People In Konoha, Anbe Tortured Ninjas For Ten Years!

Chapter 775: 1Raku Ramen Member Store

It didn't take long.

After beating the big brother by hand, the noodles have already been cooked.

It was in front of Namikaze Minato.

In an instant.

An overflowing fragrance filled the nostrils and penetrated into Minato Minato's breath, immediately causing the latter to move his index finger.

"smell good!"

Minato Namikaze immediately sighed with emotion, his blue-blue eyes kept staring at the ramen, and he was almost unable to bear it any longer.

"I'm going to start."

Namikaze Minato immediately did a pre-dinner etiquette, and after he finished saying this, he folded his hands and bowed to the ramen in front of him, and his eyes that were already full of hunger gleamed.


Minato Namikaze opened under everyone's gaze, and quickly ate this bowl of ramen, as if he was gobbling it up.

I almost ate these ramen noodles in a storm.

Namikaze Minato was really tired during this time.

In a very short period of time, I have experienced a lot of things. From the end of the Third Ninja World War to the present, it has only been half a month in total.

But during this time, he experienced more than ten years before he arrived, and has more rich life.

What's more, he is already known as the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village.

It can be said that the whole person's life has undergone great changes.


such a change.

This was not what he hoped most in his heart.

There are many more things I want to do.

But there has never been a chance.

Just got caught up in these things right now.

In the past few days, under the performance of these things, his heart was in a very tense state, which caused a lot of consumption in the brain, so that it has not been replaced until now, and he is in great need of energy supplement.

These energies are food.

The noodle soup of Ichiraku Ramen is rich in heat, and these heat will bring a huge supplement to Namikaze Minato.

At this time, Minato Namikaze could no longer withstand the rich fragrance brought by this kind of ramen, and he continued to **** it in big mouthfuls. During the process of inhaling this kind of storm, every cell in his body seemed to feel it. Excited, his heart was filled with joy.


Time passed minute by minute.

Over time.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, Minato Namikaze had already eaten up the bowl of ramen.

After eating this bowl of ramen.

Minato Namikaze looked at Qingyu. He had just said half of his words to Qingyu, and he could see that Qingyu was thoughtful and wanted to continue to say something, but he was really hungry just now. So I chose to finish the Yile Ramen first.

Now after eating this bowl of noodles, his whole body feels as if he is full of blood and resurrected.

The whole person is better!

It is precisely because of this that after receiving the blood of this bowl of ramen, Namifeng Minato can start to think about these issues again.

"What did you want to say just now?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Qingyu, and beside him there were Shouda and Xiaonan, but these two people didn't seem to have anything to avoid now, but they were still outside of this matter.

"We'll talk about the matter between us later. At this stage, we will finalize the matter of Xiaonan first!"

Qing Yu turned the topic back to Xiao Nan. He was very aware of the moment. Although Xiao Nan and Big Brother Shouda said they didn't do anything about it, they didn't know what to do next.

"Xiao Nan's affairs can be left to you."

Namikaze Minato didn't care about this kind of thing, because he still used this method without suspicion.

Since he chose to trust Qingyu.

Then all these things can be left to Qing Yu.

Naturally, there is no idea.

But ah.

Now Qingyu has brought it up again.

This made Namikaze Minato lift his heart up again. After a while, he didn't know what Aoba was trying to express, but he had a lot of respect in his heart for any meaning he might want to express.

Almost at the same time, the incidents of Xiaonan and Shouba were all focused on Qingyu, because they both had the same thoughts, it would be better to leave this matter to Qingyu Ri. Is there anything to discuss.

But since these words were said by Qing Yu...

Then there is the least concern. After all, Aoba's previous performance was too dazzling, and no one at the scene could ignore his existence, and Aoba's opinion must be carefully considered.

This is too important!

So much so that everyone at the scene held their breath, stared at Qing Yu with burning eyes, and listened carefully to what might be said later.

"During this period of time, Xiaonan lived in Yile Ramen Noodle Shop. No matter what happened outside, he could not leave the noodle shop for half a step. This is very important!"

Qing Yu's face instantly became serious, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Nan, and his tone was also very serious.


Xiao Nan nodded immediately. She understood what Qing Yu meant. This matter might be very important for her to stay in Konoha Village.

At this point in time.

Konan is very aware of the importance of Aoba's opinion.

Especially after what happened just now, she has discovered more and more Aoba's strength. To a certain extent, this is the man standing behind Minato Namikaze.

For this reason.

Xiao Nan is still very cautious to listen to Qing Yu's words.

As long as she still wants to stay in Konoha Village.

Then things here are very important.

Xiao Nan has a very strong understanding of these matters. For the sake of it, staying in Konoha Village is one of the few reasonable choices for her, so she must not give up this matter easily.

"Hit big brother with your hands."

After Qing Yu explained to Xiao Nan in one sentence, she turned to this hand to see through it.

"in this period."

"Yile Ramen has changed its business model."

"Anyone can eat noodles, changed to a membership system."

"I'll change the sign outside with Watergate in a while."

"From now on."

"Yilaku Ramen changed its name to a member store of Yile Ramen."

"Only members who have stored value in Zai Yi Le Ramen can come here to eat noodles!"


"It's only a member of Yile Ramen, and only when you eat noodles can you get Xiaonan's side dish service!"

Qing Yu said one sentence after another, when he mentioned the members, the audience's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears at all.


After hearing Qing Yu's words, Shi Da was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect such a result at all, let alone that Qing Yu would say such a thing.

In his previous understanding, members still have to give everyone benefits.

There are indeed many members in Yile Ramen, and these members are also here to get cheaper, and Aoba proposed the initial membership system reform.

But now.

Aoba actually said that Ichiraku Ramen would be changed to a membership system.

In an instant, he fell into contemplation!

"Qingyu, I think it's a bit inappropriate to do this. If only members can come to eat noodles, then there will be too few people who can come to eat noodles!"

Hand beat immediately replied.

"Although in the first two batches of distribution, we distributed a total of about 100 members, but compared with the population of Konoha Village, these members are still too few, and most of the customers still do not Not a member, this is equivalent to driving them out!"

Shouda expressed his concerns. After all, he opened the store to make money. If he continued like this, not only would he not make money, but he would also lose money.


Shouda believes Aoba's words very much.

He understood that Qing Yu must have his own ideas.

But at this point in time.

He also had to ask his own questions.

"That's right!"

At this time, Minato Minato also nodded, because Minato Namikaze also knew about the membership system, and he participated in it and gave a lot of his own opinions. He felt that the membership system was very feasible, but If members are only allowed to enter one big face, then this condition is a bit harsh.

"If you do this, a vacuum effect may be completed in a short period of time. There will be no one in Yile Ramen, and there will be no customers at that time. If you change back to the original store, then it will all look like It's a joke!"

Namikaze Minato gave his suggestion. UU reading

At this time, the eyes of these people all fell on Qing Yu, because they knew that Qing Yu would definitely have something to say.

And this follow-up word is likely to convince them.

But before being persuaded.

Namifeng Minato and Shida also insisted on expressing their own remarks.

After all, such a point of view is too important.

Even if they can't convince Ao Yu, let Ao Yu know one of their attitudes.

After all, the economy in Konoha Village is not very prosperous now. After the third world war, everything is left to be done. If at this time, there is another entry threshold for Yile Ramen, in their opinion There may be no one in this store again.

Xiao Nan blinked a pair of beautiful purple eyes and looked at Qing Yu. She didn't ask about the membership, but she could vaguely guess some of the issues that might be involved. She seemed to know something. I don't know exactly, Hazy looks like a spectator.

"Changing the membership system into a member store will be a sign of Yile Ramen taking off!"

Qing Yu's voice sounded immediately, clearly reaching the ears of everyone at the scene. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a confident smile, as if he didn't take everyone's worries seriously at all.

"Not only will we not change it back... we will also turn members into limited-time members!"

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