Bai’s strength, and wanted to accept him as his younger brother.

Ye Bai couldn’t agree to this condition at all. He has a wife, and Hella is still waiting for him.

And even with Ye Bai’s personality, he has no interest in being someone else’s younger brother.

Even if the opponent is Tun Xing, one of the five great gods.

“In that case, maybe we’re going to have a fight.”

Ye Bai was indifferent, and adjusted his whole body to the peak. A big battle was inevitable.

The strength of swallowing starsNeedless to say, what’s more, the current swallowing star is not weak.

Although Ye Bai’s Ancient Doom Day template is powerful, Ye Bai didn’t develop it too deeply.

When they really fought, Ye Bai and Tun Xing couldn’t decide who would win.

But Ye Bai firmly believed that he would not lose. The big deal is to die a few more times, and resurrect and evolve a few more times.

Tun Xing didn’t expect Ye Bai to be so strong.

But soon, Tun Xing was determined to let Ye Bai know that the majesty of the five gods cannot be challenged.

Over the long years, Tun Xing has seen many proud and powerful men.

It’s just that those strong people basically became honest after being beaten up by swallowing stars.

From Tun Xing’s point of view, Ye Bai is no exception.

A moment later, Tun Xing raised his right hand, flattened his palm, turned into a huge palm comparable to the Milky Way, and patted Ye Bai.

Under this huge palm, countless planets were affected and turned into ashes.

The power of the five great gods can be imagined.

In fact, the so-called universe is too fragile for existence of this level. Almost every five gods have the strength to easily destroy the universe.

Facing the huge palm oppressed by Tun Xing, Ye Bai directly and brazenly resisted.

With a gesture of opening the sky with one punch, he smashed towards the palm that kept pressing down.

For this blow, Ye Bai used all his strength to strike at the peak.

But the ending was cruel. There was a huge gap in strength between Ye Bai and Tun Xing.

Under Tun Xing’s big palm, he suffered a big loss, and it was a bit difficult to compete.

But Ye Bai wasn’t depressed, instead, he was excited inside.

He can clearly feel that his evolution rate is greatly increasing, and his strength is rapidly becoming stronger.

The Ancient Destruction Day, this is a pervert.

The more they fight, the stronger they become. The key is that they can’t be killed, and they can continue to evolve.

In the DC Universe, even a superman with a code of life regards the ancient day of destruction as his lifelong enemy.

And in the world of Marvel, Swallowing Star will also be the first to experience the horror of the ancient Doomsday.

ps: Thank you [Duke of York] for the reward of 4000 vip points and flower monthly tickets, I will definitely add more.

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