People In Konoha, Anbe Tortured Ninjas For Ten Years!

Chapter 327: Imprisonment Charm + Seal of the Root of the Tongue

This time now.

Mori Eaton stood at the door of Hokage's office.


It is the door of the office opposite the Hokage office.

"It's already started inside!"

Morino Eaton was full of curiosity and wanted to see how Qingyu treated the Danzo-sama on the spot, but he was paid to arrange such a janitor job.

There is still not enough space!

Mori Eaton felt silently in his heart...

If he is a consultant.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun is just an ordinary high-level village.

Then it's not him who went out...

I have to climb up in the future!

Mori Eaton made up his mind silently, he didn't want to be such a victim anymore.


Just at this time.

The door of Hokage's office opened.

The third generation of Naruto Sarutobi, wearing a Hokage robe, walked out of it, and immediately fell on Morino Eaton at the door.

"Eaton, why are you here?" Three generations asked in a puzzled way. He still didn't know about Morino Eaton and Aoba to heal Danzo. As Hokage, there are many things that are busy every day. Now Danzo's injuries are caused by The two consultants are in charge, and until there is no definite answer on the treatment Danzo, neither Koharu or Mito Menyan will talk to Sandai.

"Master Naruto, I brought a medical ninja to treat the injury to Master Danzo." Morino Eaton immediately stood up and reported that he had just decided to climb up and saw Master Naruto standing at the top of the village's right. , How can you not take it seriously.

"Medical ninja?" The three generations were taken aback for a moment, then stared at Morino Eaton suspiciously, and asked, "Are you being treated now?"

"Yes!" Morino Eaton nodded immediately.

"I'll take a look." Three generations immediately prepared to walk inward, his eyes had passed Morino Eaton, and landed on the door of the room where Danzo was.


Morino Eaton hurriedly stepped forward, spread his hands and bite the bullet and stopped the third generation.

"Three generations of adults, you can't go in!"

Morino Eaton said in a deep voice, his expression was serious, he was not joking at all, and he did not dare to speak too loudly, for fear of disturbing Qingyu who was healing Danzo inside.

"Why?" After three generations heard Morino Eaton's words, the whole person was stunned. They didn't expect Morino Eaton to stop him, and the eyes of Morino Eaton were filled with doubts and incomprehension.

"Well... the medical ninja who is treating the Danzo-sama... he explained that he is in the process of treatment... can't get in and out!" Morino Eaton said in a deep voice, and he felt helpless in these words, but There is no way, Qing Yu has already confessed to him, and now that the three generations want to go in, it will disturb Qing Yu's treatment of Lord Tuan Zang, so I still have to talk about it.

Three generations after hearing what Morino Eaton said.

Immediately stunned.

Then he raised his eyes and looked at Morino Eaton.

Stared at Morino Eaton's face and looked deeply for a while.

Immediately clicked.

"Okay, I see, you did a good job, that...who is the medical ninja who treats Danzo?" Three generations asked.

"This...I can't say..." Morino Eaton shook his head.


After Tuan Zang heard Morino Eaton's words, he was taken aback again, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

What is this?

Don't let in.

Not to mention the identity of the other party.


Three generations cleared his throat. He felt that this kind of thing was a little outrageous, so he raised his eyes and stared at Morino Eaton.

"I am Hokage in the village, can't even I know the identity of that person?" Three generations asked in a deep voice.

"Naruto-sama, the medical ninja has a special identity. He specifically explained that he can't say his identity. Only after that will he agree to treat Danzo-sama, so now I can't tell his identity." Morino Eaton His face became serious. When he agreed to Qing Yu's request, he knew that he would encounter various questions, so he had already had a mental consciousness.

"Can't even I say it?" Three generations asked again.

"Sorry, Naruto-sama, I really can't say it." Morino Eaton shook his head. He knew in his heart that speaking out now would be a very good way to get closer to the three generations, but his inner bottom line prevents him from betraying his youth. feather.


Three generations nodded. He saw Morino Eaton's attitude so determined, and it was not difficult for him to turn to the topic of Danzo's injury. He asked: "How confident are you that the medical ninja you found will be cured? Danzo's injury?"

"He said 90%!" Morino Eaton replied immediately.

"Such a high!" Three generations became even more surprised in an instant. He already didn't know what to say. He didn't know about Danzo's injury before. Others could say 10%, and then a miracle happened. Asked: "Is it reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable!" Morino Eaton nodded and replied without hesitation.

"Apart from the medical ninja you asked for, is there anyone else in there?" Three generations asked again.

"Master Xiaochun is inside!" Morino Eaton replied immediately.

"I understand, then do it your way, here is an order from me, no one can come in without my permission, if anyone wants to come in and let him come to the office to find me!" Three generations said solemnly.


Morino Eaton's eyes lit up in an instant, and the whole person became better. Now that he has three generations of orders, he basically dared to stop anyone here.

"There is..."

Three generations stared at Morino Eaton meaningfully, and from his dark eyes, he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"If Danzo's treatment is over, come to my office to report it!" Three generations explained.


Mori Eaton immediately responded. He understood that the three generations had accepted this matter and had also provided him with help in this matter, which caused a big rock hanging in his heart to suddenly fall to the ground.

Three generations nodded to Morino Eaton.

Nothing more.

He turned his head directly to the Hokage office behind him and returned to the past.

At the moment when the three generations had just turned their heads, before he entered the door of Hokage's office, a figure walked up from the stairs of the corridor. It was another consultant of Konoha Village, Mito Menyan.

Menyan Mito saw Morino Eaton and Sandai standing at the door. A lot of question marks emerged in his head. He didn't understand what was going on, and he walked over here quickly.

Mito Menyan saw three generations.

The three generations also saw Mito Menitis.

"Menyan, come here with me!"

Three generations stopped immediately and waved to the Mito Menyan who came over.


Menyan Mito looked at the room where Danzo was, and then at Morino Eaton who was standing at the door of the room. Many small question marks appeared in his head, and he didn't figure out what the situation is now.

"Come with me, I'll explain it to you, stop talking in the hallway, it disturbed Danzo's treatment!"

Three generations waved to Mito Menyan, and said with an unquestionable command tone.

After speaking.

Three generations walked directly into the Hokage office without looking back.


Mito Monyan stared blankly at the back of the three generations left, and now he became more confused about this kind of thing.


Now he didn't say anything.

Directly followed the three generations and walked into the Hokage office.

Following the two figures one after another entered the Hokage office and closed the door.

Morino Eaton let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's not bad……"

Mori Eaton felt that he had passed the most difficult level.

As long as the three generations of Naruto and the advisor did not forcefully break into this room.

Then it is equivalent to stabilizing the current situation.

After all, no one in Konoha Village is more powerful than these two people.

Now these two people don't say anything anymore.

This goalkeeper task can be said to be completed!

Thought of here...

Morino Eaton's mind was once again placed on Qingyu inside.

At this time, he really wanted to know what happened inside, and his heart was full of curiosity.


At the same time.

Qingyu's left finger injected a strand of chakra along Danzo's chin and into the latter's throat.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

Danzo's Adam's apple felt like a cell phone vibrating, trembling slightly, but there was no vibration like that.


Because of this vibration.

Xiao Tuanzang nodded again and again.

I saw Xiaochun turning to sleep for a moment.


Is it really a paralyzed person?

Turning to bed, Xiaochun suddenly became more confident in Qing Yu.

As Qingyu's chakras are continuously injected into Tuanzang's throat, a series of black chakra patterns are formed inside Tuanzang's throat, and they are connected to each other, forming a closed-loop seal directly.

After this closed-loop seal is completed, it is directly transformed into two lines, which are densely distributed along the surrounding nerves.

One of the chakra lines poured along the throat to the root of Tuan Zang's tongue, and then continued to form a mark of gossip.

Another chakra pattern extends directly to the brain, and finally flows directly into the brain and connects with the nerves of the brain.


Qing Yu's eyes lit up immediately, and he put his hand back, and he stamped the tongue of Danzo on his tongue.

This imprint can be said to be a supplement to the imprisonment charms, and it almost perfectly repaired the BUG of the imprisonment charms. This is what he thought of when he was learning the imprisonment charms.

Qingyu is not an ordinary ninja, but a ninja who has traveled through the modern world.

This has a natural advantage for him.

That is, he has a lot of information.

He knows what the imprisonment charms are all about, and he also knows what's about the Seal of the Bane of the Tongue. When watching anime before, he felt that the two are very compatible.

It's just a pity that Danzo didn't master the imprisonment charms, and Uchiha Madara didn't have the imprint of the bane of the tongue.


The two are one.

All his staff will be the tool people among the tool people!

Danzo is like this now.

Qingyu planted a confinement charm on Danzo's heart. This charm could control Danzo, and Danzo himself could not get it.


Danzo can ask others for help.

For example, find Dashewan and ask Dashewan to take it out for him.

After all, Qingyu didn't have a person like Heijue who could watch Danzo's every move all the time.

But it's different when paired with the immortal seal of the tongue!

Danzo couldn't tell anyone about Qingyu.

The imprisonment charm was implanted by Qingyu, and it was related to Qingyu.

This means...

Danzo couldn't tell about the imprisonment charms.

As long as I think about it, my whole body will be paralyzed.

Unless the imprisonment charm is passively inspected by others, but the imprisonment charm is at the position of the heart, who can be checked by the heart during passive inspection, and just find the imprisonment charm, which is kindly taken out.

Although there is such a chance.

But it can be said to be very slim.

This is also why Qing Yu didn't treat Tuanzang the first time after getting the memory of Danzang. The medicines that were allocated could actually be taken in after they were prepared.

Since he made the decision to give Danzo treatment.

I had already thought about planting a confinement charm on Dan Zang's heart, and then stamping the tongue of the bane of destruction on Dan Zang's throat.


Qingyu first needs to find and learn the imprint of the tongue and the end in Danzo's memory.

Qing Yu has processed everything now.

Turning to look at the two shadow clones next to him.

The two shadow avatars immediately understood, and put the organs in their hands back into Danzo's body.

When these two shadow clones put back the organs in their hands.

One of the shadow clones took out a box of formulated ointment in Qingyu's ninja bag.

The other shadow avatar started to stabilize the damaged sternum and ribs of Tuan Zang through the palm fairy technique.


The shadow clone holding the ointment applied the prepared ointment to the broken bone of Tuan Zang.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi...

When these ointments touch the bones, they seem to be melting where the bones are in contact, like glue, sticking the bones together.


Under the dual catalysis of ointment and palm fairy, these bones grow together quickly.

that's it.

Lasted for almost half an hour.

Danzo's broken sternum and ribs were completely connected.

Although it is still not the same as when there is nothing normal.

But over time.

It can still recover slowly.



After Qing Yu's two shadow clones connected Dan Zang's bones, they removed them separately and returned to Qing Yu's body.

at the same time.

Qingyu began to use the palm fairy technique to suture and restore Danzo's broken chest.

He used the palm fairy technique with his left hand to restore Danzo's cut body, and his right hand used the technique of extracting the wounds to perform the final sterilization work. He could not finish the operation and then infected with the whole bacteria. NS.


Turning to sleep, Xiaochun had been staring at Xiao Tuan Zang just now, and he could see that, and even forgot about Da Tuan Zang. Now that Qing Yu was stitching the wound cut by the Chakra scalpel, he was stunned for a moment, and a flash of eyes flashed in his eyes. The color of confusion.

Is this operation so fast?


Is it that simple?

"Now it's only partially completed."

Qing Yu said faintly, he didn't look at Zhuanqin Xiaochun, his attention was still focused on stitching up the wound.

"I first treated the injuries of Mr. Danzang's internal organs to make sure that Mr. Danzang would not be in danger of life, and then the injuries to the spine were the most important part of this operation!"

Qing Yu's tone was rather solemn. He knew that it was also a challenge for him. The first time he performed an operation on a real patient was such a difficult operation. You must know that he usually performs operations on prisoners in the torture department. Just do it casually and it's done.


Turning to bed, Xiaochun nodded silently, without saying anything. She just asked in surprise, and didn't want to disturb Qing Yu at all.


Just at this time.

Qing Yu knotted his hands again.

A wave of chakras surged.

"Shadow clone technique!"

Accompanied by Qing Yu's indifferent voice, seven shadow clones appeared in front of Qing Yu, instantly occupying the empty space here.


Turning to bed, Xiaochun's eyes widened suddenly, and the eyes that looked at Qingyu were filled with shock.

It's actually another shadow avatar technique!

And there are so many shadow clones!

Could it be that……

Did you really guess right? !

Is he from the whirlpool clan?

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun's suspicion of Qingyu has deepened again. After all, being able to continuously perform the shadow clone technique is not only a question of talent for ninjutsu training, but also must have enough chakras to support it, otherwise It can only be said to be self-weakening.

At least.

In her opinion.

The picture presented so far is...

This mysterious man has excellent physical strength, and his chakra is very vigorous!



This mysterious person is really from the whirlpool clan!

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun's heart has already set off a stormy sea. She has been shocked by these things. The more and more she thinks in her head, the more chaotic she thinks, and she has begun to guess Qingyu's identity.

at the same time.

Qing Yu nodded to the seven shadow clones in front of him.

The reason why he cancelled the two shadow clones and reused the shadow clone technique was to evenly distribute the chakras in his body, so that the strength of the shadow clones during the operation was the same.

Otherwise, if you keep the first two shadow clones, and then cast the shadow clones later, there will be a difference in strength, which will affect the need for extremely fine spine surgery in the suddenly.

These seven shadow avatars respectively support different positions of Danzo.

He turned directly over Danzo, who was lying flat.

From side A to side B.

Although Danzo's sternum has just been treated, there is no problem with it under such pressure.

All of a sudden.

Qing Yu's eyes focused on Tuan Zang's back.

I saw it.

A big bag bulged on Danzo's back below the shoulders.

This bag is the blisters produced by allergic reactions.

"let's start!"

Qingyu nodded at the surrounding shadow clones, and then poked out his right hand, and a wave of chakras emerged on it, forming a chakra scalpel...

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