People In Konoha, Anbe Tortured Ninjas For Ten Years!

Chapter 798: 3 generations to rely on!

Sandai thought in his heart that maybe it was because of such a thing, that was one of the reasons why Tobirama-sensei came to him.

After all, the disappearance of the entity of the Rain Country Office occurred during Mr. Tobirama's tenure, which is definitely a big stain.

under this stain.

Tobirama-sensei hopes that he can help him fulfill this wish and find out about Madara Uchiha.

In this way, a wish of Toriyama-sensei has been fulfilled.

As for what happened to the so-called Uchiha Madara, this is actually a guess of Mr. Tobirama in the eyes of the three generations. After all, you can't just say the best result but also the worst result for many things. The other party has a clear answer in his heart.

That's how the three generations see it now.

The more he continued to think like this, the more he knew that maybe Uchiha Madara's affairs were not the same, and then the handling of many things would become very simple.

Now the three generations are very confident to help Tobirama-sensei find the truth about the disappearance of Madara Uchiha's body.

Just after confirming this.

Then Tobirama-sensei must be very peaceful in his heart.

This is what he most wants to do.

After all, at this time, Tobirama-sensei is willing to help him return to the position of Hokage, and he can't live up to Tobirama-sensei's expectations.

"Teacher Tobirama."

"How can I break the current impasse?"

"How can I guide public opinion and make him go in a different direction?"

"What exactly should I do?"

At this time, the three generations immediately went to Qingyu Academy, because he knew that the only one who could help him get the answer was the Tobirama-sensei in front of him. Although he said a lot of things, he felt that Tobirama-sensei might just point to him. I didn't really mean to tell the specific process, but I hoped that he would do it himself.

But at this point in time, his heart is already in an extremely chaotic state, and he can't figure out what to do with his own thinking, so as to be able to figure out what's going on here.

Not only that.

In fact, the three generations still used a little bit of caution here.

He felt that since Tobirama-sensei had found him and hoped that he would return to the position of Hokage and help Tobirama-sensei to accomplish some more important things, then Tobirama-sensei could still be more specific. Let him know what's going on.

Based on these reasons, the three generations understood that as long as they asked Tobirama-sensei their questions now, they would definitely not lose.

Sandai is very clear that at this point in time, he can't have any procrastination, and a little bit of this kind of relaxed behavior may cause him to not think clearly about what to do.

At this time, it has only been less than a week since Namikaze Minato succeeded the castle as the fourth Hokage.

During this period of time, he said that any slightest problem may lead to a global failure.

The three generations are very clear that it is almost impossible to be able to counterattack during this time.

So he has to correct his mentality.

There can be absolutely no mistakes at this time.

Any errors are now fatal.

He is very clear about this.

Therefore, the three generations cannot pass these ambiguous truths and then make their own decisions. If these decisions are wrong, there is a slight possibility that it is half a move, and then in the end, he will have no way to return to the position of Hokage.

Now I understand that for Tobirama-sensei, he can afford it, but he can't afford to lose.

If he loses, he will not continue to be the Hokage of Konoha Village, and then the Hokage of Konoha Village will continue to attack, and all his previous contributions to Konoha Village will be obliterated. Will bear these infamy and withdraw from the stage of Konoha Village's history.


If you lose...

For Tobirama-sensei, it just needs to be replaced by another person.

It is now very clear that Tobirama-sensei only needs to change the target to Minato Namikaze, and then let the fourth-generation Hokage to find out about the disappearance of Madara Uchiha's body, then all the problems will return to the original level.

At this time, Tobirama-sensei can pay attention to himself, in fact, he has those kindnesses from the past.

The three generations are very clear about this, so they will continue to cherish the rare opportunity now, and do not want this kind of thing to continue according to the current thinking.

After the third generation asked Qingyu, Qingyu fell into a state of silence for a short time, because he started to think in his heart, and he also wanted to know what kind of way to say, to be able to put The contents of the three generations are clearly stated.

Now this game is arranged by him for the third generation. From the perspective of the third generation, it is almost a big net that is difficult to climb, and the whole person is shrouded in this net.

If you think about it from the perspective of Namifeng Minato, you can attribute all of this to the three generations. Behind the scenes, Danzo and Uncle play are three generations of people, but if you think about it from the perspective of the three generations, the three generations have not done it at all. These things, and Danzo and Orochimaru, were exposed because they wanted the position of Hokage to fail, so if you want to counterattack on this kind of thing, you want to say something about conspiracy theories. In fact, it has been relatively difficult.

"We're going to reverse the direction of public opinion first!"

After thinking for a moment, Qing Yu said slowly, in fact, he already had a plan in his heart, but now he can't put on a posture that he can see through everything immediately after coming here, that is really too much. It is too fake, and it is very likely that the third generation thinks that maybe the black hands behind him have something to do with him, especially Danzo and Orochimaru, who suddenly exposed all the black stuff in the past.

"We can find some other things now..."

"for example…"

"Think about whether there are any shameful things that Danzo has done, and then we will expose such things through some other means, so that we can strengthen the identity of such a villain as Danzo!"

"As long as Danzo is pushed out, then we can develop the things that Danzo said in an unbelievable direction!"

"But the premise is that you must first come up with some black materials related to Danzo that Danzo did not admit."

"That kind of black material will guide a new trend of public opinion in Konoha Village."

"I will use some of my original strength to let the people of Konoha Village discuss that matter!"

"At that time, no one will pay attention to your affairs. Gradually, this matter will be gradually put down in these few days, and then we can re-do this matter."

"Take this thing from pointing in to pointing elsewhere."

"Actually, pointing to Hokage, and Hokage's default is not a problem."

"Monkey, you have to know..."

"You have me behind you!"

"My Thousand Hands Tobirama, after all, I'm the second-generation Hokage, I'm not dead yet!"

"In the end, when there is no other way, I will stand up and speak for you!"

"Wouldn't that solve the problem!"

Qing Yu said one sentence after another. When he said the last sentence, he clearly felt that the face of the third generation had undergone a strong change, and the whole person looked a lot more relaxed.

After all, this is no simple matter.

If he can stand up and speak for the three generations, it is simply something that can be completely relaxed for the three generations.

Because for the third generation, his biggest stain is that he. By default, Danzo and Orochimaru have done many things that endangered Konoha Village, but these things have nothing to do with him in essence.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is actually what the Hokage of Konoha Village may have done in all dynasties, that is, to turn a blind eye to some things.

You can say that Naruto does nothing about this matter, but you can't say that Naruto has such a big stain on this matter. This is another concept.

But such a point of view was known to the people of Konoha Village, but they did not agree, because in the eyes of the people, the three generations as Hokage needed to contribute to the village in an open and honest way, and could not do things that would harm the village in their opinion.

But actually.

The three generations did not feel that those things were harmful to the village.

In the eyes of the three generations, the most critical part of these things is that they carried this thing on their own through their own efforts, and then helped themselves to complete some problems.

These problems are actually the problems of Konoha Village, and they are the problems that he will face as Hokage, but they are problems that he cannot solve by himself, and must need help from other identities. This is a kind of helplessness for Hokage.

Because Hokage's identity is to lead Konoha Village, it must have a very open and fair performance at this time node.

The people of Konoha Village may not understand this kind of thing, but it is because the Senju Tobirama of the second generation of Hokage is too understanding, because in the four generations of Hokage, Qianshou Tobirama was responsible for a similar task as Anbu. task.

And it is said that Danzo has done a lot of things that the people of Konoha Village can't bear, so for Qianshou Tobirama, he can be said to be the No. 0 Shimura Danzo.

after all.

all the time.

Senju Tobirama is doing the work of Anbu.

When the first Hokage Senju Hashirama was only looking for the power of Hokage, at that time, all the work in Konoha Village was taught by Senju Tobama, and Senju Tobama was more of an Anbu identity, which is similar to The character of Yu Danzo, who acted in Konoha Village, also did a lot of shameful things at that time, but those things had to be done by him, and he could not let his elder brother Senshou Hasuma appear.

So in this kind of thing, the three generations understand that in fact, Senju Tobirama understands Danzo and what he does very well. After all, for Konoha Village, looking at things from the perspective of Hokage and from the perspective of ordinary people Look at things differently.

This is why they often say that a certain person will look at the problem from the perspective of Hokage, that is, it can be said that they are operating for the sake of the village, and in the name of Hokage, they can make a certain degree of self-sacrifice and stand on the side of others. Looking at things from the perspective of oneself, you don't need to care about yourself at all, similar to the spiritual capitalists who are often said in modern society.

This is also one of the main reasons why Aoba has never liked Uchiha Itachi very much. In his opinion, Uchiha Itachi is a spiritual Hokage.

In the words of the third generation, Uchiha can think from the perspective of Hokage again. The problem in modern society is equivalent to saying that this is an employee who can think from the perspective of the boss. He can work overtime for the boss and work for the boss. Save money and reduce wages, and not only that, but also eliminate those who are unwilling to obligate overtime. Everything is based on the boss's thinking, but he is really just an employee.

Qing Yu really didn't know what to say about such a person.

So Aoba has always kept a distance from such people, especially Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito, but now the better thing for him is Uchiha Obito, although he is already in the ninja school, But he has not experienced those corresponding pains. Although there is still a chance to turn his back on his bones, for now, everything can give Obitu a little chance to transform him, as long as he is cautious.

From another point of view, Uchiha Itachi is actually not born yet. The relationship between Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Mikoto is now gradually developing in a good direction, and may be born in the near future, but that At that time, everything will become different from before. As for what will happen to the Uchiha clan, it will also change from before, because that time was the period of the three generations of Hokage.

A famous feature of Hokage III is that he doesn't do anything, so he doesn't care at all in many things.

Through this characteristic, and all the tasks are entrusted to Danzo, Danzo will help him solve it, and he has become a bystander, picking himself up very cleanly, once any problems arise It has nothing to do with him, which also made him a rough one, and in the end, it was the spirit Hokage Uchiha Itachi who solved everything.

But now this time, everything will change, because at the time of the original nine-tailed occupation, things like the night of the nine-tailed will no longer appear, and because there is no such opportunity, so for the Uchiha clan's This blow will also disappear.

Then talk about it from another angle.

When the wave of wind and water gate. After becoming the fourth-generation Hokage of Konoha Village, because he has a very good relationship with Uchiha Fugaku, and the relationship between Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto is also very good, which will make the Uchiha family actually have a partnership relationship. There will be a very rare improvement, which may allow the Uchiha family to reach a very friendly relationship with the Hokage of Konoha Village in the history of Konoha Village.

This will make under such a relationship, their getting along will become very harmonious.

Such a harmonious relationship will also allow them to make great progress in many degrees.

Correspondingly, many things will change.

Qingyu is very aware of the future, and many things will change differently from the historical trajectory in the original animation, especially from now on, everything in Konoha Village will complete a new handover, but the most important thing now is to Inspired the three generations, the desire to return to Hokage, as long as this is completed, then the three generations will become a puppet for him to teach Minato.

Qing Yu is very clear that the current Namikaze Minato needs to be severely taught a lesson, because Namikaze Minato often seems to be very addicting. Many times when thinking about problems, it is very simple, and the relationship between people is very simple. Think very bright.

In fact, this is not a disadvantage. After all, for Namikaze Minato, he is a very kind person, so when he considers things many times, he also considers the kind side, but this does not mean what he said. everything is correct.

If it is a person, then being kind to others will be a very good person, many people are willing to be friends with him, he is like a little sun in people's hearts, but if he becomes Hokage, then he will be like the third generation As I said, I thought about Hokage's thinking.

After all, only after becoming Hokage can it be possible for different changes to take place in this world, leading a certain trend in Konoha Village, and after becoming Hokage, it will be watched by many people.

Many problems and contradictions will appear. At that time, if Naruto is innocent, it means that the village is innocent, and if Naruto is powerful, it means that the village is powerful.

Just like the strong third Raikage, when he is strong, then his village will appear to be strong with him.

Aoba needs to inspire such a mentality as Naikaze Minato. After all, after being the Hokage of Konoha Village, he must not treat anyone as gentle as before, which will make people feel that Konoha Village is a gentle village. , there can be many people bullying them.

This was something Aoba didn't want to see.

The reason is very simple.

If things develop according to the current situation, if Konoha Village becomes a gentle village, if Konoha Village will be bullied by many people from other villages.

Even Namikaze Minato can easily solve these problems.

Even Konoha Village can build up prestige in the question again and again, so as to return to the top of the ninja world.

But in the process...

There are bound to be many troubles.

This trouble was something Aoba didn't want to see.

After all, when something troublesome occurs, it indicates that it is very likely that he will encounter a lot of difficulties.

Such difficulties would disrupt his otherwise peaceful life.

This is one of the things that Aoba hates the most.

Therefore, Qingyu hopes for a different level. When he succeeded the ceremony, he directly took out the momentum and prestige of the fourth-generation Hokage, and then in one fell swoop all those who wanted to be provocative were deterred, so that they did not dare to be in Minato Namifeng. During the period of Hokage, there is any little thought about this place, just like at that time. The first Hokage Senju is like that.


The current Namikaze Minato wants to achieve that kind of position.

Obviously still impractical.

But that doesn't mean it's not possible at all.

Qing Yu is very clear that such a problem is likely to appear in the next time.

So before the problem arises, he hopes that Minato Namikaze can experience some things internally, so that he can understand that the ninja world is not as simple as imagined from the outside, even in Konoha Village, there will be a lot of intrigue, a little different Being careful may also lose his life, so the hard-won position of Hokage will make him feel more cherished, and he will put more effort into supporting Konoha Village.

Qing Yu can be said to be well-intentioned.

He was all too aware of the importance of such a thing.


What Qing Yu wants to do now is just that. Aroused Sandai's desire to retake the position of Hokage, and then defeated Sandai together with Namikaze Minato.


After hearing Qing Yu's words, the three of you immediately took a deep breath, and a strong shock flashed in his eyes, because he understood. Teacher bj is a person who can understand what he thinks in his heart, and he also knows how important what they do is to Konoha Village. Many things are not like what the people of Konoha Village say. There is a lot of helplessness in this, only those who have done Hokage know it.

But this Tobirama-sensei in front of him is different from anyone else. During the period of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama as Hokage, Tobirama-sensei assumed the responsibility of a Danzo, and when he became the second Hokage, Tobirama The teacher has become an official Hokage, that is to say, as a Tobirama teacher, he has not only done Hokage but also Danzo, and he understands the operating principle of these two plants.

In this way, Tobirama-sensei naturally understands how this matter will look like, and how to solve it in the end.

Sandai felt that what he lacked the most was such an understanding, because no one could easily understand what he was doing, especially those problems involving the people of Konoha Village, but Tobirama-sensei could indeed fully understand, then in Tobirama-sensei's With the help, he can return to the position of Hokage, which is a very, very important thing for him.

"If there is Tobirama-sensei's support, then there will be no problem."

Although Sandai didn't know how to cause the so-called Danzo-related remarks, he knew that if Tobirama-sensei supported him, then everything would make a big difference.

After all, it's just like Tobirama-sensei himself said.

If it is the last time.

When he can't get it back.

Then Tobirama-sensei stood up and said that he was willing to support him and explain the previous things.

Then maybe everything will change again.

have to say.

For three generations.

Now this moment.

It was his dream moment that could give him an extra trump card.

He has never had any trump cards.

From the moment he became Hokage, Danzo has always supported him.

But since Danzo betrayed him, everything has changed.

Now that he has Tobirama-sensei's promise, he understands that he can do his best now. After completing all this, even if he does not succeed until the end, Tobirama-sensei will still help him.


Three generations are very clear.

Not as a last resort.

Still can't use Tobirama-sensei's card.

Otherwise, it would be a huge drain on Tobirama-sensei, and it would also prove his incompetence.

This is the last thing the three generations want to meet, and he is not willing to do it.

It is precisely because of this.

The current three generations have become much calmer, and his thoughts have begun to develop in other directions, especially after receiving the protection of Teacher Tobirama, there seems to be no more worries in his heart. It's starting to get easier.

It has been the same person for three generations.

When he is alone to take on something, he lacks a certain amount of responsibility.

That is, once the situation turned against the wind, he was a little overwhelmed and needed some people to rely on.

It's like a grown up kid.

Even if you have supported a family by yourself, you still have to go to your parents when you think of something.

The third generation is such a feeling. When he encounters a problem, he instinctively wants Danzo to help him solve it.

But once this problem is caused by Danzo...

Then these things will change again.

No one can count on three generations.

It has become the current situation.

Directly disheartened, he chose to leave the position of Hokage.

After all, according to the idea of ​​three generations at that time.

Even if he didn't want to quit the position of Hokage, then there was no way at that time, he had to quit the position of Hokage in the end, so doing so himself could make the situation a little more decent.

Since Danzo was assassinated, the third generation has not even thought about returning to the position of Hokage. After encountering these things, his heart was panicked, and he hoped that he could do something about it. Rely on, but can't find any hope at all.

However, the appearance of Tobirama-sensei perfectly made up for such a thing.

Tobirama teacher not only recognized him very much, but also helped him in the matter of becoming Hokage again, which not only supported his heart, but also regained his hope.

"I will never disappoint Tobirama-sensei!"

Sandai immediately assured him that the way he talks now doesn't look like Sandai Hokage at all, as if he was back when he became a Tobirama disciple before, and everything seemed like nothing had happened.

"I believe you!"

Qingyu looked at Sandai's renewed fighting spirit and immediately nodded to the latter. He found that Sandai seemed to have made up his mind just now, because he hadn't said anything in detail, and the third generation had already begun to seem to be burning with fighting spirit. blood.


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