Qing Yu's position is still very clear. First of all, he thinks that Jiraiya will actually come to Konoha Village. If he looks at it on the basis of this, in fact, he should think more about what will happen after Jiraiya comes. manage?

After all, when Xiao Nan came here, it was not Jiraiya's consent, and Jiraiya's decision made him feel illusory.

After all, the contact time between Aoba and Jiraiya is really too little.

Everything about Jiraiya stems from the things I knew when I was watching anime, and the childhood Jiraiya I saw in the memories of Tsunade and Orochimaru respectively. .

But from this point of view...

Namikaze Minato really hasn't had much obvious contact with Jiraiya.

based on this phenomenon.

Right now.

Qing Yu felt that it would be much easier to do everything if Jiraiya didn't come here. He said that Jiraiya really came here, then everything seems to be much more difficult.

After all, the arrival of Jiraiya will add many unknown situations here, and many things have not been anticipated here.


Thinking of this.

In his heart, Qing Yu was not worried about not coming, but worried about coming, but in his opinion, there is a high probability that he will come to Konoha Village.


Qing Yu would not express his concerns.

Right now, he is not as confused as Minato Namikaze. He needs to spit out the troubles in his heart and then share it with others. In this way, he can get a kind of relief from his heart. Qingyu is not like this.

What Qingyu has to do is to solve the problem here in his own way. If he expresses his concerns, then it is very likely that he will fall into a bad experience.

"If Jiraiya-sama hadn't come to Konoha Village..."

Qing Yu looked at Minato Namikaze with burning eyes, and did not look at Xiao Nan next to him, because he knew that this was what Xiao Nan was most worried about, so if he stared at Xiao Nan, it was very likely that Xiao Nan would become less confident.

Qing Yu is still very concerned about Xiao Nan's feelings. If he stares at Xiao Nan, it will easily make Xiao Nan feel that he has been discovered.

So Qing Yu's eyes have been fixed on this wave of Fengshuimen, so that Xiaonan can see these from the perspective of a bystander, and he can think at a deeper level.

"That's no problem."

"According to the reason we came up with."

"It will extend to Minato, when you become the fourth Hokage."

"At that time, you became the fourth Hokage."

"These are no longer a problem."

"What we are worried about is that before you become Hokage, Xiaonan's identity may be used by some people as a means of attacking you."

Qing Yu said one sentence after another, these problems are not problems at all, but because Minato Naikaze and Xiao Nan are not so concentrated now, they have to relax their thoughts, so they are only in some small There were some difficulties with things.

In fact, these problems are not really scary, but they are too worried about the unknown, they don't know what will happen in the future, and they don't know what kind of hidden dangers these things will bring to them.

Logically speaking, if you can analyze the trend of everything clearly, you can find that even if it is the worst result, it will not cause any harm, and everything is still within the controllable range.

But then again...

Qingyu can analyze these things from any angle, and the benefit is nothing more than because of the information he has obtained, but these information resources are not easily obtained by others, even Namikaze Minato no longer has it. There won't be a lot of intelligence resources before the shock becomes Hokage.


After hearing Aoba's words, Minato Namikaze was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that such a simple result could lead to such a conclusion.

"Is it just that simple?"

Namikaze Minato was stunned at the time, he hadn't reacted yet, his mind was chaotic, he didn't realize how simple these things were, and he was still wondering if it was possible if Teacher Jiraiya didn't come. At that time, he was attacked again by some people, but now I think about it, if Jiraiya Sensei hadn't arrived, then when he could be attacked, he would also become the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village.


Another possibility that I didn't think of at the time was that when he had an accident at the Hokage succession ceremony, he did not become Hokage.

But think about it now.

If there really was an accident at that time and I couldn't become Hokage...

Then everything doesn't matter anymore.

If he hadn't been able to become Hokage, it wouldn't have been a weapon to attack him, because then it might be because of things like Orochimaru and Dan that overturned the car, or some problems that he hadn't thought of yet.

These questions were concentrated on his brain and affected his thoughts, but with Qing Yu's simple words, it made him see the sun and suddenly wake up, realizing that all the worries now are meaningless.

I have to say that at this time, it doesn't matter to him whether Teacher Jiraiya really came to Konoha Village, and it doesn't matter to Xiaonan either.

Because now as long as the name of Teacher Jiraiya is used, then Xiaonan can wear it in Konoha Village. At that time, Xiaonan will naturally not be used as a weapon to attack him.

In other words, whether he becomes the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village or fails in the end, it will not be Xiao Nan who will attack him. That is to say, this issue is basically of little importance.

Although it seems logically that the presence or absence of Teacher Jiraiya may have different results, that is, some relationships between them, but now it seems that no matter what these relationships are, it will be a matter of course at that time. Does not affect the issue of the position of Hokage.

As long as it doesn't affect things other than Hokage, the rest of the things are not very important and are completely acceptable.

When Namikaze Minato thought of this, he suddenly felt that Aoba could see things more thoroughly, so he could see things clearly and instantly grasped the key points.

He didn't think so clearly before, because he himself is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. When facing these things, he will first start from his own feelings, especially when it comes to the affairs of Teacher Jiraiya and Xiaonan, At that time, he had already started to become emotional.

But what he didn't expect was...

It was precisely because his sensibility re-occupied his way of thinking that he began to slowly forget his previous rationality. After all, that was not the truest state of Minato Namikaze. The true state was that warm and sunny attitude.

Minato Namikaze has been trying to avoid unnecessary troubles in order to become Hokage, so he has put on a layer of indifference to disguise himself under this feeling.

But disguise must be disguise.

Not the real Namikaze Minato.

When Namikaze Minato confirmed that Xiao Nan was not the one with San, he breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that there was not that much pressure. In addition, what Xiao Nan mentioned was related to Teacher Jiraiya. , which made him feel incomparably cordial, so that he could think about these things more emotionally.

Although she still retains her rationality, for example, Xiao Nan's identity may hinder him from becoming Hokage, but she has forgotten the details and key points of many things.

It wasn't until Qingyu mentioned it that he suddenly realized that whether Teacher Jiraiya would come or not was actually just a matter of his emotional concern.

In his heart, he hoped that Jiraiya-sensei would come here, that he would be able to witness Jiraiya-sensei becoming the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, and that he would be able to see Jiraiya-sensei when he was standing at such a high-light moment. I also hope that Xiao Nan, who has the same thoughts for Teacher Jiraiya, can also meet Teacher Jiraiya here.

Based on these reasons, he was thinking, what should he do if he hadn't seen Mr. Jiraiya...

Namikaze Minato didn't get an answer in his heart, so he chose to ask Qingyu, but after he asked Qingyu, he suddenly realized in the answer that he cleaned up, whether teacher Jiraiya was not there or not Here, in fact, it has nothing to do with whether he became Hokage or not.

Teacher Jiraiya is just a reason and an excuse to let Xiaonan stay in Konoha Village, and it also protects him from being attacked because Xiaonan stays in Konoha Village.

As for other things...

Namikaze Minato immediately realized from Aoba's words that now is not the time to think about whether Jiraiya-sensei will come or not.

Now, the position of the fourth Hokage is not a sure thing for him.

Many problems have not been fully resolved.

At least the matter of Orochimaru and Danzo is a knife hanging around his neck. This knife is still around his neck and has not been resolved.

The top priority is to solve these troubles now.

After hearing Qing Yu's words, Minato Namikaze suddenly felt that Qing Yu might also be reminding her, but it may also be his own brain supplement, but it made him more clear that at this stage, he still can't Let go of your vigilance, you still have to maintain your own reason and caution, so that all this is mainly based on the three generations, and you can't focus too much on other places that have no major impact on things.

"I know."

Minato Namikaze nodded, agreeing with Qingyou's words, and understanding how to decide this matter.

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