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Have the opportunity?

Sandai immediately widened his eyes at this moment, his eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions, and he never thought that there was a chance for what he could hear now.

Although he is very clear in his heart that at this time point, only Tobirama-sensei can help him, and he also believes that Tobirama-sensei has such ability to help him, but being Tobirama-sensei really After saying this, his heart was still full of shock.

After all such a thing...

It is not so easy to say that there is a chance!

You must know that Danzo is his person, but at this time, everything can be said, and the ignition will form a kind of backstab.

in such a situation.

It's very difficult to get yourself back to the way it was before.

After all, the things that Danzo said happened really happened, and it was easily passed into the ears of anyone in the entire ninja world.

If even such a thing can be reversed, doesn't it mean that Teacher Bj wants to reverse something that the whole ninja world knows.

How to do this?

A lot of small question marks popped up in Sandai's mind. Faced with such a thing, there are still many unbelievable places in his heart.

According to the cognition of the third generation, there is no way for him to make these things completely change now. He feels that he has become the most shameful figure in the entire ninja world.

Looking at the entire ninja world, throughout all the ninja history, almost no one has ever been as embarrassing as him.

The third generation feels that the black material on him is very serious now.

in such a situation.

Hardly anyone can turn over.

He didn't even know how to turn over at all.

This is not something he can decide by himself.

"Is there really a chance?"

The three generations looked at Qing Yu with a puzzled face, and now he felt that such words were beyond his imagination and completely beyond his cognition.

"As long as you don't admit it, there's still a chance."

Qing Yu replied indifferently, of course he knew that the third generation did not admit it, because he saw this matter from the beginning to the end, and even played the identities of Danzo and Orochimaru, so he knew all about it. When analyzing the situation again, he has a big, big advantage.

Such an advantage allows him to fully make various decisions. After all, no matter what he says, he is in a state of omniscience and omnipotence.

Qingyu actually made a lot of plans during this process. First of all, he must first find a way to gain Danzo's trust. Out of some of the things they have experienced together, even if the attributes of Chakra are not the same, but the three generations can still recognize the identity of Qing Yu, Qianshou Tobirama.

After Qing Yu thought of a way to make the three generations recognize his identity, everything became a lot more convenient.

In fact, for Qingyu, the most difficult point is that as long as the three generations can recognize him at this point, the follow-up will be easy.

As long as the third generation believes in his identity, then when he makes a plan, the third generation will also believe his plan even more.

"I really didn't admit it!"

Sandai immediately recalled what he said before, he didn't say anything at the time, and today he just said that he was going to resign as Hokage.

At that time, he didn't really have nothing to explain, but he didn't want to explain at all.

I think he is tired.

It was a very indescribable feeling.

He felt Danzo betrayed him.

That betrayal made her feel a very unbearable feeling deep inside her.

It is precisely because of such a feeling.

Sandai didn't have any mood to make these explanations at that time, he just thought that he was tired and destroyed.

But what he never imagined was...

At the time, such a very random decision did not seem to make any sense, but now it may become the key to a comeback.

Just thinking about this kind of thing is very exciting.

As if it was destined to be arranged in the dark.

Let him have a very strong feeling in his heart.

It seems that all this is due to a pair of big hands arranging his past, so that he can return to the position of Hokage, and now think that he is indeed a chosen person.

The first time I became Hokage, that is, the fourth-generation Hokage who inherited the Konoha Village, was because the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama teacher passed the position of Hokage to him before the end.

Now he wants to become Hokage again, and it is also Tobirama-sensei who came here to help him.

Now it seems…

Tobirama-sensei is really a lucky star of his own.

"Teacher Tobirama!"

"When the news broke out at the time, I was disheartened and didn't make any excuses!"

"So I didn't say anything at the time, I just said I was going to resign as Hokage!"


"I made it clear at the time that I was going to resign from the position of Hokage!"

"Do I still have a chance?"

The three generations questioned Qingyu line by line. At this moment, he did not dare to slacken any slack. Even if any details could not be missed, he must tell all of them to Tobirama-sensei in front of him, because only in that kind of Only when the circumstances are right can everything be in accordance with the normal facts.

It is precisely because of this that the third generation is thinking that he has resigned from the position of Hokage, and he has not told Tobirama-sensei about this.

So he's starting to say things like that now.

In fact, Sandai was also very helpless at the time, because he knew that there was no other way to do this. As long as he was still in the position of Hokage, everyone would stare at him. At this time, there was no one who could get rid of these public opinions. way too.

Now it seems that admitting it was actually a good thing at the time.

Because if he didn't admit it at the time, then the follow-up public opinion would definitely pour out on him. As a result, he would inevitably suffer a lot of influence. At that time, it may be that he really did these things. .

The three generations are now more fortunate that...

It was precisely because he did not admit this at the time and chose to escape, so he said that he was going to leave the position of Hokage immediately. After he left the position of Hokage, all the public opinion subsided at that moment.

This is a very normal thing.

After all, he has chosen to leave the position of Hokage.

Everyone knows that as long as you leave the position of Hokage, it is equivalent to acquiescing to this matter, so based on the previous contributions of the three generations to Hokage, everyone will not pursue such a thing too much.

"This is not important!"

Qing Yu immediately shook his head. Of course, he would say that this matter is not important, because if this kind of matter is important, then there is no way to make the third generation rejuvenate and want to continue to be Hokage.

Of course, Aoba didn't just want to make the third generation Hokage, because all the efforts he made were to make Nafeng Minato successfully become the fourth generation of Hokage of Konoha Village. I just want to rekindle the three generations, become the mind of Hokage, and then turn around and fight with it.

So in fact, no matter if the third generation wants to continue to be Hokage or not, he will not be the response again, but if the third generation wants to become Hokage, then in the next few days, they will follow what Qingyu proposed. Plan to compete with Namikaze Minato.

This kind of thing is still very important to Qingyu.

Aoba needs to create the kind of attitude that the three generations are still competing with Minato Namikaze.

"Is there anything else you missed?"

Qingyu looked towards Sandai, and he slowly told me, because he felt that at this time, he needed to dig out the points in the hearts of the three generations that he was really worried about. It has become very easy, in fact, it is very easy now, but he wants to make things more perfect, and he cannot let the third generation have doubts in the heart at this time.

"let me see…"

The third generation immediately frowned. At this time, of course he knew what was in front of him. Tobirama-sensei said that the purpose of these was to help him, so he must think about what else might be disadvantageous to him. Say it.

"There should be nothing else."

Now after a moment of four inches, he can't think of any other possibilities now, because the most serious point in his opinion is that he said these words to leave the position of Hokage.

There are basically no other words after these words.

Then there are the things that came out about Danzo.

The third generation felt that the things that Danzang exposed were the most important thing, and it was because of these changes in his reputation that he had come to this point.

If it wasn't for Danzo's anti-water at that time, then he may have entered another step now.

These things left him in an indescribable turmoil.

He didn't know how to describe how he felt at the moment.

"It's not difficult."

Qingyu imitated the attitude of Qianshou Tobirama and slowly opened his mouth to Sandai. He knew too well what was going on here. As long as Sandai believed his words, it was not a big problem to want to fool Sandai.

"As long as you don't admit it, then even if you choose to step down, it can be said that it is the key to my secret investigation of these matters."

Qing Yu said slowly, he has started to fool the three generations now, because he understands that as long as the three generations are moved by him, everything will develop in a good direction.

"Actually, we can change the rhetoric."

"We can put all the things that Danzo has exposed before on Danzo's body, and then because you didn't admit it, you can act at that time, and you don't want to let the public opinion continue to ferment and resign."

"The purpose of leaving the position of Hokage is not to quit here, but to stand here again with a better attitude."

"Although that doesn't sound very realistic."

"But as long as we separate what Danzo does, and let Danzo's candor come back to Danzo, then nothing will be a problem."

Qingyu said slowly, because he just passed the crest water gate, his overall impression of this matter is still in the freshest state, so no matter what he says to the three generations, he can deal with it very effectively.

In fact, the core problem facing the third generation is that Danzo and Orochimaru have confessed everything. This problem is also very serious. Even he is very clear, because after all, he did it on his own initiative, and he did not give it at all. Three generations left any room for a turnaround.

But this kind of thing turned into another picture in the eyes of Minato Namikaze, because Minato Namikaze would feel that all this was a trap planned by the three generations for him.

based on such a principle.

Minato Namikaze actually thought a lot, but after talking with Minato Minato Namikaze, he felt that it was the most convenient to make things the way they are now, so when doing the follow-up things, in his heart I have already started thinking about how to fool the three generations.

Now Qingyu is standing in front of the third generation, but the third generation does not know that he is Qingyu, but thinks that he may be his teacher, and the signing fee is also because of such a thing, so when the third generation faces these problems , other hesitations have begun in his heart.

"what should I do?"

After hearing Qing Yu's words, the third generation suddenly felt cloudy and foggy, because he felt like he heard what you said, but now it seems like he didn't say anything, as if there was a way, but he didn't know what the solution was. What, he didn't know what to do at all, and he was confused.

This is exactly what Aoba wanted.

"Break and stand."

Qing Yu faintly said a word that the three generations did not understand at all.

Now the three generations are just staring at Qing Yu, his mind is like a mess, because Qing Yu said that this situation can be reversed, so he believes this matter very much in his heart.

It is precisely because the person in front of him is the SARS teacher he is approving, so he will believe this. If this person is replaced by another person and says that the status quo can be reversed, he will not believe it at all.

After all, Tobirama-sensei is one of the best geniuses in Konoha Village.

Even if he is as strong as Namifeng Minato now, such a genius may not have any advantages in front of Tobirama-sensei.

"The result now is that if the current situation continues like this, we will never have any chance to come back, so we must break this deadlock first!"

Qing Yu began to flicker little by little. He knew that he could never tell the final question in one step, so little by little, the three generations could continue to build their own confidence.

Aoba used the same method when he was flickering the wave Feng Minato.

If the real goal is stated at the outset, then the problem is too obvious.

A little carelessness can lead to an uncontrollable situation.

After all, this time.

Qing Yu must let the three generations know that the current situation can be reversed. After all, what he is facing now is only some unfavorable situation in public opinion, and there are no other special enemies. Relatively speaking, it is not particularly difficult.

This situation is not a problem at all for the very powerful Senju Tobirama.

"How to break?"

The three generations continued to ask, his voice became a little hoarse, and the whole person became a lot nervous. As the surrounding breeze kept blowing his kidney deficiency, he suddenly felt the warmth of Konoha Village. A temperature he seldom felt before.

Although the third generation has always appeared in front of everyone with a very warm image, like the sunshine of the entire Konoha Village, and the situation is very positive, but his mind has always been in a kind of intrigue, even if it is Facing his brothers and sisters, nothing changed.

It is precisely because of this kind of life that the three generations have been living, that he has discovered that many things in the world are his blind spots.

So much so that at this time, he recalled the various pasts of Konoha Village, and found that he did not live his own life here, especially the current area, which is actually in Konoha Village, but he never came.

As the Hokage of Konoha Village, and the area he has not been to, it will make him feel that many times he may only see a part of it one-sidedly.

If he can become Hokage again this time, then he may love the village even more.

for a while.

The third generation thought a lot of things and thought about a lot of questions, especially after he just experienced the dark secret room with some peculiar smells, and came to this forest full of light again, he felt that everything was like changing A world in general.

The whole person is better now.


The three generations suddenly felt that his mentality had also changed.

In that gloomy secret room with Uchiha Madarakura's coffin, he felt that the air was very blocked, everything was so gloomy and cold, and the surroundings were filled with the smell of decay. In that space, he could think of all his thoughts. All tend to be negative, and many things make him feel fearful and timid.

But when he changed to this forest under the sun again, he felt alive again. The lush forests around him made him realize that the whole world was still incomparably beautiful, and he suddenly felt that the matter of Madara Uchiha might not be a big deal. things are up.

Nothing scary at all!

Even Madara Uchiha, who finally came back here, wants to seek revenge, the big deal is to leave the position of Hokage!

Although Madara Uchiha will also retire from the position of Hokage when Madara Uchiha comes, what is the difference between wishing now and quitting then? It's better to stay in the position of Hokage for a while and do what you want to do, and Uchiha Madara may not appear here.

Thinking more and more now...

His thinking is also getting clearer.

Although he doesn't know how to break this situation now, he knows that with Tobirama-sensei here, the rest is not so difficult.

So when he is here, he has always been focusing on his own mentality.

At this time, he has completely realized that he just wants to be Hokage. This is the biggest meaning of his whole life, and it is also the dream he wants to realize the most. Although he has been in the position of Hokage for so long, but He doesn't think it's too long.

Based on this principle.

Right now, I really want to know how to change my current situation.

After all, there was not much time left for him.

In less than a week, Namikaze Minato will be succeeded as the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village.

Sandai suddenly realized that now was his rare opportunity to bring him to Minato Namikaze and become Hokage, then everything would be settled, and it would be difficult for him to trip over the next Hokage and return to his term , which is almost absolutely impossible.

Three generations have thought about such a thing before, how to take back the position of the third Hokage when the position of Hokage has been passed to the tomb of the fourth generation.

At the time he thought of many options.

But in the end it turned out that there was only one way to do it. UU Reading

That is, if there is a chance, the fourth Hokage officially died for the village, so there is no fifth Hokage to replace him for the time being, so he can take back the rights of the village for a short time, and then come forward again and become a hero who saves the village from water and fire.

The third generation is very clear that as long as he stands up and becomes Hokage again at that time, the people in the village will love him very much, because at that time, after the fourth generation of Hokage suddenly died in the line of duty, it will definitely leave a huge mess, and At that time, the fourth generation of Hokage did not leave any options for Hokage to inherit.

When that happens is an excellent way to reclaim your rights.

The third generation once thought about the issue of passing Hokage on and then taking it back. Through the conclusions obtained, he found that this kind of thing is almost very difficult to do, and the probability can be said to be very small.

So he didn't have any expectations on this matter at all...


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