Chapter 129 Let the Sandy Strip Love Song deal with King Arthur, we are stable in Rome!!

After Roa declared war, the assassins, realizing that the knights around them did not react, were like cats with their tails stepped on, and immediately began to point to the Roman symbols on their bodies and say how Rome is and how Britain is.

Then Roa asked Morgan to burn all these signs on them, and asked them to send them back to the ship they had come to Britannia, and let them hurry up and bring the word back!

This is Morgan’s opinion to Roa.

She asked Roa to show his impatience in this way, and then asked the assassins to go back and tell the Romans about it.

It would be just right if the Romans thought they would attack immediately and start making preparations.

Because it is impossible for Rome to attack Britain next, and Britain does not intend to attack Rome.

The reason for this is… The weather has started to get cooler.

Although it is not so obvious now, after the Roman side has sorted out the grain and grass, it is estimated that it will be winter.

The British side may be able to start a war in winter, after all, these are gods here, and these gods will not freeze to death in winter without cotton clothes, so it is definitely no problem to fight.

If you add some alchemy equipment, it is not a problem to maintain strong combat power in winter.

But Roa did not intend to go to war in the winter.

On the Roman side, it is no longer possible.

Now the Romans are not gods, they are ordinary people.

They simply did not have the ability to start a war with Britain in winter.

So this battle will not start until next year, and it will be late next spring, near summer.

Because Roa Jean Vivian has seen it, this year’s ice age will be a little longer.

In fact, Roa was not in a hurry at all.

And before going to war with Rome and pushing the front all the way to the side of the Hun king, there are still some things to deal with on the British side.

First of all, it is the white dragon incarnation of Bai, and finally it can be lifted with a single use

It just so happens that he can also use the killing of the White Dragon Futigeng to improve morale before the war.

And then…

“Kay, Sir Ecto, you two come with me.”

He announced that he would go to war with Rome, and after the assassins were sent away, Roa decided that he would not be able to officially fight Rome until late next spring, so he arranged for the preparation now.

Then the twelve kings of Britain and the knights went back separately.

They didn’t do anything when they came to Camelot, but it was important to declare war with Rome, which is why Roa called them all.

And now that Roa has declared war in front of them, and the arrangements have been given, then there is nothing for them here.

It’s Kay and Ecto…

“Wang, do you have any arrangements for us?”

Kai and Hector were taken by Roa to the courtyard of Camelot Castle and looked at Roa with some puzzlement.

Luo A, on the other hand, took advantage of the moonlight and directly inserted a sword and a shot directly into the ground.

This sword shot was taken out by Roa in the past few days when he came out of the secret realm of the fairy in the lake, and went to the temple on the side of Hyperia with Skaha.

It’s the magic sword and the magic gun.

These two weapons are of little use to Roa, if I have to say it

As a collectible, it’s not bad, but Roa has the Star Holy Sword and the Holy Gun Lengominad, and he can’t use them at all.

On the contrary, it would be more useful for Kai and Ector.

“I do have arrangements for you, but before that, try these two weapons.”

Roa wants to give these two weapons to Kay and Ektor, who can be trusted by him.

However, these two weapons are not given casually.

This magic sword and magic gun are honestly no different from ordinary weapons in Roa’s hands, but to people other than Roa, they are still magic swords and magic guns.

Kai and Hector heard Roa say this and walked over.

At first, Kai tries to draw the magic sword, and Hector tries to pull out the magic gun.

After all, although both of them are very proficient in swordsmanship and gunplay, the young man will still be more inclined to the sword, while the older Sir Ector will be more inclined to the gun.

But this first experiment failed.

Kai didn’t pull out his magic sword, and Ekto didn’t pull out his magic gun. Then they looked at each other and exchanged a bit.

This time it went well.

Hector pulled out his magic sword, and Kai also drew his magic spear.

Seeing that the two of them got their weapons like this, Roa nodded.

This was the same as he expected the best result, so he directly spoke: “Sir Ector, this sword in your hand you can call it the Sword of Answer, this sword will automatically fly out to kill the enemy according to your ideas, and the wound cut by it cannot heal.” ”

“But compared to these two abilities, the person who is pointed at the throat by this sword cannot lie, then I will hand over the patrol to you in the future, and what problems are within Camelot will be handled by you, and this sword will become your help.”

Hearing Roa’s arrangement and introduction, Hector directly performed a knightly salute to Roa.

“I know!”

Obviously, getting the Sword of Answer made him very happy.

Roa first arranged Sir Ecto, then looked at Kai.

“Kay, this magic gun in your hand that you can call it through, or you can call it – Brionak.”

“This gun can also automatically fly out to kill enemies with your will, and when you hold it in your hand, you can use this gun to penetrate no matter how far away the enemy is——— so I give you the Knights of Suzheng, the unit responsible for expeditionary expeditions to foreign enemies, and…”

While speaking, Roa took out a detailed map of Hyperia that Meili had made with clairvoyance.

“Before winter, I’m going to see Hyperia also included in British territory, okay?”

“No problem!”

Although he usually uses a sword, Kai, who is also very proficient in marksmanship, nodded, took the map, and directly agreed.

Roa gave them both things and arranged tasks for them, so he let them go down at this time.

For this magic sword and magic gun, Luo A has added some alchemy style on it, after all, the sword is okay, but that gun is really magical and bloodthirsty, if there is nothing to suppress, then it may bring a certain impact to Kai.

Roa only wanted the ability of this gun, and did not want this side effect, so he suppressed it with alchemy.

The magic sword, on the other hand, cuts out wounds and does not heal.

This Roa blessed an alchemy on top and bound him when Hector got the sword, so that this effect would not take effect on himself.

In this way, the sword of answer can tell the truth, and give a patrol similar to a catcher to Ektor, which is a perfect match:

And the magic spear that runs through can reach no matter how far away the enemy is, which is Roa’s best interpretation of the elite of the Suzheng Knights, which is specially used to fight foreign enemies.

In fact, in addition to these two weapons, Luo A’s hands also have many treasures of fairies in the lake:

Even his own alchemy was able to make some good things.

But he did not give it to the twelve kings and other knights.

After all, in comparison, Kai and Hector can be trusted by themselves, and the other knights, although Roa is confident that they will not betray themselves, but it is difficult to say how much they trust.

Their abilities are like that, even if they don’t betray some of them, they are not worth reusing.

On the contrary, Artoria, her weapon should have been changed a long time ago.

It’s just that this magic sword and magic gun are not suitable for her.

And although there is a sword suitable for her among the treasures of the fairy in the lake, the sword’s ability is not enough-Roa will transform that sword when he has time recently.

When he succeeds, he will give the sword to Artoria.

Even the name he made.

It’s called ——— Golden Sword!

Well, the name was not made by himself……… But this is no way, if it were not for the special meaning of the sword in the stone, Artoria would not have asked for it, Roa might have given her the sword in the stone.

Then since the sword in the stone can’t work……… Just give her a handful.

While thinking about it, Roa planned to go back and continue to complete the sword.

Morgan was not at Camelot at this time.

Morgan was in the Great Secret Realm of Lengogmenia, and Roa sent it in.

She has already begun to use the World Tree to breed newborn goblins, and this batch is first three, according to Morgan, called Merusin, Bagst, and Bawan Xi.

During this time, Morgan had to cultivate the goblins first, and after the goblins were cultivated, it was said that she would need something else to make a goblin knight, and she would have to study it again.

Her plan was to create at least one goblin knight before she went to war with Rome.

So Morgan will be on the other side of the World Tree all this time.

After returning to Camelot Castle, Roa simply added some progress to the Golden Sword of Victory, and then went to sleep with Artoria in his arms.

That’s all he has to do for the time being.

And when Morgan comes back…

Then Morgan is in Camelot, he is going to take some elite to Rome.

This is also something he has thought about for a long time.

After Morgan said that he had a connection with the saint of the battlefield, he had acquaintances on the Roman side, and Roa wanted to go over and see it even more.

First of all, Sand Strip Love Song and the Star Holy Sword in her hand, then the protection of the Pantheon, and then Attila has intelligence there, if not, wait until next year, when the simulation system is also updated, in that position you can take a good look at what is going on when the white giant appears again——— can only say that hope has nothing to do with preying on the stars.

However, Roa felt that this might be too much for him, after all, the general cycle of predation stars is 14,000 years, and at this time, it feels that no matter how much I say it, it should not be………

Final words……… Roa himself didn’t know why, he kind of wanted to see that Sword Emperor Lucius.

After learning that he was Romulus, Roa had this idea.

It just so happened that this time I brought Vivian over, with Vivian’s spiritual sense and prophetic ability, it was not difficult for her to find an opportunity, and it could also let her see the appearance of the Sword Emperor Lucius in the prophecy, so that she could help recognize it.

Then you can meet this Sword Emperor.

Roa, on his side, thought that when Morgan returned in a few days, he would go to Rome to see it.

On the Roman side, when the assassins returned to Rome and told the news that Britain had declared war on Rome, many people on the Roman side did not look very good.

First, they simply looked down on Britain, and second, now Rome was resisting the invasion of the Hun king, and it would be very stressful if the two fronts went to war.

Lucius laughed when he heard the news.

Her focus is not in one place with everyone else.

“You said that the man who was given the name Romulus by the Pantheon has now become King Arthur of Britain, and Britain has become his word, hahaha, this is really interesting~”

It was clear that he was talking about the guy who almost threatened his throne in the first place, but from Lucius’s face, he could not see a little malice and hostility, but was mostly interested.

“Sure enough, this is Rome! Wherever he went, Rome was Rome! ”

Lucius nodded her head again and again as she said something that the people next to her couldn’t understand at all.

And seeing her like this, the first seat of the Senate turned black at this time.

He had known Lucius for years.

He was the one who exiled Roa’s family and sent people to intercept Roa.

It can be said that he grew up watching Lucius.

So he also knows what this red-haired monkey looks like before he wants to go crazy…

But before he could stand up and speak, Lucius spoke first.

“I’m going to Britain!”

“Your Majesty!”

Although he had felt that Lucius was going to be happy before, he didn’t expect Lucius’s heart to be so big!

That’s the Braitish that Romulus managed and just declared war on Rome, isn’t that the most dangerous place for you!

He had a whole bunch of things he wanted to say, but… Useless! He never convinced Lucius.

As for the reason… It’s not that Lucius is so eloquent and stubborn, but that this monkey has the most direct plan that only monkeys can use at this time.

That is……… She left a sentence, “After I went to Britain, she ran away!”

Roll out of the window, climb a tree, and it’s gone!

Seeing Lucius disappear in the blink of an eye, the first seat of the Senate could only sigh deeply.

“Eh, there’s no way… Your Majesty, this is not the first time……… Well, it’s lost, so before someone finds His Majesty the Sword Emperor, I’ll go to the auxiliary officer for the time being. ”

Lucius: This is not the first time.

When Lucius was gone, the Roman side asked him to take care of it… At first, he was quite happy, until once Lucius disappeared for three months, which belonged to the emperor, the messy work, plus the escaped Lucius himself created a lot of trouble under the false identity of a mercenary… These things all had to be dealt with by him, and he almost didn’t die directly in the position of acting emperor!

If he didn’t know very well that Lucius was a red-haired monkey, he would have suspected that this was Lucius’s assassination method that he thought of for fear of seizing power!

But now well, now there is that auxiliary officer.

After she became an auxiliary officer, she never made a mistake in dealing with any problems, and with her help to handle these tasks, she could save a lot of trouble.

It just so happened that this wave of assassins was also sent out by her, tell her about King Arthur being Romulus, she can think of cutting grass and roots, then she may also have other plans to deal with the situation that Romulus is still alive.

Let that monster-like sand bar love song deal with King Arthur, well, we will have a bright future in Rome!

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