On the other side, the battlefield of Son Goku.

At this time, he could not even maintain the state of the third order of the Super Saiyans, and the magic qi of the puppet Midris engulfed him, spreading from his legs to the position of the Huns.

“Descendants of the Super Saiyan God, your ancestors have caused me a lot of pain, and now I give you back these pains a thousand times over!” The puppet Midris constantly unleashes demonic qi in his right hand in an attempt to erase Sun Wukong’s consciousness and make Sun Wukong his puppet.

“But… Damn…” A painful sound emanated from Sun Wukong’s mouth, making it difficult for him to even breathe, and the demonic qi spread to his neck, just one step away from completely devouring him.

“Are you going to lose?! 】

Is this really all I have??!! 】

Despair deeply hit Sun Wukong’s heart.

“Go to hell with peace of mind to accompany your ancestors, the descendants of the Super Saiyan gods, and soon, your companions will accompany you!” As he spoke, the puppet Midris smiled cruelly, and a majestic magic qi appeared in his right hand.

‘Ong~!!! ’

With the release of the majestic demonic qi, Sun Wukong’s head was also covered with demonic qi.

[I… That’s all…”The final resistance failed, and Sun Wukong roared unwillingly in his heart.

His body is undergoing the erosion of the Demon Qi, and once the Demon Qi attacks the heart, then he will no longer be Sun Wukong.

“Accept the baptism of the devil, you will be my most loyal subordinate.” The puppet Midris laughed cruelly.

At the same time, he also secretly said in his heart: “Super Saiyan God, when your son-in-law became my slave, I don’t know what kind of expression you had?” It must be very angry, it is really exciting. 】

‘Mm-!!! ’

Just as the puppet Midris was fantasizing, a flying kick from Vegeta struck.

‘Lbs~!!!!! ‘ a muffled sound.

The heavy flying kick hit the right side of the puppet Midris’s face, and the irresistible impact caused the demon god Midris to lose control of his body and fly out like a cannonball.

“Cut~!! What are you guys doing?! It’s not like I know you, Kakarot!!! Facing Sun Wukong, who was surrounded by magic qi, Vegeta snorted disdainfully.

His body leaned forward, a cloud of energy light appeared in his hands, and he was ready to forcibly remove the demonic cloak that covered Sun Wukong’s surroundings with strong means.

“I advise you not to do this, because if you do this, it will only hasten his death.” Just as Vegeta was about to strike, the puppet Midris stabilized and wiped the dust off his face, and the demonic sound came into Vegeta’s ears, causing Vegeta to stop.

Dissipating the energy in her hands, Vegeta turned around.

“What are you trying to say?!” Vegeta glared at the puppet Midris.

“Don’t be too anxious, Saiyan, although I know that your power is above me, you better listen to my proposal, my magic qi, if it is hit by a strong energy impact during the invasion, will explode in an instant, and the explosion will be powerful enough to kill the Saiyan a hundred times, make a choice, do you kill him with your own hands, or witness his death.” 」 The puppet Midris had a victorious look on his face and seemed to be enjoying Vegeta’s anger.

“Are you threatening me??!!” The corners of Vegeta’s mouth froze, revealing a disdainful smile.

“Isn’t it? Watching your companions die in front of you, won’t you be sad? The puppet Midris sneered coldly.

“Grief?? Why should I be sad? What does his death have to do with my Vegeta??!! Vegeta’s answer was unexpected by the puppet Midris, who did not expect Vegeta to be so cold.

On the surface, Vegeta is indifferent to Son Goku, but everyone who knows him knows that he is trying to find a way to rescue Son Goku.

At present, the only way to rescue Sun Wukong is to kill this puppet Midris before the magic qi completely erodes Sun Wukong.

“I didn’t expect you to be such a person, but it’s a pity that your companion is.” The puppet Midris shook his head, losing interest in Vegeta.

“Talk less nonsense ~!!! Let me kill you guy!!! Not ready to waste any more time, Vegeta flew out in a rage and rushed towards the puppet Midris.


Sun Wukong’s Sea of Consciousness.

At this moment, Sun Wukong was lost in the vast darkness, he could not see any light, and he did not even know where he was.

[I… Unwilling to clench his fists, Sun Wukong’s expression twisted.

If he could once again master the power of the Super Saiyan God, it would never be the case now.

A doppelganger forced him into a desperate situation, even… Kill him……

‘Weng~~!!! ’

Just when Sun Wukong hated his vulnerability, at the end of the darkness, a dazzling red light appeared.

The sudden red light in the darkness illuminated Sun Wukong’s body and pointed him in the right direction.

Seeing the light, Sun Wukong was shocked and surprised, and the next second without hesitation, he quickly ran towards the source of the light.

I don’t know how much time has passed, Sun Wukong finally came to the source of the light.

This fiery red light came from a huge ball of energy.

This is a ball of blood thicker than water, very close to the stable energy.

Like, it’s a part of him.

Sun Wukong stretched out his hand, and just touched this fiery red energy, the space changed, and the darkness around him was dispelled by the red light.

[This is… What’s going on?! Sun Wukong sensed that something was wrong, and in front of his eyes, this red energy began to slowly twist and form, and finally, it turned into a person’s appearance.

And this man looks exactly like him.

Raising his hand, the other party followed by raising his hand, a bizarre scene that made Sun Wukong feel even more incredible.


The real world.

Vegeta of the fourth rank of the Super Saiyan once again showed unparalleled combat power, suppressing the puppet Midris in the course of the battle.

Just suppressing?!

If he hadn’t expended too much energy in previous battles, he could definitely take down this puppet Midris in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, not only was his energy consumed so much that he could not kill this puppet doppelganger in one golem, but his fighting style was mastered by this golem doppelganger.

The stagnant battle annoyed Vegeta, and he knew that if he didn’t defeat this guy quickly, then Kakarot’s life would be in real danger.

“A minute has passed, your partner may have been swallowed up by the magic qi, and your efforts have finally turned into clouds, so take a good look at him, the magic qi has occupied every corner of his body.” The puppet Midris smiled coldly and motioned for Vegeta to turn around and look at Son Goku.

Vegeta frowned and looked sideways, and through the energy cloak of the magic qi, Kakarot’s condition was imprinted under her eyes.

The magic qi has entered the body!! One step later Kakarot will be dead!!

【Abominable!!! She let out a loud roar of anger in her heart, and at the same time Vegeta clenched her fists.

“Hahahahahahahahaha!!!hahaha That’s the expression!!! The more you do this, the more excited I get!!! The puppet Midris let out an incomparably demonic and piercing laugh: “Just witness with your own eyes how your companions became my puppets.” ”

The voice dropped.

As the puppet Midris said, it did not happen, and the change disturbed the rhythm.

An incomparably powerful and terrifying divine force erupted, surrounded by Sun Wukong as the center, touching the scorching breath of the divine power, and all the demonic qi was destroyed and burned to the ground.

This change shocked Vegeta, and she turned to the corners of her mouth, “Hum hum hum hum It seems that your plan may not succeed, and you, the puppet doppelganger, have underestimated us Saiyans from the beginning!!! ”

The strong fluctuations of divine power, and the familiar sense of oppression, led Vegeta to conclude that Sun Wukong had once again transformed into a Super Saiyan god.

When all the divine power stopped being released and was absorbed into the body, Sun Wukong’s figure was revealed in front of Vegeta and the puppet Midris.

【How is that possible??!! Super Saiyan God ??!! This kid… It actually broke through at a critical moment?!! The puppet Midris was horrified, and his consciousness and body remained connected.

In other words, now the demon god Midris knows everything that is happening here.

This familiar figure is exactly the same as the Super Saiyan God who defeated him ten thousand years ago and almost killed him!!

The same red hair, the same petite teenage posture.

Opening his eyes, Sun Wukong’s fiery red eyes stared at the puppet Midris, glanced at Vegeta again, and said faintly: “He will leave it to me to solve it, Vegeta.” ”

Hearing this, Vegeta showed a smile, stepped aside, crossed her hands, put them on her chest, and said indifferently: “Don’t fail again like just now, in the end you need me to save you, Kakarot.” ”

“Huh… Of course. The corners of Sun Wukong’s mouth froze, and a confident smile emerged.

The power of the Super Saiyan God once again filled him with self-confidence.

If Ye Yu was here now, he would definitely be able to see that Sun Wukong in the Super Saiyan God State had a combat power data of 1 Jing 8,000 megabytes!

This mighty power was 2,000 trillion higher than Vegeta’s Super Saiyan Fourth Order.

Vegeta went above the limit again in a short time, and he also exceeded the limit of the limit again.

‘Whoosh~!!!! ‘ a cracking sound.

Sun Wukong’s mind moved, and the speed of the attack that erupted made the puppet Midris too late to react, and his body was directly penetrated in an instant.

“You’re getting stronger again… Kakarot…” Eyes froze, Vegeta muttered solemnly.

“This… How could it be…” A huge hole appeared in the chest of the puppet Midris, which shocked him and his thinking came to a standstill.

How exactly did Sun Wukong launch the attack, he didn’t see it, only saw a burst of red light passing by, and his Hun chamber was actually penetrated?

The body is penetrated, the magic qi begins to leak out, and the body’s ability to repair itself is constantly repairing.

But Sun Wukong would not give him a chance, his hands were folded, placed at his waist, the energy condensed into substance, and the prototype of the Guipai Qigong wave appeared in the palm of his hand.

“Turtle-pie-qi-gong-bo-!!!!!!” With a loud roar, a mighty energy burst out from Sun Wukong’s hand, and the Turtle Sect Qigong wave with a diameter of nearly ten meters gushed out, transforming into a roaring blue dragon, carrying an unparalleled destructive force to devour the body of the demon god Midris.

The energy of the Guipai Qigong Wave shook everywhere it passed, until it rushed out of the Demon Realm Demon King Star and rushed towards the universe.

The puppet Midris, just in an instant, was destroyed by him and solved.

“It’s over! Now, it’s just Goku. With that, Sun Wukong turned around and locked on to the puppet Midris, who had suppressed Goku.

His hands once again condensed energy, the prototype of the turtle sect qigong wave appeared, and with the sound of shouting, the energy was released, roaring like a long dragon, reaching tens of thousands of meters away, devouring the last puppet Midris.

Such an outbreak, Sun Wukong can be regarded as calming the inner turmoil.

With a sigh of relief, the divine power in his body also dissipated in an instant, and his state returned to normalcy.

A sense of weakness and weakness surged into his body, and Sun Wukong almost couldn’t control his body from falling from the sky.

The reason why it broke out was because he still couldn’t fully control it…

“It seems that you have not fully mastered the transformation of the Super Saiyan God, or I am looking forward to it too much.” Vegeta looked at Sun Wukong coldly and said coldly.

It’s just that in such a short time, although it is a transformation, it is also achieved by chance.

“Yeah… But…… After this time, I should be able to transform into a Super Saiyan god at will… As long as you master the power of the gods more skillfully in the next time… I can transform as I please…” A bitter smile appeared on Sun Wukong’s face.

Now, he couldn’t even lift a finger, and he was already very reluctant to speak.

All the enemies on their side have been solved.

Next, it’s up to Ye Yu.


The screen turns and switches to the main battlefield.

Now the Demon God Midris had been tortured by Ye Yu to the point of madness, and the combat effectiveness of the Baijing level was still not enough to look at in the eyes of the Qianjing level strongman.

To deal with him, if Ye Yu was really serious, he only needed one finger now.

However, after such a long time, he penetrated the body of the Demon God Midris countless times, but in the end, due to the reason of the immortal body, he did not destroy this Demon God body.

The Demon Realm, under the battle between the two of them, was beaten so badly that it was unbearable, as if the next second, it would collapse in an instant.

“Impossible… The Demon God was defeated by mankind… This kind of groundbreaking thing… How could this happen!!! How could I fail again?!!! The demon god Midris was constantly roaring, and the anger made him almost crazy, and half of his body had collapsed and could not be repaired.

This scene is like the strong enemy that appears in the future in the original book, Zamas.

“Demon God, I’ve heard enough of your boring cry, so let me send you to hell.” High in the air, Ye Yu carried his hands on his back, like a god who judged everything in the world, and declared the Tao.

This sentence stimulated the demon god Midris, who looked up at Ye Yu high in the air like a madman, and his eyes were full of anger.

This distorted posture is also his ugly state.

Ye Yu looked down at the mad demon god and shook his head, ready to end him.

Considering the reason why the Demon Realm was about to collapse because of their battle, Ye Yu still gathered most of his strength.

The essence flashed in his eyes, randomly, and the red flames swept across the heavens and the earth like a roaring dragon, constantly covering all directions.

The terrifying qi suppressed the earth’s collapse and cracks.

The battle, over??

Truly! It’s been done to the end.

Originally, he had to fight, Ye Yu was already expecting him to exert stronger abilities, but as he continued to fight, the gap became more and more obvious, and the Demon God Midris became more and more vulnerable, and after being hurt by him several times, he began to counterattack in a brainless manner, which gave Ye Yu more opportunities.

Otherwise, Ye Yu under one-tenth of his strength didn’t think he could solve him so quickly.

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